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Shoshin Therapies - Reiki Principle Do Not Worry

When we are worried, we lose sight of the fact that everything happens in line with divine purpose. When we worry, we are living in the past rather than the present moment. The words "just for today" from the Reiki principle "just for today do not worry" imply just that. Reiki doesn't expect us to meet fanciful objectives like "I will never worry again, ever." That would be impossible. What we do promise ourselves is to live in the present moment and enjoy the richness of "only today" without anxiety or stress.

The meaning behind "just for today do not worry"

The Reiki principle, "Just for today do not worry," reads easy enough, but we frequently fail to embody this powerful sentence. Is it even feasible to live a worry-free existence in today's complicated and endless whirling world?

Using Reiki regularly may undoubtedly assist each of us in reaching this objective. Our view on how to deal with life's difficulties can also change. Instead of approaching a difficult situation with anxious thoughts or a wary approach, we might tackle it with a more relaxed demeanour. Let us examine a commonplace event from the perspective of a Reiki practitioner.

A common situation from the perspective of a Reiki practitioner

Your spouse works for a company where revenues are down and redundancies appear to be on the horizon. Your partner is terrified, wondering how the two of you can pay the mortgage, the car loans, and all the other financial obligations if they are unexpectedly let go. Because your earnings as a Reiki practitioner change from month to month, you may or may not be able to meet your side of financial obligations regularly. You are faced with a choice: you can either load yourself with anxiety or you may relax and allow positive healing energy to flow through the relationship.

If you genuinely think that everything in life happens for a reason or a lesson that needs to be learned, you will face the issue calmly and peacefully. You remember that every gloomy storm cloud has an opportunity within it, and you carry that belief into your house. Instead of focusing on prospective losses, you begin to draw focus to fresh opportunities. Perhaps a redundancy will let your partner leave a job they have never enjoyed. Perhaps now is the moment to pursue a dream job, go back and complete further study, or finally attend a passion project that has been overlooked for far too long.

How anxiety can negatively impact our lives

The key point to remember is that anxiety is negative energy derived from fear. Anxiety and worry are the polar opposite of tranquillity and calm, which are good positive energies derived from love. Fearful thoughts attract fearful conditions, but peaceful ideas draw peaceful solutions.

If you feel yourself worrying, gently reassure yourself that you can put it aside for the day. By taking small actions such as this, we create opportunities for ourselves to feel peace, joy, and freedom. As you practice more, you will experience more positive emotions.

Changing our mindset to positive energy

Naturally, we are all human, and this is easier said than done. The first step in living a more peaceful life is to become conscious of any worrying thoughts. Then, just for now, concentrate on altering the thought when it comes in. Do not be concerned about getting things exactly right all the time at this stage of the learning process. Each present moment will be followed by the next, the next, and the next, giving you ample opportunities to practice.

Even that act of you starting this new thought process will send a ripple through the universe recognising a shift has been made inside of you.

Another useful method for soothing anxieties is to adopt the opposite approach and dive deep into the worry to discover what is truly making you uneasy. The approach is about working through the anxiousness rather than skipping around it. When contemplating probable unemployment, as mentioned earlier, ask yourself, "What is the worst that might happen?"

In this example, you and your partner decide that selling your home and moving into a smaller rental unit would be the worst-case scenario. Through more conversation, you discover that it's not that bad after all; it's very doable. You still have each other, you both are in excellent health, you still have your friends, plus your Reiki practice, and your partner has more time to start over. The degree of anxiousness surrounding you has now decreased. You are grateful for all that you have and for all that you have been blessed with in life.

It happens so often that we let ourselves live in worry but we never actively identify what it is that is bothering us.

If you have trouble changing your ideas and how you think, consider practising Reiki regularly. Connect the love energy with your cognitive powers by placing one hand on the side of your head and the other over your heart. Send healing energy to the issue that is causing you concern. Rather than requesting Reiki to fix a problem, ask Reiki to guide you to the greatest potential solution available.

Don't be shocked if the end result exceeds your expectations. The Universe always sees the big picture and will send you love energy and advice if you stay open and connected to it.

Remember: just for today do not worry.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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