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Shoshin Therapies - Men Sexual Desire Fantasy

Have you ever wondered why we yearn for what seems unattainable, what we can't have? In the realm of human desire, men are drawn to the allure of the feminine, the beauty, and the essence of life, willingly surrendering their core for its promise and presence. Sex sells because the masculine longs to be seduced, losing themselves in the surrender to the feminine.

Unfulfilled Desires: Seeking More Than Momentary Satisfaction

Yet, in the peak of orgasm, the dynamics shift, and both partners often find themselves unsatisfied, unhappy, and yearning for something more. This temporary euphoria masks a deeper truth - sex should be more than just a momentary sensory release; it should be a transformative and empowering experience for both individuals.

This also means that if humanity is to ever evolve and become greater than what we are today, our approach to sex must also evolve.

The Impact of Fantasy: Understanding Escapism and Addiction

Men, in their endless pursuit of escape and fantasy, may find themselves addicted to pornography or willingly giving away their power to charming temptresses all too eager to fleece them of the gains. Unaware of their potential, they unconsciously yield their energy to the feminine, losing touch with their true strength, their life path, and their purpose.

Many men remain asleep, with a limited level of consciousness and dense vibration, oblivious to their innate power.

On the other hand, the feminine yearns to embrace her nature while also desiring to sublimate the masculine's energy and power. This intricate dance revolves around a primal urge to metaphorically "kill" the man, taking his power and eliminating weakness, while simultaneously relying on him as an eternal source of love, provision, and strength. It's a paradoxical craving for both dominance and empowerment.

To truly transform, we must confront ourselves with openness and honesty, understanding the driving forces behind our sexual desires and learning when and where to apply resistance and when to submit and embrace.

Balancing Power and Submission: The Dance of Masculine and Feminine

Sex is meant to be fun, pleasurable, and exciting, but how we approach resistance can change at different stages of our lives and it can also evolve over our lifetime. The key is for the masculine to learn to hold onto his power and sexual energy during orgasm, and for the feminine to grasp the art of not draining it, nurturing her partner's strength rather than diminishing it.

In this journey of self-discovery, it is entirely possible to move towards a harmonious union of both the masculine and feminine within each of us.

When acknowledging and embracing a balanced and empowered approach to desire and sex, doors will open to profound transformations in our relationships and personal growth.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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