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Shoshin Therapies - Tantric Yoni Mapping Therapy for Women

Yoni mapping is a type of intimate vaginal therapy for women that creates a reference point to bring focus on areas in the genitals that are tender to the touch, withdrawn from sensation, painful, obstructed, tense, or frozen.

At its most basic level all of these are the signs of some type of stress, be it physical or emotional, that is suspended in the genital tissue.

By creating a positive sense of presence, emphasis, a caring touch, and consciousness to these affected areas, the distressed tissue is mended and restored, thus allowing for the re-connection and return of sensitivity, feelings of pleasure, and the flow of sexual energy.

Yoni is the ancient Sanskrit word for vagina, which means 'sacred space'. In all honesty, the vagina is indeed a very sacred space.

The Significance of the Yoni and its Connection to the Body

However, many people don't always treat these powerful yet delicate things with sufficient love and respect. Often some women will permit others to treat their yonis in a way that is far from considerate and honouring.

Though it may not seem like it at the time, it is during this process of dishonouring that a woman will store bad feelings, blockages, anxieties, dissatisfaction, repressed emotional issues, and sexual frustrations within her yoni.

Yoni mapping is a journey of rewiring the genital nerve network of the vagina so that a woman may once again fully connect with this most beautiful, cherished, and mysterious part of her body.

Anal Mapping & Release of Pelvic Tension

Human beings hold much of their chronic stress and tension within the pelvic region, predominantly in our internal sphincter muscles. It is unfortunate that given our society's attitudes towards homophobia, we are mentally detached from our anus and, as an adverse consequence, out of touch with our digestive and genital systems which are inherently linked.

Once these areas are fully appreciated and understood, one will soon learn there is much well-being to be salvaged by becoming in tune with the body and by incorporating these areas back into our awareness and mindfulness.

Given the direct access to the Parasympathetic Nervous System (that is, your lungs, blood pressure, heartbeat, adrenaline glands, etc) via our internal anal sphincter, a principal reference point can be activated. Complete relaxation and shedding of retained stress and tension can be felt almost instantaneously.

Anal mapping can be incorporated into a Yoni mapping session.

If you are nervous or unsure about touch in this area, please don't worry: All touch is to the external area only. There is no digital penetration of the anus. Your boundaries are respected and adhered to at all times.

Why Have a Yoni Mapping Session?

When a woman suffers a traumatic or negative experience, be it physical, mental, or emotional (and this includes every unsatisfactory sexual experience), her body stores this experience as a memory in the muscle tissue through a process that is known as 'body armouring'.

Body armouring causes the body's muscle tissues to harden, which in turn creates tension and blocks the flow of energy in the area that has received the trauma. Through the process of armouring itself, the body looks to reduce its vulnerability and susceptibility to receiving any future pain.

The downside of this process is that it also reduces the capacity to feel pleasure.

So if a woman's Yoni is prone to armouring it will function with a notably reduced level of sensitivity that will act as a blocker to her receiving the full sensations of sexual pleasure and the flow of her sexual energy.

All of this adds to a woman's inability to enjoy the full orgasmic release.

What Happens in a Yoni Mapping Session?

1. Before we begin we talk about your sexuality, your sex life, your connection with your yoni, your past experiences with orgasm and intimate touch, and what you would like to achieve with this type of healing.

2. The bodywork session starts with a gentle full-body massage to help you relax and become comfortable. This massage leads to the internal Yoni mapping session.

3. Throughout the Yoni bodywork process you are encouraged to continually communicate and express your emotions, feelings, concerns, questions, and feedback to me.

4. At all times your personal boundaries are completely respected.

How Will You Benefit From a Yoni Mapping Session?

1. You will learn about your amazing potential to experience different kinds of orgasms, not just clitoral.

2. The session will assist with healing body armouring and its associated tensions and blockages that are stored in your yoni.

3. You will have clarity on what is going on that is inhibiting your sexuality and restraining your ability to experience full sexual pleasure.

4. This will, in turn, bring you awareness of the different sensations in each area of your yoni that you may have never experienced before.

5. You will learn to let go of past issues and traumas related to your body image, sexuality, sexual fantasies, or any other form of sexual shaming.

6. You can take these techniques home to practice for yourself either alone or with a partner.

7. Lastly, the session will encourage you to look at your relationship with your yoni as a unique and personal one, and that your sexuality and feminine sexual energy is sacred.

Should you have any questions regarding a Yoni mapping session, please feel free to use the contact form on my website.

I am open to all contact and I am happy to answer all questions.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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