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Shoshin Therapies - Made for Love

In Tantric philosophy, a person and the intimate relationships a person experiences are a mirror of the universe. In Tantra, the male is represented by the God Shiva and the female by the Goddess Shakti. It is from the union of male and female energy and values that the universe itself comes to be. In essence, you are made from and for love.

The Universal Mirror: Tantric Philosophy and Personal Relationships

The relationship of Shiva and Shakti is celebrated as being the universal divine couple and as the source of true consciousness and energy. Each of them plays a role in the formation of the universe, consciousness, and everything that is and ever will be.

Without the balance of masculine and feminine energy, the universe will not exist. There would be no universe, no energy, no life, no sentient beings, no oceans, no sunsets, no mountains, and no intimacy, pleasure, love, and joy for humans to experience.

Fortunately for us, we do have this balance and interwoven relationship between masculine and feminine energy here on Earth and throughout the universe. For us here on Earth in this physical existence, we can connect with others and transcend our relationships to many levels of intimacy, pleasure, love, and joy freely.

Intimacy, Pleasure, Love and Joy

In Tantra, the ecstasy and bliss two people share when they unite are likened to a divine or heavenly experience. That what two humans share is the same as what the divine Tantric couple – Shiva and Shakti – would experience. Intimate and personal relationships are used to break down barriers that make partners feel disconnected and propel them into a spiritual and conscious union with each other and the Universe.

Humans are blessed with a yearning for connection, intimacy, and touch, and the same satisfaction that comes through that big union with the Universe. Our intimate relationships with our partners are only points of interaction between the forces of different energy fields (or auras) with different intensities of masculine and feminine energy. We may hold many differing points of view of what it means when two people come together, but on an energetic level, at least, nothing has fundamentally changed in thousands of years.

Even in today's bustling technological world, people can still use the energy fields that are in each of us to build more profound relationships, where intimacy, pleasure, love, and joy transpire abundantly and spontaneously from within to be adored by you, your partner and everything in the universe.

Your Aura and Energy Field are Powered by Love

Your energy field and everything that supports it are designed to do one thing impeccably: to be instruments through which you can experience bliss and love and share it through conscious connection. This means your auric field is part of a grand dimensional love machine. This machine is constructed with components that manage, process, and power organs, your body, and instruments of energy that all function and interact on spiritual and soul levels.

The spiritual level is where your energy field houses three elixir fields and their supporting reservoirs of energy, energy vortexes, and meridians (or channels of energy). The soul level is where you will find chakras and auras (multiple extensions of energy that surround the energy field).

It is your energy field that provides you with all the energy you need to conquer each obstacle that stands in the way of you and bliss and love.

It's All Energy

Chi, Jing, Ki, Qi, Prana, and Virya are ancient spiritual words that get used depending on the path a person follows such as Taoism, Tantra, yoga, and so on. It is all fundamentally energy at the end of the day.

The entire universe and all of its dimensions are comprised of energy. Everything is literally energy and vibration. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of this energy and are not sensitive to its vibration, except during times of great stress or intimate, physical contact. And even then they may still not fully appreciate or truly understand it.

There are those occasions, however, when someone can't ignore the presence of energy and the universal qualities that emerge from them, regardless of what their beliefs may be.

You experience this energy whenever you have a flow of creativity and vitality, or you're excited by another person. You experience it whenever you share intimacy, joy, love, and pleasure with your partner.

You also experience universal energy whenever you have a deep and thoughtful sense of contentment, satisfaction, or wellbeing. And while there might be a finite supply of energy within you as an individual, the supply of energy within the Universe is infinite, which means you have immense reserves available to you.

Some of you may already connect with the amazing power of energy. If you have, then you know that this energy is so powerful that – when it's released during times of intimacy – it can project you into a state of bliss and delight where problems and worries that dictated your life and relationships dissolve and you can share in the intimacy, joy, love, and pleasure which is endlessly experienced by the living universe.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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