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Shonshin Therapies - Energy Healing - Reiki - Waterfall

The word energy invokes a few different definitions. From the physical energy of the human body, and how that may be influenced, to the energy crisis in the context of renewable resources and what we can do about it, this commonly used word can be a bit of a mystery, even in scientific circles. Physics textbooks define energy as being "the capacity to do work".

As such, this definition would suggest energy is defined by what it does, not what it actually is. From this perspective, at least if you are a physicist, energy is either conserved or converted into mass, otherwise known as form.

But I am not a scientist. I am not even a physicist. I am an energy healer. My personal view is energy is the composition of life. When I reached a point in my life where I learned to listen to and work with my own energy, I started to become more of a master of my own life. Let's just say I began to be more in control of where I was and where I was heading.

This is what I want for you. My goal is to get you started, to start you on your journey, and to help you discover the best pathways for this to come about. To help make this possible I am here to share simple, practical, and effective practices to enable you to become aware of your energy and your capabilities.

And you may be interested to know there have been many scientific studies completed on alternative therapies and energy healing such as crystal therapy and Reiki. These studies demonstrate what healers and practitioners over the centuries have always known: this stuff works.

The Definition of Energy: Scientific vs. Holistic Perspectives

Energy is the very essence of life itself. Absolutely everything is made up of energy. The very atoms that compose all life are made up of invisible energy. Whether you are sitting on a chair, on top of a tall skyscraper, or on a sandy beach at the seaside as you read this, you are sitting on energy.

Every person, including you and me, is a unique composition of energy. This energy takes on a form that appears dense and solid, like your bones, hair, teeth, and skin. It is also the building blocks of seemingly intangible qualities like your personality, your sense of humour, your fear of spiders, your ability to play the guitar, and your love of Italian food. It is the soil, rocks, fire, and water that make up the earth we live on.

Energy is the invisible atmosphere surrounding every planet and star in the universe. It is also every planet and every star itself. It is the internal force that causes flowers to bloom and sends the tides in and out each day. Energy is what happens when sperm connects with egg and a new human is formed, one cell division at a time.

So yes, energy does indeed have the capacity to do the work. And in fact, it is the only force that can.

You may have noticed I said energy "…takes on a form in what appears dense and solid." This is quite an important piece to ponder. Although the foundation of your house may feel quite hard and solid – it is after all holding up the walls and roof – the truth is nothing is actually solid.

Matter is moving particles, and the form they have taken can be denser, like a house or a bone, or something looser like a memory or a feeling. But all particles are in a state of movement.

Particles are made up of subatomic particles. It was not too long ago that we believed particles could never be split, but science has now shown they can indeed be split. All that happens is that they no longer hold the information for that substance. If you have a particle of copper and a particle of lead, those particles are the smallest pieces of those elements.

If you split both of these particles apart into subatomic particles, they will no longer resemble copper or lead. Those subatomic particles will look identical to each other. They are like anonymous substances that can take the form of anything and everything.

That is what I think of when I think of energy.

Energy Healing: How It Works and Why It Matters

Once again, this is a super simplified overview of energy. I am not a scientist, I have never studied physics at a level above high school, and I won't be earning a PhD or winning a Nobel Prize for quantum mechanics any time soon.

Healing energy is always flowing, and it is always flowing through you. Whilst many of us are yet to recognise and consciously connect with it, it is with us at all times and available to anyone receptive to it, who believes in its existence, and who expects it to transform one's life for the better.

Energy is a gift from the Universe. It is a gift that can be streamed to anyone who asks to receive it with an open and pure heart.

But I do have a point to make with sharing all of this. If you are working with energy, then know you are working with this anonymous substance that makes up all life. All of it! Everything that is you and everything that is outside of you. Everything is everything. I am sure you have heard statements before such as "We are all one" and "We are all connected."

This is what those statements mean to me. Of course, we are all connected because we are all made up of the same stuff. That stuff is energy.

My particular focus is on energy healing, not energy science. You can also call this energy therapy, energy relief, transformation, progress, or growth. Call it what you will. Whether it is my life or the lives of my clients, my focus is on what can be done to correct a problematic condition.

For the most part, I am not overly concerned with how this stuff works, just that it does indeed work.


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