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Shoshin Therapies - Universal Love

The search for and and meaning is often a spiritual path people choose because they are seeking answers, they are looking for truth. We live in a world where people are more divided from one another than ever before for reasons linked to changing social dynamics, technological innovations (social media, dating apps, online porn, and so on), and even due in part to lockdowns and social distancing for the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreaks in 2020 and 2021. Add to this age-old religious and spiritual beliefs, and we have two more sources of potential division.

But is it only a misconception the various faiths around the world are made up of opposing beliefs?

The Role of Religion in Creating Division

Certain religious dogmas and spiritual principles are diametrically opposed to each other, the most heinous of which being "my views are correct and yours are different they are wrong" and "You must match my beliefs to go to heaven and exist eternal life, otherwise you are condemned to burn in damnation forever." But is this the truth so many people are seeking?

Change is taking place so rapidly as our world grows smaller and relationships between different nations and ideologies become more common and intermixed.

Let's consider religious ideas from a different perspective for a moment. It seems plausible that established faiths and spiritual belief systems appear to share the same substance, and we are all part of the Divine Source, the Universe, the Great Unknown, or whatever label you wish to place on it. And the central theme of Spirit is one of unconditional love for all humans, as well as all other forms of life.

The Common Thread of Spirituality

As a result, the real truth may be found in any cultural environment, among any people of the world, and at any time. Even if you disagree with all the principles of a spiritual belief system, wisdom still resides within it. Studying various belief systems and focusing on the similarities rather than the differences is very enlightening.

It is a blessing to know and learn from those who bring universal love and energy into their everyday lives. There are no barriers to learning about and interacting with other individuals who follow a spiritual path that differs from yours thanks to the Internet and social media. These links help us see there is no need to be distrustful or frightened of someone who holds a different belief system.

Embracing Universal Love

What can you learn from a Buddhist, a Hindu, or a Muslim? How may knowing about Hungarian or Mexican shamanism help you on your spiritual journey? What do Celts, Pagans, and Wiccans believe and what exactly do those names even mean? Why are there so many differences and denominations between the many Christian religions? These types of questions are many, and the answers are within reach.

When you eliminate the radical viewpoints, discard the misconceptions, and drill down to the core of all religions, you will discover this common feature: love and compassion for all people. A collective oneness of awareness and harmony would be in existence if everyone genuinely embraced and lived this truth and lived with love.

This is the real truth in spirituality.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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