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Shoshin Therapies - Difference Between Spirituality and Religion

I was recently put on the spot and asked by someone how I could be an intuitive and spiritual person but not be religious as well. It was an interesting question and it got me thinking.

So why do we often associate spirituality and religion together? It is a question that invites lengthy discussion and I am not entirely sure I am in the best place to adequately answer it in the space and time I have available in this blog post.

For me personally, I don't view true spirituality as having anything to do with set belief systems.

But why do we even associate purity and intuitive ability with spirituality and religion at all?

Are they even co-related? And if so, should they be? A person can be intuitive and aligned with the universe, and not spiritual or religious at all.

Some of the most spiritual people I have met weren't spiritual at all. They followed no dogmas, no scriptures, no mantras, no texts. They did no meditations or chanted affirmations or sang anything. They just lived honestly and sincerely in bliss and peace.

Can there be any deeper spiritual path than that?

Those with psychic abilities (or even a capacity to heal others energetically) do not correlate with the virtuousness of heart and spiritual development. They are just abilities. People have abilities. Abilities have nothing to do with spirituality. That said, there are occasions when one starts a journey down a spiritual pathway and there can be a sudden release of unknown psychic abilities.

So here are a few key points I have come up with that stand out most to me.

Some spiritual people may or may not be religious.

By that I mean someone could meditate each day, raise their vibration, and be committed to personal and spiritual development but never enter a church or temple or read a religious text or bible. Ever.

Religious people may or may not be spiritual.

A religious person is someone who prays regularly, like every day in some cases, they visit a church or temple, and they adhere to traditions and rituals with strict accuracy. A person like this may or may not be doing all these things to genuinely find a connection with God; traditions and family influence can be incredible motivators.

Perhaps they are inspired by things such as having their wishes granted, strengthening their identity of being one of God's special people on Earth, using rituals to deflect attention from their transgressions, and/or pretending that they invalidate their bad karma, etc.

Authentically spiritual people may or may not be on a spiritual pathway or even be aware of their journey.

This will often mean they come across as everyday, normal, ordinary people who go about their daily business and who don't believe in psychic abilities, paranormal activities, angels, spirit guides, or religious matters. While they may do no conscious spiritual or religious acts, and they may even identify as being atheist or agnostic, they remain detached, relaxed, and compassionate for their world and other people.

In my mind, it is that last bit that is true spirituality. It is not set in stone and it is not fenced in with an absolute definition. You will know it when you find it.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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