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Shoshin Therapies - Energy Cords - Cord Cutting

Do you ever feel exhausted or drained after being around certain people? You may be connected by an energy cord. Energy cords are energetic connections between individuals that create a flow between their biological energy fields. These cords can be created subconsciously, and once you become aware of them, you can see or feel them and cut them. In this article, we'll explore the basics of energy cords and cord cutting, and how you can benefit from connecting to pure source energy instead of being attached to people.

The importance of cutting energy cords

Energy cords can be created subconsciously, and once you bring awareness to them, you can see or feel them and cut them. The bounce-back effect after cutting the cord can be profound, depending on the nature of the relationship between the individuals involved.

However, energy cords can be re-created subconsciously, so cord-cutting needs to be a regular thing until you train your subconscious mind to stop connecting to someone in that way.

The psychology behind energy cords and relationships

As humans, we grow attached to things and each other, and it all starts with the primal cord we made with our mothers. Even as toddlers, we want to explore the world around us, but we also need the security of our mothers' love and closeness.

Attachment theory, based on the work of John Bowlby, explains that the state of the relationship between mother and baby at this particular time in life seeps into all of the baby’s relationships as they grow older, even the romantic ones.

This is why we need to cut energy cords - our cords go beyond space and time, and the neediness we have towards others is what makes those cords tighter, bigger, and stronger.

Dependency created between people who are connected is often an unhealthy one. However, we need to connect to something; it’s the nature of humans! Instead of connecting to a person, we can connect to pure source energy. This way, we can pull down fresh, life force healing energy, and feel anchored by the connection to Source, rather than anchor into people.

How to cut energy cords

Cutting energy cords is simple - just set your intention to cut the cord and visualize your energy field, allowing it to show you the cords and imagine them melting away. However, some cords are more difficult to cut than others, and some can even create an unhealthy relationship dynamic between the individuals involved.

In her book, “Energy Strands,” the author Denise Linn discusses in detail ways to change the relationship dynamic both psychologically and energetically to achieve faster results. This book is an ideal learning resource for anyone starting out their research on energetic cord cutting.

Don't let energy cords drain your energy or create unhealthy relationships. Discover how to cut energy cords and connect to pure source energy in our beginner's guide. Start visualizing and cutting those cords today to experience a more fulfilling life.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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