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Shoshin Therapies - Tantric Embodiment

Tantra is a profound spiritual path often shrouded in mystery and is one that often finds itself perceived and described in various ways. In this exploration, we'll embark on a modern Western perspective of Tantra and Tantric embodiment, drawing inspiration from both White Tibetan Buddhist Tantra and Shiavism. Let's unravel the intricacies of Tantric practices, becoming conscious creators in the midst of our own illusion/reality/matrix.

Beware, for outsiders might misunderstand our quest for godliness, but within lies a revelation - our journey towards realizing the divine aspect of spirituality that resides within each of us, as Jesus once taught.

Awakening the Divine Within: The Power of Tantric Embodiment

Tantra, to me, is a powerful conduit to develop spiritual, emotional, mental, energetic, and physical powers that enrich our reality through free will. It's a journey beyond suffering, transcending the attachments to pleasure and embracing a non-dual awareness.

In this unique spiritual marriage between the mature masculine and mature feminine, we embrace the harmony of contradictions, escaping the outdated notion of inherent good and evil. After all, as Carl Jung cleverly put it, "Evil was a lot less evil before the church re-branded it."

Dancing Between Dual and Non-Dual Awareness

Unlike traditional and monastic spiritual paths, Tantra doesn't seek an escape from reality but rather encourages us to dance between dual and non-dual awareness. It's a beautiful paradox - we experience life connected to everything yet live as separate beings, conscious beings confined by the limitations of our earthly vessels.

Through this journey, we uncover the audacity to not only create a positive experience for ourselves but also for others. In essence, it's like playing God, aligning our free will with love to manifest God's will.

Weaving Threads of Our Multi-Dimensional Self

To better understand the essence of Tantra, picture in your mind a masterful weaving of our multi-dimensional selves.

As we delve into the symbolism of deities with multiple hands - simultaneously existing in different times, dimensions, and places - we unveil the core of Tantric practice. It's about harnessing Siddhis, developing the powers within us to create a positive impact on life, and navigating through the light, dark, masculine, feminine, and all aspects of ourselves, including the healthy, unhealthy, and shadow sides.

Tantra and Sacred Ceremonies and the Power of Sensuality

Central to Tantra is the sacredness of ceremony, imbuing everything with divine recognition through focused intention and attention. In this sacred path, sexuality and sensuality practices hold profound significance, for the more we honour and sanctify sex, the greater its transformative power becomes.

Western Tantra: Embodying Energies and Raising Vibrations

In the realm of Western Tantra, we embody energies as we unravel the secrets of Kundalini Bodywork. Our chakras, the information centres of our energy, facilitate the flow of higher vibrations when our bodies are free from trauma. Consequently, we attract and manifest experiences that align with our higher selves.

Embracing the Cycle of Chaos and Order: The Cycle of Suffering and Pleasure

As we journey within, we might encounter times when we feel stuck or long for our shadow. This longing is the desire for renewal, a need to destroy and create chaos to pave the way for new life.

In Tantra, we discover that destruction isn't inherently wrong, offering us options beyond self-destructive tendencies. Instead, we learn to embrace the cycle of suffering and pleasure, allowing us to enhance and evolve this sacred dance of existence.

A Cautionary Note

While Tantric embodiment is a transformative path, it demands preparation and healing. Engaging in Tantric practices without addressing trauma can lead to unexpected experiences that some might even describe as "Satanic."

Therefore, it's crucial to embark on this journey with an advanced Kundalini Bodywork practice and a body free from the shackles of trauma, fear, guilt, shame, and selfishness.

Are you ready to embrace the dance of sacred energies and discover the profound essence of Tantric Embodiment? Do consider stepping into the realm of limitless possibilities and embark on this life-changing adventure with Kundalini Bodywork.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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