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Shoshin Therapies - Tibetan Reiki - Prayer Flags

Tibetan Reiki therapy works on an energetic level. We humans, as well as all living creatures, owe our existence, our life force, to energy. Even scientists and quantum physics experts can agree with spiritual healers that there exists a noticeable flow of energy through us at higher frequency which connects us to every other living thing. A Tibetan Reiki energy healing session works on the flow of this energy.

Understanding Energy Flow and Vibrations

There is the Universe and everything that exists within it that possesses energy. This energy flows and vibrates at different rates. In other words, the energy that is flowing through us and the Universe that we can't see and the physical matter that we can are simply two forms or shapes of the same thing.

The scientific term given to this theory is called Zero Point Field. Zero Point Field is a theory famously supported by Albert Einstein. The theory holds the notion that there are billions of microscopic vibrations in existence at any given time that exist in the space around and between all things.

So how does all of this relate to you here on planet Earth and the energetic space you occupy in your little corner of the world?

Your body is essentially an energy vibrator. Every cell inside you is pulsing and swirling with energy that is vibrating at such a slow rate that both you and it are visible as solid, touchable, physical matter. All around us are faster and lighter vibrations of different energy fields that encircle and penetrate us and blend with our energy field. This is what is known as our aura or biofield. Though often difficult to see with the naked human eye, these higher-frequency energy fields can be observed with special scientific equipment and processes such as Kirlian photography.

Positive vs. Negative Influences on Your Aura

The health and strength of your personal energy field can be influenced by things such as positive or negative mental emotions, feelings, thoughts, experiences, and interactions throughout your daily life.

When we are exposed to positive influences such as care, compassion, appreciation, and love, our physical body responds by releasing oxytocin, which is wonderful when helping with our digestion system, aiding pain and inflammation, and providing a boost to our heart health and mental health.

When you are nervous you sweat, when you are sad or unhappy you cry, and when you feel embarrassed you blush red in the face. These are all different types of body sensations and examples of how the body reacts to different types of stimuli.

So consequentially, if we are constantly holding negative thoughts, taking in negative influences, using negative words, or doing negative things towards other people, we have the very real potential to establish negative and harmful energy patterns in our aura and energy field.

Importance of Letting Your Emotions and Thoughts Flow

All things negative have the potential to do you harm. Even if you are always on the receiving end of the negative thoughts, words, or actions of other people you interact with either at home, at work, or out in public. Negative influences work to lower and weaken your energy field's vibration, which in turn slows down the flow of Ki moving through your body. And when the flow of Ki is decreased, we are suddenly more susceptible to disease and illness.

Benefits of a Healthy Ki Flow in Your Body and Mind

What is Ki? Ki is simply the energy that flows from you and is all around you. When your Ki is low, you are more likely to be unwell or stressed. When your Ki is high, you are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Every day for all of us isn't filled with solely negative thoughts or negative people. Most of us are connected and exposed to many positive elements such as talking with friends and loved ones, interacting with nature, being creative, exercising, relaxing, and meditating. All of these positive things work to fuel positive emotions, feelings, and thoughts. With these positive influences comes a better flow of Ki and a higher energetic frequency vibration within you, leading to a healthier and more balanced body, mind, and spirit.

Ki works to nurture the cells, organs, tissues, and shape of your physical body by aiding and sustaining them in their essential functions for life. On an emotional and mental level, a healthy and strong flow of Ki occurs from letting our emotions, feelings, and thoughts run through us and not oppressing them or trapping them inside. When we open ourselves up, are creative and inventive, allow tears to flow, and communicate our experiences and thoughts with others, we are fostering the movement of Ki through us.

On the flip side, when we stay silent out of fear of criticism or embarrassment, we stockpile and restrict Ki.

The amount of life force energy that flows through you at any one time fluctuates from moment to moment, but please take comfort in the knowledge there is an infinite supply that exists in the Universe as it is in all places and spaces all of the time.

How Tibetan Reiki Therapy Can Help Balance Your Energy

Receiving a Tibetan Reiki healing from a Reiki practitioner is one of the most humble yet simple and intense ways to promote a wholesome flow of Ki throughout your entire being.

When you open yourself up to receiving this healing spiritual energy during a Reiki session, you induce higher vibration energy to connect and move through you. Reiki energy has the power to enable the release and repulsion of any negative energies, emotions, thoughts, and feelings. It also unblocks, realigns, and heals the energy field in and around the body.

This flood of higher-frequency energy can ignite and speed your body's natural healing processes at a brisk rate. This is one of the main reasons why millions of people around the world are opening themselves to receiving Reiki energy healing more and more.

The energy awoken during a Tibetan Reiki session will be flowing through you, welcoming feelings of affection, relaxation, tranquillity, and wellbeing. Tibetan Reiki works because it takes you out of your normal reality and into a safe space created by your Reiki practitioner. You are guided to place everything else in your life aside and be present in the moment: your job, your physical body, your responsibilities, your worries, and your mind. All that remains is your energy or your consciousness.

It is here in this safe space where you become open to intuitive guidance and united with your spirit. This is when deep healing can begin for you.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how Tibetan Reiki energy healing works within your energy field.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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