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Shonshin Therapies - Chakras - Inner Energy

The energy that is sourced from the spiritual, mental, and etheric planes which we can use for healing penetrates the physical plane we inhabit through energy centres called chakras. The word chakra in the ancient language of Sanskrit means ‘wheel’ or ‘disc’.

The energy from the higher planes directly impacts our emotions and our physical health. Inside each of us are seven distinct chakras. They present themselves as wheel-like openings merged with long, thin funnels on the surface of our etheric body.

Our chakras act as terminals through which energy – prana – is transferred from the higher planes and into the physical body. An understanding of the chakras and how they function is vital for the practice of spirituality, spiritual growth, and energetic healing.

The Root Chakra – The First Chakra

The first of the seven chakras is the root chakra. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is blazing red when fully active. This chakra is a channel for sensitive energies entering the earth plane, and when it is functioning at full capacity a person will feel a profound attachment to the earth itself.

The Sacral Chakra – The Second Chakra

The second chakra is known as the sacral chakra. This chakra aligns with the sun and when activated will radiate all of the colours of heat: yellow, orange, red, blue, and violet. It is linked with the genitals and influences both sexual and creative energy.

The Solar Plexus – The Third Chakra

The third chakra is known as the solar plexus and it is located in the navel, or belly button, area of the body. Its worth lies in the fact that through this chakra we feel connected to both the physical and etheric worlds. The solar plexus is the passage through which our emotional energy flows. For all of us, it is where our personality resides. It is symbolised by two colours: green and red.

The Heart Chakra – The Fourth Chakra

The fourth chakra is the heart chakra and resides over our hearts in a shimmering golden colour. It is our source of light and love, not only human love but also the love of the divine, Eros, or erotic love. The heart chakra plays a pivotal role in practically all energy healing modalities. In fact, for complete spiritual growth, we must learn to think from the heart and project our consciousness from within it.

The Throat Chakra – The Fifth Chakra

The fifth chakra is known as the throat chakra. The centre of the throat chakra is found within the neck region on the body, just below where the Adam’s apple sits. It appears in a silvery blue colour. The throat chakra is the centre of our expression and our voice and our message. It allows us to communicate creatively with the world and to broadcast the intent of the soul.

The Third Eye Chakra – The Sixth Chakra

The third eye chakra, which is sometimes also called the brow chakra, is located directly between and slightly above the eyebrows. This chakra emits a deep blue colour, with more spiritual people often having theirs showing as almost a cross between deep blue and violet. The third eye is related to seeing, not just in the physical sense but also in the mystical sense such as intuitive seeing, clairvoyance, and other psychic forms of knowing.

The Crown Chakra – The Seventh Chakra

The seventh chakra is known as the crown chakra. It is located at the top of the head. When fully activated this chakra is the most vibrant of all the chakras. Its colour can be a radiant violet, sometimes even with a blend of the purest white. It is the final chakra to be awakened and therefore relates to the highest level of spiritual realisation.

Like all of the other chakras, it is a channel for energies from a higher plane. What is unique with the crown chakra, however, is that it can reverse


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