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What is Unconditional Love and Spiritual Awakening

My take on unconditional love is that it is a common feeling that anyone can experience, but sustaining it is rare for most of us, and fewer still of those people use it wisely. However, this emotion has the power to transform the world around you into its best version, especially if you find yourself having a spiritual awakening at the same time.

I have previously written several articles about love, which I believe is a more refined, pure version of the unconditional love I am discussing here. The basic structure of love remains the same, but its expression, intensity, and availability vary. Higher beings seem to be more skilled at loving, which is likely the reason for working with it - to evolve.

What is Unconditional Love?

"A teacher of God is anyone who chooses to be one. His qualifications consist solely in this: somehow, somewhere, he has made a deliberate choice in which he did not see his interests as apart from someone else’s. Once he has done that, his road is established, and his direction is sure. A light has entered the darkness. It may be a single light, but that is enough. He has entered an agreement with God even if he does not yet believe in Him. He has become a bringer of salvation. He has become a teacher of God."

If you are on my website and are reading this article, chances are you have experienced love in some way at some time in your life, either feeling it within yourself or sensing it from someone or something else.

However, many people are unsure if they have truly felt love before, and that’s okay.

Sometimes, acknowledging that you don’t know something opens the door to new experiences.

The Science Behind Love: Beautiful Insights from Helen Fisher

"Our newest experiment, led by my colleague, Art Aron, involves putting people who report still being in love, even after many years of a relationship, into an fMRI scanner. We've tested five people so far, and indeed, we found that they’re telling the truth. The brain areas associated with intense romantic love still light up, even 25 years later."

Skepticism about love is understandable and very normal.

To clarify a little first, let’s start with definitions.

Understanding Love as Energy

Love is an emotion, and emotions are a form of energy. So, love is also energy.

When I talk about love, I am referring to an energy that I visualize as a white light and feel as a powerful force radiating from my heart. I have talked in other articles about the changes in perception that accompany spiritual awakening, but I want to point out that this isn’t just a wild idea; it is a tangible and observable phenomenon that has real-world effects.

If you haven’t experienced the world in this way, I understand - I didn’t either for the first 40-odd years of my life. I don't expect you to take my word for it straight away, but I have become very precise in my use of the word "love" since developing the ability to see it.

Still, many people are confused about what love truly is.

As far as I can tell, love is like an electrical current that connects things. It needs to flow equally in both directions. People can be good conductors of this energy, or they can be resistant, just like electrical grounding.

How to Trigger a Spiritual Awakening Through Love

The term "unconditional love" is somewhat misleading because love, by nature, is unconditional. I use the term to distinguish true love from what many people refer to as love, which often involves attachment, ownership, fear of loss, dominance, desire, and lust.

I believe love should be measurable. The only scientific work I have read about so far is the indirect measurement of love’s effects on the brain using fMRI, led by Helen Fisher. I check in developments in this area from time to time, but the evidence suggests that most humans have neurological patterns that filter out love from their sensory experience. Love experiences are reproducible and can be easily triggered by yoga, psychedelic substances, and even brain conditions like strokes and near-death experiences.

The Connection Between Love and Different Chakras

There are many ways to trigger a spiritual awakening, and intense emotions, including love, can do it. My own awakening was triggered by an experience of love on a spiritual level, or by an event that shocked it awake inside of me. In retrospect, I feel fortunate to have awakened through such a positive experience.

I don't believe I had experienced unconditional love before meeting a certain person. I am not sure if it was receiving their love or my feelings for them that triggered it. However, I know the intensity of that emotion was unlike anything I had ever felt before, and it changed me fundamentally and permanently.

Real-Life Examples of the Energy of Love

I still believe that all love is the same energy, but its expression depends on where it originates within the body. Many people feel love in their head/brain or pelvis, while others express it from different areas of the body, often after significant spiritual work and inner development.

For example:

Hands: I saw it radiate from a Reiki Master's hands during a healing session.

Feet: I have noticed a golden glow around the feet of accomplished yogis and dancers.

Stomach: I saw it emanating from the belly of someone I had just completed a complex task leaving them with an immense sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Head: I have often seen it around the heads of parents looking at their children, people looking at pets, and, predictably, in young couples of all orientations and genders.

The Power of Unconditional Love in Relationships

When I see love flowing through someone, it visibly "lights them up." Their aura brightens, they become more animated, engage with others, and generally seem happier overall. Often, their problems and stresses disappear instantly.

However, this effect is usually temporary, like winding up a mechanical robot toy and then watching it wind down. Most people experience only short-lived effects when you direct love toward them. But, unlike other high-energy experiences, such as a sugar hit, love doesn’t leave a withdrawal effect when it fades; the high simply wears off.

Some people have a constant flow of love within them, indicating they are connected to a divine source. These individuals are often described as having high energy and tend to attract others. You always know one of these people when you are in their company.

Why Love is the Ultimate Spiritual Tool

My conclusion is that any action we take with our bodies can and should be done with love. Seeing love was one of the greatest gifts I have ever received, it should be the first thing you ask for when you begin your spiritual journey. Working with love can greatly accelerate and smooth your spiritual awakening.

Debunking Common Myths About Love

Lastly, I want to address a common misconception about love that I once had. I thought love was light, airy, and high-minded.

But I had it backward. Love is powerful - truly powerful. It’s not just an illogical ideal; it’s like an immense electrical current. Strong love can connect you as forcefully as a lightning bolt strikes the ground. A deep feeling of love can be the most intense and disruptive force in your life when you connect with it.

How to Cultivate Unconditional Love in Your Life

When you experience true, unconditional love, you will do anything for the person you love, without hesitation, and feel wonderful doing it. You won’t stop loving them, even if the relationship ends. The feeling transcends ego and is hard to control. Your love will strip away everything unnecessary in your life and leave you exposed.

It remains a potent force that can completely dismantle your ego, forever.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this Website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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