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Shoshin Therapies - What is Tantra

Many people don't really know what the ancient tradition of Tantra is. If your first assumption is Tantra is all about sacred sex rituals and orgasms, then this would be wrong as it is not an accurate representation of all there is. It is along the same incorrect lines as stating that Christianity is all about Christmas and not much more. This article will help explain the practice of Tantra, what Tantra is, and what it is not.

Embracing Life: The Essence of Tantra

In essence, Tantra is a celebration of life, a festival of relishing the here and now of living, no matter what the event, what is transpiring, or for what reason. It is an adoration of living, of life, of nature, and existence as a whole. No quality of the experience of life is overlooked or turned away: anger, crying, desire, depression, doubt, excitement, fear, light, love, lust, shadow, or trust.

Tantra promotes neither suppression nor promiscuity since each of them is the trajectory of the other. Tantra is about being conscious and accepting the universe as being what it is.

Tantra for Couples: The Sacred Connection

Tantra can be practiced by singles as well as couples. When observed as a part of a couple's relationship, Tantra is approached as a type of meditation of two parts: the divine union of feminine essence with masculine essence, driven by sexual energy. It is the encouragement to uncover the sacred dimension of sensual encounters and the process to compel the body, soul, and consciousness to vibrate in harmony with each other.

It should be stated clearly so that everyone understands clearly that none of this will ever be fully achieved in an hour, a single day, or even a week or two. Anyone promising otherwise is selling you false hope. This is a path on a journey that necessitates commitment and dedication.

Tantra is an exercise in experiencing the intensity of every moment in life as if it were the last moment of your life.

Debunking Myths: What Tantra is Not

Tantra is not a sex cult or a course in sexual exploitation. It is not a contraceptive method for men to withhold their ejaculation. It is not about wanton orgies and multiple orgasms. To view Tantra with impressions such as these is to draw a very loose definition of its mysteries.

At its core, Tantra is not a book of methods or procedures, but love; an invocation; the sedation of the heart to the point of producing a space where the masculine and the feminine unify with each other.

Authenticity and Fulfillment in Tantric Relationships

Within Tantra, there is youthful innocence and virtue. We, as adults, learn how to play with ourselves and the ones we love again without programs, schedules, or expectations. There is an absolute acknowledgment of the moment and what is happening, and this determines the opening of the soul. Encounters are genuine and true since each person can present themselves as they are.

Nothing needs to be proven, nothing needs defending, nothing needs explaining, and nothing needs protecting.

Essences and energies simply exist and connect in authentic loving relationships. Only the present moment matters, not age, time, or anything else external to the here and now.

From this platform, you are free to take the chance of being your true self in the present moment. And when you do so, your relationships are ingrained and are more fulfilling and rewarding.

Optional Teachings and Techniques in Tantra

Tantra is not a methodological curriculum or a technical scripture to be retained in memory and recited ad nauseum. True, it does apply some specific teachings and techniques that you may adopt and use at your will, some of which will even require much practice and intense perseverance. But all of this is optional.

You are free to go with what resonates with you the most and discard the rest.

Tantra is a Transcendent and Spiritual Experience

Tantra is not a strict philosophy or an archaic dogmatic religion, and yet it doesn't dispute or restrict either of these. Tantra is fundamentally a divine and transcendent experience. It is religious only in the viewpoint that is it about connection and reconnection as it seeks to restore what is below with what is above.

That is humans to the earth, earth to the universe. In its deep and reflective nature, Tantra is a discipline, an art for unifying the energetic experiences of the body, mind, and soul. It reveals to us a spiritual path, which bestows upon us if observed and practiced, a significant experience of expansion of the consciousness that empowers ultimate liberation.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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