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Shoshin Therapies - Self-Love - Loving

What is self-love? Self-love is how we view ourselves in terms of our own admiration and appreciation. This state of being sprouts from the actions we take that assist our mental, physical, and spiritual growth. Having good self-love means holding yourself in high regard and being conscious of your well-being and contentment with your life. Self-love means attending to your personal needs without sacrificing your health, goals, and well-being to please and placate others.

Self-love is about you not settling for anything less than you truly deserve.

This is but one definition of self-love. Self-love can mean so many different things to different people, with each of us coming to a uniquely personal meaning because we all have distinctive methods and ways we look after ourselves.

Understanding what self-love looks like for you as an individual is a key component of maintaining optimal mental health.

What Can Self-Love Mean to a Person?

There can be many meanings of self-love. To give you an idea, these might be:

When speaking about yourself, doing so with kindness and love

Setting your own priorities

Freeing yourself from self-judgment and criticism

Believing in yourself

Being authentic to who you are

Being nice to yourself

Creating healthy boundaries that are in tune with your morals and beliefs

Learning to forgive yourself when you are not being truthful or kind to yourself

People frequently turn up their noses at the notion of self-love, as if it were cliched or self-indulgent. But learning to love oneself is one of the most powerful and essential things you can do for yourself in life. Your heart is your source of power, and when you become the source of love in your own life, everything changes for you. When you learn to truly love yourself, your relationships, career, and health all blossom.

While we have all heard in the past how beneficial it is to love ourselves, be comfortable with who we are, and just be ourselves always, the most difficult part for many people is figuring out how to actually put it into practice.

Self-love is a skill that may be learned and practised over time. Like anything in life, the more you do it the better at it you will become. When you practice regular self-love, you are building a caring and healthy connection with yourself. When this happens, something wonderful happens – you become your own best friend.

This is How You Can Start Loving Yourself Today

Love Your Body and Keep It Moving

When learning to love ourselves, we must devote a significant amount of time and attention to our bodies. How we feel in our bodies has a direct impact on how we feel in ourselves. Loneliness, absence of touch, and a lack of affection are frequently caused by our detachment from our bodies. You want to maintain that beautiful body of yours while keeping it energised and full of life. Keep it moving and flowing with physical activity with fitness classes, yoga, Pilates, swimming, dancing, or any other type of cardio work.

Keep Your Body Healthy With Good Nutrition

Make sure to feed your body wholesome and nutritious foods. If you are completely new to the practice of self-love, begin by concentrating on nourishing yourself. Nourishing your body is the most fundamental type of self-love. From today, pay attention to what you put in your body - don't give it what it craves, give it what is going to be most beneficial. This means having a healthy breakfast and not sugary cereals or making time to cook meals at home and not resorting to fast food. A nourished body is one that is open to lots of self-love.

Write in an Appreciation Diary

When you write down the things you are grateful for each day, it helps to educate your brain to be more optimistic, resulting in an overall sensation of happiness. This is an important tool for practising self-love since it requires us to adopt an attitude of appreciation, love, and abundance. And, in addition to offering thanks for what occurred to you that day and the people in your life for whom you are grateful, include yourself in your thankfulness practice. Find at least one thing to praise yourself for every day, and your connection with yourself will transform into an immensely loving one.

Write a Letter of Thanks to Yourself

Go retro and old school and handwrite a paper letter to yourself. In this letter to yourself, write with the same affection and fondness you would write to a close friend. Write about the things in your life that make you happy right now, as well as the people in your life that offer you happiness, inspiration, and delight. Reflect on how you are feeling when you are writing. Give yourself a motivational talk if you feel you need one. And don't forget to write down your future ambitions and goals.

If you are dealing with something demanding in your life right now, see what counsel and encouragement you can give yourself, give praise to your accomplishments, and sign your letter off with love and thanks.

Now post the letter at your local post office and wait for it to arrive a few days later.

Date Yourself

Be open and comfortable with spending time in your own company out doing an activity. Taking yourself on a date is about spending quality time getting to know yourself better by doing something special, fun, and exciting. This doesn't mean streaming a movie and sitting on the couch eating popcorn. You should get yourself out of the house and into the world. Find something you have always been keen to experience and treat yourself to it.

This type of practice is very powerful for working with self-love. When you do something special for yourself, you are showering yourself with the attention, focus, love, and kindness that you would normally be gifting to others. Instead of sending your love outward, you are directing it inward to you.

State Who You Are - Show The World The Real You

It is incredibly positive to discover ways to express the real you to the world. When you can be who you truly are - instead of being what others want you to be – you are free in so many ways. Look for anything that you can do to show the world who you really are. Something creative such as art, music, painting, drawing, singing, reading, acting, writing, poetry, or design is best for this.

The best advice I had with regards to this was to think back to something you enjoyed doing as a child, usually around the age of seven or eight, that gave you delight and pleasure and before the opinions of others dampened it for you.

Rediscover that childhood activity and dive back into it today. Make time for it and bring it back into your adult life.

It is important that you set aside time to do things that let you truly project yourself from the heart.

Channel in Good Vibrations

We have considerably more power than we give ourselves credit for when it comes to creating the feelings and sensations we want to have from life, regardless of where we are or what is going on in our world. The challenge is figuring out how to access those feelings and sensations.

Think back to a time in your life when you felt full of happiness, delight, harmony, or contentment - whatever positive vibration you felt - and then find a photo of yourself from that time that takes you back to what it was you were feeling that day, and that just looking at the photo makes you feel those happy vibes all over again.

Place the photo somewhere you will see it every day: print it out and place it on the fridge or make it your phone's wallpaper. Put it anywhere you won't be able to not see it daily. If you ever find yourself down and feeling blue, look at this photo and allow yourself to be washed over with those happy vibes, good feelings, and fond memories.

Accepting yourself as you are in this moment and at this time for everything that you are is what self-love is all about. Self-love is about embracing your feelings as they are and prioritising your emotional, physical, and mental well-being above everything else.

Lastly, to practice the best type of self-love, start by treating yourself with the same compassion, gentleness, kindness, and patience that you would show to someone you appreciate and care about.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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