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Shoshin Therapies - Tantric Healing

Tantric healing for women and men is an ancient alternative healing practice that is gradually becoming more widely accepted and understood as a legitimate healing modality as our modern culture slowly lifts the veil of fear and stigma previously attached to the human body and sexuality. Whilst Tantra and sacred sexuality in the Western world have been around for many decades, it is only in the last 20 years or so that it has begun to be more mainstream in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the USA.

Tantric healing offers a physical language and practice for tackling the challenges and issues surrounding a person's sexual energy and emotional or sexual trauma.

Understanding Eros and Sexual Energy

Eros is sexual love or the feelings of arousal. Eros is also our life force energy which pushes our primal desires and motivations to connect with other people physically. Eros shows itself in many different shapes and forms, from emotions, sight, and our imagination, and through the many and varied ways, we touch and sensually connect with others via erotic energy. It is this erotic energy that animates and energizes our body, our heart, our minds, our emotions, and all the matter swirling in between that is sensuality and sex.

When erotic energy is healthy it can flow freely as it expands and journeys from our energetic and physical bodies and back again. When there is trauma or blockages to the flow of sexual energy, then often symptoms of distress, numbness, low libido, and lower satisfaction with intimacy and sex will manifest and become real.

What Are Energy Blocks

Sexual healing, or more specifically, Tantric healing, strives to unearth and release the energetic blocks that are stopping a person from fully experiencing and expressing their sexual energy. These blocks can come from unpleasant and harmful incidents in life that bring about emotional and sexual trauma. Common examples are events such as assault, betrayal, infidelity, molestation, relationship breakdown, or rape.

Signs of Energy Blocks

We all know the experience of a muscle cramp when we get one. The tightening, cramping, and clenching feeling when the muscle goes stiff and pain sets in. It is mostly the same for energetic blocks as well. Energy blocks create a clenched, contracted, restricted energetic block or wall that limits the flow of sexual energy around the body. And when our energy is affected this way, it is only a matter of time until our physical body begins to feel things such as apathy, discomfort, guilt, lethargy, numbness, pain, shame, or a loss of desire and energy altogether. Worse, we can start to feel disconnected and adrift from our intimate partners.

What Does Tantric Healing Seek to Achieve?

A genuine Tantric healer or practitioner works with erotic energy and its sources and paths in the client's body. Much healing through Tantric techniques is through hands-on bodywork and exercises that seek to activate and stimulate energy flow and reconnect the revitalizing power of human sexual energy, which will then dissolve energetic blocks and restore the natural flow of erotic energy once more.

Tantric healing is incredibly beneficial because it can effectively tackle both the energetic and physical properties of the client receiving the healing session. Being somewhat of an esoteric science, Tantra (also called Neo-Tantra in Western countries) maintains awareness and appreciation of erotic energy and how it is applied in healing modalities to look to discover, release and clear the energetic blocks resulting from emotional wounding and sexual trauma. Only when these blocks dissolve away can we see a return to the free flow of energy, bringing with it a feeling of aliveness, fullness, and complete engagement with life and the universe.

Why We Need Tantric Healing

If a person's energy field is impacted by unreleased and unresolved trauma, then its capacity to provide life-sustaining and healing energy is greatly diminished. A psychological imprint or block is created because of the presence of the experienced emotional and sexual trauma. And these are not going to go away by simply ignoring them or by choosing not to acknowledge their existence. What will often happen is they will continue to grow and worsen and eventually leak out their negative energy and negative influences in other areas of life, resulting in misfortune, unpleasantness, sabotage, and undesirable outcomes.

Trauma exists as a snowballing effect, assuming more and more mass as it rolls around and around, building up its influence and power with each experience that is not healed, cleared, and released. Eventually, this will take its inevitable toll on the emotional and mental state, as well as the physical body, quashing positive energy, vibrancy, and the ability to function as a well and natural human being.

The human body is energetic, and if it is impacted by trauma it will be forced to carry a weighty load that will exert influence over daily interactions with other people. The body needs sufficient time to be given the space to recover, revive, relax and feel protected. Our mental state is impacted by trauma through its thrusting of our emotions, minds, and thoughts into a constant "on alert" state. So much so that everything going on in our lives and our world can easily become overwhelming. Our emotions and minds need time out to recharge and recuperate. Our etheric body, or ether-body, which is our spiritual connection to the Universe, can often be neglected or lost because we lose our conscious connection with it because of our emotional and mental states being congested with thoughts of anxiety, worry, and concern, with scarce little space and time available for meditation, stillness, reflection, or spiritual communion.

Tantric healing releases and clears energy blocks and restores the natural flow of energy and well-being within the body.

About Tantric Healing Sessions

Women, men, and couples are welcome to request sessions to focus on any long-standing issues that have not yet been healed and overcome and to ask for assistance with releasing and clearing stress or trauma blockages. Many clients also seek advice on how to best maintain their natural flow of sexual energy free from obstructions and restrictions. These types of clients are aided best with sessions that align, clear, and fine-tune their chakras and energy field.

Tantric healing sessions focus on treatments that look to break and release those energetic blocks that limit the full experience and expression of sexual energy. When these blocks are broken down, the client will return to themselves a vast amount of sexual energy flow, sexual confidence, healthy mind-body assimilation, and personal empowerment. It is when this state is reached – either for the first time or after an extended absence – that emotional regulation is improved; self-awareness is elevated, and mental perception is enhanced.

It is through specific methods of breathing, sensual touch, sound resonance, movement, and visualization that Tantra healing looks to engage both our life force, chakras, and erotic energy pathways at their highest potential. Tantric healing is intuitive never scripted, guided by feeling and sensing sexual energy as it builds, moves, pulses, and flows.

It is within a container of enlightened consent that a genuine Tantric healing session will facilitate a safe space of communication and trust between practitioner and client. Areas such as boundaries, limits, expectations, and other matters are addressed to free the body, mind, and emotions so that they may relax, soften, and drop into the moment fully. To best bring this state about, it is normal to apply a full-body sensual bodywork routine to enable physical, emotional, and energetic relaxation and opening. Energy blocks are attended to with gentle, safe, and conscious engagement.

Tantric Healing is Not Sex

A common question is: does a tantric healing session include having sex?

No. An authentic and genuine Tantric healing session does not require or suggest that sexual intercourse needs to occur between the practitioner and client to provide relief of symptoms or for healing benefits to be achieved. Ethical and honourable Tantric healers and practitioners provide a valuable service to people in a trusting healer/client relationship. They do not have sex with their clients.

That said, some situations do arise when there is a personal relationship between a couple who are trained and skilled in all facets of Tantra (and even Taoism) and Tantric healing that it is plausible for them to experience a more profound level of healing relief by embracing intercourse in their exercises in Tantric healing.

Women, men, and couples who attend Tantric healing sessions are not visiting to have sex with their practitioner, they are there to address sexual dysfunction and adverse symptoms from sexual trauma or to reconnect fully with their sexual energy. During a normal Tantric session, clients move through a range of breathing and movement exercises, with a combination of somatic practices and sensual included with the intention of it being an additional aid for promoting relaxation, de-armouring, and discovery of where energy blocks are impacting energy flow. This is all done with the intention of providing relief and restoring healthy body-mind integration.

The best results with Tantric healing come about when the environment is safe and trusting. These two things are paramount to providing an authentic service. Many people who are holding onto sexual trauma also carry with them emotional and mental baggage about their sexuality, and they are likely to have trust issues, low self-esteem, or even body image issues as well. It is often because of abuse, sexual assault, or even prolonged rough sex, many people are wary, sceptical, and frightened of reaching out for help with such intimate, personal, and vulnerable wounds.

Conscientious and trustworthy Tantric professionals uphold consent and communication and intentionally employ therapies and treatments that preserve the client's ability to safely engage with and continue their healing journey.

Tantric Healing Outcomes

Tantra and Tantric healing seek to help others reach:




Enlivened body




Physical consciousness

Safety and trust

Unrestricted acceptance

Respect and value

Restored spirit

By embracing the Tantric journey fully and openly, one can look to release and clear their energetic blocks so that the fullness of their sexual energy may flow freely, making them feel more alive, more aware, more present, more embodied, and in a much better place to enjoy sexual fulfilment with a greater capacity.

Tantra and any type of Tantric healing provided by a genuine professional is no threat to existing relationships. The opposite is far more accurate. On many occasions, a client's relationship/s experiences a notable shift in dynamics and witnesses a move into a more authentic, deeper, liberal, and joyous union. This is possible because the client feels more connected to themselves and more of their whole being and, as a beautiful consequence, they are now capable of giving and offering much more to their partner.

It is very real and very plausible for couples to see value in helping their treasured partner achieve the healing of emotional and energetic injuries and trauma – without any illicit and indecent attachment or enmeshment with their Tantric practitioner.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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