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Shoshin Therapies - Tantra Kundalini Dearmouring Body

Dearmouring, a term often associated with Tantra and Kundalini bodywork, may initially sound intimidating and intense. A quick Google search or a glance at some YouTube videos might leave you with a sense of unease, especially when you come across massage techniques that appear forceful and invasive without proper context or explanation. With numerous interpretations and possibilities, it's essential to understand that dearmouring can be a profoundly subtle process - a gradual, gentle unraveling over time, releasing tightness, tension, and emotional holding.

"Imagine dancing with grace and freedom, unencumbered by the weight of an unseen armor. That is the essence of dearmouring." - Wilhelm Reich

The Theory of Armouring: Insights from Freud, Reich, Lowen, and Boyesen

To provide some background, there exists a well-established body of knowledge and theory surrounding the concept of armour, dating back to the teachings of Sigmund Freud, William Reich, Alexander Lowen, and Gerda Boyesen.

In its natural state, the body possesses inherent flexibility and fluidity - an energetic flow. However, as life's inevitable disruptions unfold, physical and emotional tensions and rigidity seep in, forming protective barriers against the world.

The Impact of Stress and Trauma on the Body: Unraveling the Layers of Armour

From the moment we are born, and sometimes even before in the womb, we accumulate stressful experiences that become stored within our bodies.

Let's acknowledge the truth: we all encounter stressful and traumatic events - it's an integral part of the human physical experience. What truly matters is the support we receive following such events and the opportunities we are given to process and release them. Sometimes, we can effortlessly move forward, experiencing minimal impact. Yet, other times, self-preservation instincts cause us to retreat and build barriers against a world that feels unsafe.

This is what we refer to as armour.

The earlier these stressful or traumatic events occur, the greater their impact. Similarly, repeatedly experiencing trauma or stress magnifies their effects. Trauma does not necessarily have to be a "significant" event; what seems relatively unchallenging to an adult can be utterly catastrophic during our formative years.

As we grow, life's trials and tribulations - such as non-consensual touch, physical punishment, shame, bullying, and even bad sexual encounters - contribute to stress being held within the body. Our posture, movement, and even our breath can be affected, continuing into adulthood.

Dissolving the Armour: The Subtle Art of Dearmouring and Energetic Flow

Yet, it is possible to dissolve the effects of this stress and trauma, allowing the body to rediscover its natural state - a state of flow and ease, where dearmouring supports this re-establishment.

Various disciplines recognize this potential for resolution, not limited to tantra alone. Exploring the concept of somatics will reveal a myriad of options. However, Tantra uniquely integrates and embraces our sexual selves as an essential part of the liberation process.

Our understanding of dearmouring lies in the reconnection with our innate body wisdom - a profound letting go that feels as though enormous boulders, long carried and masking our true selves, are simply slipping away. They fall off effortlessly, allowing us to stand taller, feel more assured, and perceive the world from a lighter, softer perspective.

Tantra and Kundalini: Uniting Sexuality and Liberation in the Dearmouring Process

In Tantra, we often discuss the importance of discerning what serves us. Patterns and behaviors that once served our younger, vulnerable selves and aided our sense of safety eventually become confining limitations. When we arrive at a point of readiness, an understanding that change is necessary and inevitable, meaningful bodywork becomes the catalyst for embodying that change - aligning our external selves with our inner truth.

We realize that our previous ways of being no longer serve us; they lead us nowhere. So, we bravely step towards transformation - an empowering and sometimes daunting journey. For most of us, untangling and shifting a lifetime's worth of patterns and habits requires time, mindfulness, and professional guidance - ultimately leading us to a place of liberation, where we discover new avenues to facilitate our physical and personal freedom.

Tools for Embodiment: Movement, Meditation, and Conscious Breathing

Each individual finds their unique path towards this embodiment - whether through movement, dance, meditation, or exercises that connect us consciously with our breath, fully inhabiting our bodies. Additionally, using our voices to speak our truth from our core - the seat of our power - can bring about significant shifts. However, for profound transformations, facilitated bodywork is an essential component.

The Unexpected Role of Dearmouring in Tantra and Kundalini Awakening

It is intriguing to note that dearmouring is rarely the initial reason for someone seeking Tantra or a Kundalini awakening. Nonetheless, it invariably becomes a significant element of the journey - a vital part of the process and the transformative experience of a holistic healing program.

Gradually, these possibilities emerge and make themselves known, leading us to discover that we feel more grounded, move differently, breathe deeper, and possess newfound skills to navigate our lives with confidence and ease.

We come to realize that where we once braced ourselves to face the world, we can now dance through it with true authenticity and joy.

Are you ready to reclaim your authentic self and experience the transformative power of dearmouring? Explore Tantra and Kundalini bodywork with me today.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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