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Shoshin Therapies - Crystal Energy Therapy

Crystal energy therapy is a natural energy-based alternative healing. In essence, this means that crystal healing has its core foundations around the theory that we and everything else in the universe are all comprised of energy, and this energy pulses at a range of different frequencies. Should this energy ever become blocked, unbalanced or stagnant, then this will ultimately lead to things such as disease, illness, mental health issues, and a general sense of simply feeling heavy and not quite right.

The Benefits of Crystal Energy Therapy

The fundamental premise behind crystal energy therapy is that crystals are Nature's tool that can be used to balance, unblock, set free, and channel energy to areas within the body where it is most beneficial and most needed. This, in turn, will aid the body in healing and rejuvenating itself in a natural, therapeutic way.

Crystals come in a wide variety of types and compositions, with each having its own set of unique and special characteristics, energy, and properties.

As every type of crystal has energy stored within it, this energy can connect with the human body and affect our energy on an emotional, physical and spiritual level.

How Does Crystal Energy Therapy Work?

A crystal energy practitioner will work with a variety of different types of crystals and stones depending upon the type of energy session being provided and the type of ailment being treated. Crystals may be placed on or around the client, waved above the body and the chakras, or even directly placed against the skin.

The type of crystal therapy provided and the positioning of the crystals will all be relative to what the individual client is seeking support and treatment for. Treatment may seek to heal and overcome many different types of ailments ranging from anxiety, depression, and stress, to migraines, stomach upsets, sexual issues, or even emotional and spiritual rebalancing.

Healing through crystal energy therapy means bringing mind, body, and spirit back into harmony, and restoring the body's natural rhythm and equilibrium. Crystal energy therapy alone does not imply a cure and magical fix for any disease or illness.

What You Can Expect During a Crystal Energy Therapy Session

If the thought of crystals being able to influence your body's energy field or provide therapeutic benefits sounds wild and fanciful to you, I ask that you please keep an open and positive mind and be willing to explore this world of alternative energy modalities for yourself. Crystal energy offers a wonderful and beautiful form of natural and alternative healing therapy.

Crystal energy therapy sessions are always designed for each individual client and each session will always differ depending on the nature of the issues or concerns being treated. Before every session, there will always be a consultation and a discussion about what has drawn you to crystal therapy and what you would like to get out of the treatment.

Once it is clearly understood what approach will work best for you, the number and type of crystals can be selected and the session can commence.

A crystal energy therapy session will be carried out on the client as they relax and lay on a massage table. For the best type of treatment and outcome, it is recommended that the client be calm, close their eyes and breathe deeply.

During a crystal energy session, some clients may feel many different types of feelings and sensations. Some may feel warmness, tingles, or vibrations, whilst others may feel nothing at all. Please do not worry if you do feel something or nothing at all. There are no expected outcomes with crystal energy healing and there is no such thing as a normal or textbook reaction. No matter what you do or do not feel, your energies will have come into contact with the crystals and your energies will have been affected.

At the end of the healing session, the crystals will be removed and you will be gently guided and assisted with grounding yourself back into your body and back into reality. At this time some people may feel some slight differences in themselves, and others may feel subtle changes over the coming days. Again, every person is different so please be aware that healing for you will take as long as your body needs it to take effect.

What You Can Expect After a Crystal Energy Therapy Session

Over the coming days and weeks, you may experience what is known as an energetic detox, where the negative energy that was previously stored within your body and chakras is flowing out of you. When this negativity and negative energy is exiting your body, you may find certain emotional issues and difficult memories are brought to the surface as your body works to fully heal itself.

Anyone and everyone can experience the benefits of crystal energy healing therapy as long as they are open and welcoming to the healing energy and properties the crystals provide. Keeping an open mind, having no set agenda, no expectations, and no negative thoughts (which is a big barrier to many energy healing modalities), will open anyone to these beautiful healing tools.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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