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Shoshin Therapies - Tree Energy Healing

Tree energy and tree energy healing is a real alternative healing modality. The healing ability of trees is something any person can experience for themselves. Try sitting under a big tree and see if it is impossible to not feel good, or at least very relaxed. When people can spend quality time in the company of trees, it is possible to feel a blend of comforting emotions that promote a rich peace of mind, to the point you may feel as if your mind, soul, and entire life force have been recharged.

Trees and Tree Healing Energy

Tree energy healing is a natural alternative therapy that takes place when you are in an environment with trees, the older the tree, the better. Trees have healing properties because of their elevated vibrational frequencies. Tree vibrational frequencies are recognised to be slower, more patient, and deeper than those of most other living organisms.

It is the age and wisdom within a tree that allows us the ability to connect with it for energetic healing purposes. All energy is vibration, and this remains true even for trees. When the vibrating energy of a living tree blends with that of a person, the energy exchange helps us to feel grounded, safe, collected, and at peace with the world.

No matter who we are in life, there comes a time for each of us when we must face certain challenges and overcome obstacles, and not all of these will be simple, pleasant, or arrive at the moment of our choosing. When they do appear, we are likely to be under great amounts of anxiety, stress, and tension. We may even feel our whole life is falling apart.

In moments like these, simply taking yourself out in nature and sitting under a tree might provide you with access to tree energy healing power and bring your mind and body back into a state of calm and clear focus. This is such a simple approach to help your mind find calm.

How to Tune Into Tree Energy

The first thing you need to do is take yourself outside and into nature. Native bushland or forest wilderness is perfect for this exercise, but if you live in a big city and cannot access a natural area, then a public park or gardens that have trees is just as good.

Don't walk up to the first tree you come to. Take yourself on a stroll around, taking in all the trees in your surroundings. Listen to your intuition and move closer to the individual tree you feel drawn to and you feel is calling to you.

When you have found a tree, you would like to connect with, walk over to it. How you get close to the tree is up to you. Stand next to it, sit under it, rest your back against it, cuddle it, place your palms on it, these are just some of the options you are free to choose.

To connect with the tree's energy, you show now close your eyes. Breathe slowly and deeply.

Clear your mind of thought and push aside any internal brain chatter. If your thoughts are not of the tree and tree energy, then they don't have a place in your mind at this time.

When you feel your mind is calm and empty, listen for the sounds of nature around you. These sounds may not be loud and often are very subtle.

Images might start to appear in your mind, perhaps only snippets of things, but these could be the tree trying to communicate with you.

Benefits of Tree Energy Healing

Through tree energy healing you will be better able to free your mind from anything that does not serve your higher purpose. It is through intent, relaxation, and the opening of your heart that the tree will be able to connect wholly with you. A scattered mind, racing thoughts and a closed heart will come together and act as a block wall to a tree. Healing energy is intuitive, so it will instinctively know where it needs to go.

The healing power of trees is remarkable in and of itself since it may gently relieve you of whatever pain or suffering you have been experiencing. Trees may release you from your grief and discharge it into the healing light of nature.

While you are in the presence of the tree, think about anything that has been bothering you, or something negative that you have been holding onto, dig into yourself, and see if you can find its source. When this is in your mind, ask the tree to free you from these, and it will suck them out of your mind and into its roots, down into the earth below. Your energy will shift, and your emotions will soon clear.

Whatever it is you request of a tree, always make sure your intentions are genuine and pure of heart.

The Tree Might Want to Talk to You

Caution is recommended when tuning into the tree's advanced vibrational frequencies. These spiritual trees may very much like to speak with a human that shows interest in them, but if your mind is preoccupied with anything else aside from communication, the tree may decide not to connect with you. As a result, you must focus your whole attention on the tree and its healing qualities.

You must trust the tree and have faith in its ability to share its energy with you. If you do not believe in the tree's healing energy, then going through this entire process will be a pointless exercise.

The most essential thing for you to do when beginning a procedure like this is to maintain the conviction that you will get the anticipated results.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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