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What is Tantra? What is Tantric Sex?

Like most people when they hear the word "Tantra", the first thing they think of is Tantric sex. But what is Tantra really? And how does Tantric sex and intimacy come into play?

The Origins and Philosophy of Tantra

Tantra is an old philosophy that shares much with Chinese Taoism, even Tibetan Buddhism but has enough of its unique characteristics and ideologies to maintain its unique distinction and path.

Ancient Texts and Modern Understanding

To academics of religion and those who enjoy reading and research, Tantra has many principles based upon collections of ancient esoteric Buddhist and Hindu-oriented writings dating back some 1700 years. This is way back before the Romans even became the superpowers of the ancient world.

If you are keen, and thanks to the wonders of the Internet, anyone today can sift through hundreds of pages of ancient rituals and arcane philosophy in minute detail. Yes, you will indeed find some descriptions of using sexual acts as a way to connect with the divine energy of the universe.

Unveiling the Meaning of Tantra

The word "Tantra" comes from a Sanskrit (a classical language of India and South Asia) word meaning to weave or to extend. This means we can think of Tantra as both a philosophy and a spiritual path that uses rituals, meditation, and even yoga to allow its practitioners to experience themselves and the world around them as interwoven harmony and unity.

The Spiritual Path of Tantra

It explores the concept of couples interlacing the physical and spiritual of lovemaking. It follows a slow rhythm where the purpose is more about spiritual merging and going towards a pathway of enlightenment. Not just the physical act of reaching orgasm. Tantric sex research came from a collection of Sanskrit religious texts where sex was not the focus but a way to unleash spiritual and sexual energy, the deities that dwell within each of us.

The Basic Concept of Tantric Sex

Tantric sex is more about the spiritual connection, which can be reached through the physical connection. One of the easiest ways to create a connection between you and your partner is by doing breathing exercises while maintaining eye contact.

One can do this by facing their partner and breathing together with them. Inhale at the same time, and exhale at the same time, but keep your eyes on one of their eyes and avoid swapping between the two.

The cliché saying is true when they say the eyes are the windows to the soul. So it stands to reason that keeping eye contact while syncing breaths is the beginning of creating (or re-establishing) a deeper loving connection.

Breathing Exercises for Better Connection

Once you have the rhythm of the breathing exercise sorted out, you both then should move into the exchange of it. This is done by literally breathing each other in. Your partner would exhale, and then you would inhale, and vice versa. It is as if you are sharing energy and breathing as one. You can even practice it with your clothes on.

The Practice of Energy Exchange Between Partners

The big point of Tantra is to create a bond with your partner, inside and out. From their spirit to their body, their space, personality, and aura. Mindfulness and connecting are the main points, and once they establish that, the couple will be able to prolong the orgasmic sensations. Many couples that have experienced the techniques of Tantra would describe it as "dissolving" into each other.

Building a Deeper Connection With Your Partner

Much like the famous Karma Sutra, several different types of Tantric sex positions can be enjoyed and explored while you two discover each other in a more profound sense.

Exploring Tantric Sex Positions

Nonetheless, regardless of which position you go with, always keep in mind to make physical movements slow and breathe slowly. This is also done to explore the sensual ranges of the body and mind as well as to share the space and sexual energy of your partner with yourself.

Mindfulness and Prolonged Sensations

So yes, some of the Tantric practices can be sexual, but plenty of others are not. Connecting with masculine and feminine sexual energy can be a potent and pleasurable way to transcend dualism and experience the union of opposites.

Beyond the Sexual: The Full Spectrum of Tantra

One of the main reasons why Tantra has become mostly associated – at least in the modern West – with making love is because sex sells. It sells everything from books, videos, YouTube channels, self-help guides, and expensive weekend workshops.

It is what grabs the attention of people in the contemporary world, more than boring old ancient New Age spiritual philosophy and teachings.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this Website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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