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What to Expect - Tibetian Reiki Energy Healing

If you have never had the pleasure of experiencing a Tibetan Reiki energy therapy session before, this article will help you overcome any uncertainties you may have about the session and the treatment and what to expect from a therapy session.

Preparation Before Your Reiki Healing Session

The best start to any Reiki session is that you come with an open mind and an openness to all possibilities.

Your motivation to seek out Reiki therapy is usually because of a reason. Often it can be a physical ailment, a mental issue, a spiritual drive, or you just feel like an energetic cleanout and restart. Whatever the reason, a Reiki practitioner generally does not need to know or be told as we work with your higher consciousness or spirit to appraise what needs to leave your system for you to feel amazing and carry on walking your path to a happy, content, and purposeful life.

Drink plenty of water a day or two before your session. Water is an essential element for life. By being well hydrated you will help your energy not only move out blockages more freely but also circulate more freely as well. Try and avoid alcohol, caffeine, and sweet sugary drinks the day of your session.

When You Arrive for Your Reiki Healing Session

After a brief chat about what brought you here today, the practitioner will ask you to lie on your back on the massage table.

A Reiki practitioner will work with the highest intent and respect for your body, mind, and spirit at all times. We adhere to a strict code of conduct and confidentiality for you to feel safe and comfortable throughout your treatment.

For all Reiki healings, you will remain fully clothed. Keeping shoes on is optional and up to you.

During Your Session - What Will Reiki Energy Feel Like

Every client is different, and there is no such thing as normal. Your experience will be unique to you and you alone. Everyone will have different reasons for seeking out Reiki healing and thus will have different issues that will be addressed in different ways.

Some common things to expect are:

Skin feelings and body sensations. You may experience an array of feelings such as dizziness, elevation, warmth, relaxation, tenderness o,r even prickly body tingles like pins and needles.

Phantom hands are a Reiki sensation that may come and go during your energy session.

This is the feeling of the therapist's hands on or over one part of your body, like your head, when their hands are actually over a different place, like your legs. You may also feel as though multiple hands are working on your body at one time. This is a reported, but unexplained, phenomenon and is in no way harmful.

Flickering of the eyelids. This is caused by your brain reaching a REM state and releasing old files/memories or mental clutter that no longer serves you.

Tummy grumbles and rumbles. Your stomach may become quite vocal as it processes out the emotional baggage that has been swirling around. The rumbling sound is the breakdown of these issues and dispersing of energy from this centre. Just let them pass through and don't be embarrassed.

Throat gurgles, burps, coughs, or sneezes, and the need to clear your throat or even wipe some tears. Some of these are to do with unspoken thoughts and words that have been amassed in your neck or throat or do with old emotional baggage that is now releasing. Shifting this energy can help to clear up or at least bring attention to unsaid things and energy that has been stuck for long periods.

Visuals. Some people experience visuals, though this is not always the case. These visuals are usually colours, flickers of light, or memories and sometimes faces of loved ones or past connections as you sift through and release any unnecessary emotions or memories.

After Your Session - The Reiki Effect When You Get Home

Each person is different and what they experience after a Reiki treatment is unique to them. You may experience and feel a range of things, yet the next person may feel nothing at all.

Both outcomes are perfectly normal. Nothing is right or wrong with either of them.

The energy from a Reiki session can continue a few days after the treatment, especially if the client is actively using other tools such as meditation, yoga, and breathing techniques, or has a desire to completely clear out their energetic system.

We will have a conversation about what came up during the session, explain what was released and, how to move forward.

A better outcome will be realized if you can clear your schedule and pencil in room rest or downtime after your session. Heading straight back to work or a tense management board meeting should be avoided if you can. We have just cleaned out your emotional and energetic baggage, so we want to keep it clear for at least a little while.

If you can give yourself an hour or two to reflect on your session, take a walk in nature, or sit in the local park, this will significantly help the energetic healing process.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact your Reiki practitioner.

Healing Across Spaces - Distance Reiki Energy Healing is Available

While this process can be a little hard to get your head around, the Reiki energy in distance healing works in very much the same way - enabling the results to be just as effective as if they are there in person in the same room. The healer and client tune into each other, via photo, telephone, or live webcam chat.

Once the connection has been made, the client sits or lays down in a quiet, peaceful place for the duration of the session. The Reiki practitioner will locate energy blockages in you and remove these over the distance between.

After this process, we will have a conversation about what came up during the session, explain what was released, and how to best move forward.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this Website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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