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Shoshin Therapies - Reiki Energy Vibration

The frequency at which our energy body resonates is referred to as vibration. Reiki is a holistic treatment that channels energy flow and works with the energy body. Your energetic vibration and Reiki go hand in hand. Because of this, it makes sense that if you are wanting to know how to raise your vibration, then a Reiki therapy session would be an ideal place to kickstart this process for you.

Even if we aren't conscious of it, we sense and respond to one another's vibrations all the time. It is the reason we are drawn to or repulsed by certain people.

Raising Your Energetic Vibration

But why should we worry about our vibration and getting it to a higher level?

Through our vibration, the higher and more positive it is, the more we are connected with our higher purpose, the more in touch we are with our spiritual selves, and the more we are living in our natural flow.

When this happens, we are most connected to who we truly are as well as others, spreading love and light on a global, if not universal, dimension.

Because light constantly follows darkness, this transformation can result in profound awakenings and deep healing.

Given we are all energetically interconnected with each other, our thoughts and actions may have a direct impact on others. This is especially true on an energetic level because energy moves so fast and is frequently invisible to the human eye. Well, it is invisible unless your Third Eye intuition is well-developed.

We experience or mimic wrath, hatred, fury, envy, and many other unpleasant emotions when our vibrations are lower or darker. While many of us may feel these types of emotions at various times in our life, experiencing them daily can have a variety of long-term negative impacts on our body, mind, and soul. When your vibrational frequency is low or dense, it is likely to constrict your energy and impede energy flow on several levels.

Effects of Low Energetic Vibration

Even if we are taking care of our bodies by eating well, getting enough sleep, and taking regular exercise, we may still feel weary or exhausted physically. Because the passage of oxygen and blood to the body is restricted, this type of restriction causes shallow breathing, stiffness, and even strained or tense muscles. When blood flow is restricted from moving around the body, we receive less nutrition, which then impacts our body functions such as hormones and digestion.

There is a similar impact in terms of energy. Our energy constricts as we resonate at a lower vibration.

Our chakras may get obscured, even slowed, and our aura may become washed out.

Our aura is an electromagnetic sphere of energy that wraps around our entire body and extends for at least a metre from our physical form. Our aura is often comprised of several colours and radiates the health of our bodily, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy.

And since we attract others who vibrate at the same frequency as ourselves - like attracts like - we are more likely to attract those people with a lower vibration.

Effects of High Energetic Vibration

Being at a higher vibration, on the other hand, nurtures both our physical and energetic bodies.

We experience and mimic joy, love, positivity, and serenity when our vibrations are higher. We, as human beings, may experience these feelings at various periods in our life. The importance here is on being able to live continuously in a higher state of vibration in a way that serves our highest good, and greatest purpose, and is sustainable over the long term.

Our bodies physically respond to higher vibrations by increasing blood flow to organs, muscles, and tissues. Oxygen is transported in our blood and to all our body's systems with greater ease, powering them more effectively.

Love is the big star of having a high vibration, and that is what we should ideally be working from. And since we emit love at higher frequencies, we attract love. This is what makes love the key to everything. When our vibration is high, when we are feeling positive and we are filled with love, then our aura is in good health, and we recognise that we are love ourselves and life is full of experience and delight.

How Reiki Raises Your Vibration

Reiki is an alternative medicine healing therapy that was established in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui as a type of spiritual practice. Reiki has subsequently grown into several ongoing lineages around the world. "Rei" is defined as the all-knowing divine Universe, while "Ki" is the energy that enlivens all living things and runs through everywhere there is life, including animals, plants, and human beings. I have been practising Tibetan Reiki since 2017.

Because Reiki is the channelling of universal life force energy, the individual receiving Reiki during a session receives a sort of refresh of the body's seven energy centres, also known as chakras. A Reiki practitioner works through each chakra, removing energetic garbage and focusing on any imbalances by allowing energy to flow naturally. Universal love and light in channelled into each chakra.

Universal love and light are remarkable things. When love and light enter one's being, they brighten the parts previously held captive in the darkness. These are typically things such as buried emotional anguish, unresolved regrets or sadness, archaic habits, and even energies that do not belong to the client but have established a home in their energetic body.

A beautiful facet of Reiki healing is that, while the Reiki practitioner facilitates the healing, the client is the actual healer themselves. Everyone possesses intrinsic wisdom, even if they are not actively aware of it or are not paying attention to it, and as a result, their body accepts as little or as much as is required throughout a session for whatever healing is necessary.

Because Reiki works with us in releasing what no longer serves us and what is not aligned with our highest good, as well as healing our chakras and energy fields that are invisible to us, we are better able to claim our power, align with our higher life purpose, and raise our energetic vibrations through it.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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