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Shoshin Therapies - Crystal Energy Healing

Does working with crystals and crystal energy really work when it comes to improving health and making us feel better? Is there any evidence or science behind how crystals work with the human body? As an accredited and certified crystal healing practitioner, these are the types of questions I am asked regularly. Crystals certainly have great potential when it comes to enabling positive and constructive change in the body and mind as a type of alternative holistic treatment, but do they work?

In recent years, and notably since the outbreak of the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic in 2019, there has been an increase in interest and curiosity about alternative and holistic healing tools. Modalities such as Crystal Healing, Mindfulness, Reiki, Yoga, Hypnosis, Aromatherapy, Tantra, Massage, and Acupuncture, to name a few, have all benefited from a surge of public interest and uptake.

Crystal Healing is Nothing New - The Ancient Art of Crystal Healing

While it may be superficial to claim that using crystals and working with crystal energy is nothing but a modern fad or current trend, the knowledge, and understanding of this form of natural healing and therapy have been around for thousands of years, dating as far back to the ancient times of the Lumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, as well as early Asian and Indian cultures.

These civilizations from antiquity used crystals for many purposes from creating healing grids, magical elixirs, and ceremonies to bury the dead, promote optimal health, and use them as charms and talismans for spiritual protection and attainment of prosperity.

Only now in the modern age is our science finally catching up with what these ancient peoples have known for centuries.

How Crystals Are Formed and Their Unique Properties

Crystals are no different from any other type of solid matter in the universe. Like everything you can see and touch around you, crystals are made from atomic particles.

Crystals are minerals that are created deep within the Earth's surface and, subject to various environmental conditions, such as chemicals, pressure, and temperature, and an array of shapes and colours will influence the type of crystal that is created by the ways its atoms are squeezed and molded.

When crystals are formed into solid matter, they do so in numerous geometric shapes. Within these shapes are microscopic lattice-like formations where additional electrons are stored and structured into vibrational modes known as phonons. It is these unique electrons that empower crystals to transform from one type of energy into another and flow electromagnetic energies through them.

Time for a Quick Science Lesson - The Science of Crystal Energy Transfer

Scientific studies conducted in quantum physics have shown how the inherent phenomenon of energy transfer is probable and, because of this, we utilise the vibration of crystals in modern technology for a wide variety of purposes such as digital displays, computers, microphones, lasers, radios, watches, and even inside credit card microchips.

Often dubbed the "crystals bible", in The Book of Stones by Naisha Ahsian and Robert Simmons, it is stated that scientific experiments conducted by Russian medical scientist Alexander Gurvich in 1923 found that DNA had some astonishing interactions with minerals between living organisms.

Gurvich's investigations found that living molecules discharge photons of light at frequent intervals and compared them to a laser beam. In his findings, he stated, "Cells separated by a quartz screen mutually influenced each other's multiplication processes, which was not the case with a metal screen. He deduced that cells emit electromagnetic waves with which they communicate."

As such, it is supposed that the quartz screen can amplify the energy flow amongst the cells and into greater coherence, given that each of the cells in our body radiates electromagnetic energy.

Additional studies into the energy of crystal vibrations and their application in modern technology deduce that crystals harmonise disordered energetic vibrations, which are brought back into synchronisation using crystals as opposed to not having them, which is why they are used in radios to boost signals and convert electromagnetic vibrations into sound waves.

Swap out technology for the human body, and the same principle still applies in the context of crystal healing and bringing our energetic vibration and cells back into synchronisation. Put a crystal or a human being under a microscope and you will see we are much the same when it comes to moving particles of energy and having a unique vibrational frequency.

Human Beings are Energy and Vibration - Crystals and the Human Energy Field

Quantum mechanics and contemporary physics recognise humans as being living organisms comprised of energy and are infinitely more than simply physical bodies. Human beings are pulsing fields of energy, all at different vibrational frequencies.

For the first time in our history, we have technology capable of measuring these vibrations using machines such as a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device, or SQUID. A SQUID can produce data and information on the subtle changes in the electromagnetic energy field surrounding the human body, otherwise known as our aura or auric field.

With regards to Reiki healing, experiments have been carried out using magneto-encephalograms and magneto-cardiograms to produce precise readings of energetic frequencies radiating from the hands of a Reiki practitioner that reveal a considerably wider bio-magnetic reading than non-practitioners.

Understanding Your Aura and Vibrational Frequencies

When the energy of the human body – our aura – interacts with the energy of a crystal, it blends with your current energetic vibration and generates a third energy field, supplementary to also synchronising disorderly energies in the adjacent fields.

From this point, dormant and stagnant energy is transmuted by the energy of the crystal, which acts to balance the vibrations in your biofield and re-establish harmony and balance in the body in tune with its natural rhythm.

Common examples of energetic stagnation or dormancy on a vibrational level are ailments such as anxiety, depression, tension, insomnia, trauma, hostility, irritability, and anything else that has a person feeling "off."

Personalized Crystal Healing - Finding What Works for You

With so many people pursuing information and answers as to who they are, their true purpose in life, and what is the big meaning of it all, many will naturally when their way to alternative ways of thinking and healing themselves.

No matter if you are an avid believer of crystals, crystal energy, and their metaphysical benefits, or if you deem it a pile of hippie nonsense, I encourage you to do your research and try crystal healing for yourself.

Approach it with an open mind, experiment with it, and then draw your own conclusions.

Even at a cursory level, crystals are brilliant when used as tools for helping you relax, calm the mind, and for focusing on your goals and intentions. As each of us has our own energetic signature and we are each vibrating at our unique frequencies, you may discover you are more sensitive and conscious of certain crystals over others.

This means that just because one crystal is said to have certain influences and results, doesn't necessarily mean it has to for you. Your experience and your takeaway will be unique to you. Always go with what resonates with you the most and not what someone else or a book says.

You may have to dedicate a little time before any type of results become evident or noticeable, either physically, emotionally, or spiritually. I do implore you, though, to maintain perseverance and not get discouraged if you do not get immediate results. Try a variety of crystals and a range of applications to find what works best for you.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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