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Shoshin Therapies - Kundalini Bodywork Awakening

Deep within each of us lies a dormant power waiting for its birth and awakening - the enigmatic force known as Kundalini energy. With its feminine essence, this creative powerhouse has the potential to inspire art and melodies, ignite intellectual brilliance, and even shape awe-inspiring speeches. However, like a double-edged sword, Kundalini energy possesses both the capacity to create and destroy.

Understanding Kundalini Energy: What is Kundalini Energy

Yet, for the majority of individuals in the Western world, the concept of Kundalini energy is often conflated with the experience of a Kundalini awakening. A true awakening is an indescribable, spiritual phenomenon - a profound realization of unity with all things. Working with Kundalini energy may grant glimpses into this sense of oneness, but the experience remains within the boundaries of our individual selves.

While both Kundalini energy and its awakening are worthy of celebration and pursuit, it is crucial to discern between them. Let us delve deeper into the nature of Kundalini energy itself.

Working with Kundalini Energy: Balancing the Flow for Optimal Results

Kundalini energy serves as a conduit to clear our energetic channels, paving the way for the unrestricted flow of Chi, Prana, and the life force within each of us. This potent force can occasionally give rise to involuntary shaking, asanas, mudras, and even orgasms. However, using this energy without proper guidance and understanding can be perilous. It is imperative to seek the guidance of an experienced practitioner to prevent harm.

By regulating the amount of Prana, or energy, utilized during a session and employing techniques such as controlled breathing, we can mitigate the risk of damaging our nervous system, prematurely awakening Kundalini, or causing an accumulation of excessive Kundalini energy within the body.

Extended periods of violent shaking and emotional catharsis, devoid of proper support for integration, can be detrimental to our wellbeing. To mitigate such risks, a range of techniques is available that enable us to release energetic blocks while reducing involuntary movements.

Clients undergoing Kundalini energy work may experience intense shaking akin to an exorcism or a seizure. As long as the session is preceded by adequate preparation and education, and these moments are kept brief and handled with professionalism, the risks are minimal unless there are pre-existing health conditions or ailments.

Certain Kundalini schools or Tantric practitioners advocate and encourage these vigorous bodily movements, claiming their deep healing properties. Others, however, caution against them, emphasizing the necessity of years of yoga and meditation to prepare both the body and the nervous system.

According to this perspective, involuntary shaking or movement should be eschewed in favor of self-realization and enlightenment through disciplined practices.

Personally, I revel in the sensation of my body shaking and moving. It fills me with pleasure, expands my awareness, and elevates my vibrational state. As a practitioner and therapist, I have witnessed a myriad of bodily reactions during sessions. Through client feedback and continuous work with individuals, I have come to view controlled involuntary shaking as a transformative and beneficial experience.

Some clients have reported minor physical infections triggered by the release of toxins through the lymphatic system, yet they expressed gratitude for the opportunity to cleanse their bodies and witness profound shifts in their emotional wellbeing.

However, a few clients found themselves unexpectedly vulnerable after the session, lacking a support system and unwilling to seek immediate assistance. Consequently, I have adjusted my approach to prevent such occurrences. Additionally, some clients experience an excess of energy in their bodies following sessions, hindering sleep. In these cases, they request additional solo exercises to release the surplus energy.

For most people, though, the pursuit of enlightenment through a full Kundalini awakening, as advocated by certain schools and teachers, is impractical or unfeasible. Nevertheless, the healing and transformational benefits of working with Kundalini energy remain accessible and highly valuable.

Our uncertain world is certainly in dire need of the profound and transformative change that Kundalini energy can bring.

Potential Risks and Benefits: Navigating the Path of Kundalini Energy Awakening

When awakening and utilized correctly, Kundalini energy can:

Enhance the development of the nervous system, enabling the free flow of energy.

Dissipate negativity, allowing us to release old patterns and overcome addictions.

Alleviate physical and emotional pain, facilitating cellular-level reprogramming toward higher vibrations.

Manifest our intentions in tangible ways.

However, if mishandled, Kundalini energy can:

Inflict damage on the nervous system.

Amplify our shadow aspects. In the presence of negativity, poor diet, and addictions, an influx of Kundalini energy can unearth harmful thoughts and emotions during the cleansing process.

Precipitate a premature Kundalini awakening before the body has been purified and trauma has been released. Instead of a beautiful dream, this premature awakening can become a living nightmare. It is worth noting that many individuals hospitalized for mental illnesses have undergone or are experiencing some form of premature Kundalini or spiritual experience.

Manifest shadow or dark thoughts and intentions.

This is precisely why practices such as Kundalini Yoga incorporate specific diets and disciplines - to cleanse and prepare the body and mind for an awakening.

Kundalini energy is a distinctive force that becomes activated when the conditions are ripe within an individual, coupled with an abundance of Prana. It differs from the energy flowing through the crown of the head, the energy harnessed during Reiki practice or session, or Chi, Prana, and life force, even though these energies can serve as catalysts for its awakening.

Chi, Prana, and life force are essentially synonymous, albeit possessing subtle variations and frequencies that we can develop and utilize.

Kundalini energy, on the other hand, is pure, untamed, and primal. It can only be activated by another form of energy. Through our bodies and consciousness, it has the potential to bridge heaven and earth, an experience that defies explanation and can only be truly comprehended through personal encounters. With each awakening, the integration of this merger becomes more deeply ingrained within us.

What is Kundalini Awakening: Transcending Boundaries and Embracing Oneness

Ultimately, Kundalini energy is a catalyst for our evolution, even in its subtlest forms. The knowledge of how to harness this energy bestows upon us a profound gift.

Moving beyond Kundalini energy, let us explore the realm of Kundalini awakening.

Metaphorically, Kundalini energy resembles two snakes intertwined as they ascend the spine, known as the Sushumna.

When the snake Ida awakens, it bestows upon us heightened feminine extrasensory powers or Siddhis, such as clairvoyance, mediumship, and healing.

Conversely, the awakening of the snake Pingala grants us more masculine powers, almost like telekinesis.

The specific Siddhis or extrasensory powers associated with the masculine and feminine aspects may vary depending on different viewpoints. However, the core idea still remains constant: both working with Kundalini energy and experiencing a partial Kundalini awakening can propel our evolution in this realm.

In those rare instances, if both Ida and Pingala awaken simultaneously, our sense of individuality dissolves, and we merge with the divine oneness. We taste self-realization as Shakti unites with Shiva, only to separate once again. When we return to our dualistic reality, we must integrate these profound experiences into our daily lives, allowing our newfound enlightened perspective to guide our choices and actions.

It is exceptionally uncommon for both Ida and Pingala to awaken permanently. While this may sound lighthearted, I hold the personal belief that individuals with such perpetual awakening would possess extraordinary powers - imagine walking on water, levitation, flight, the ability to part oceans, heal the sick, and even manifest matter from light or light from darkness.

To be fully awakened in this manner would essentially transform a human being into a divine being. And that would be truly something indeed.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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