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Shoshin Therapies - Reiki Energy Helaing

So how would you explain Reiki energy healing to someone who has no idea whatsoever about it? I could easily think of at least half a dozen people who would hit me with puzzled looks and the comment "Ray what?" if I ever mentioned Reiki to them.

The Science Behind Reiki Energy Healing

A good approach to start is with perspective. With biology, chemistry, or physics we take something that exists, apply different perspectives depending on the specific scientific field, and we will end up with a different understanding from each perspective with all of them still being right.

We can apply the same approach to the physical human body, the mind, and the human energy field.

Anecdotal Evidence of the Benefits of Reiki Energy Healing

There are countless stories where people from all walks of life have overcome injury and have healed from diagnosed fatal illnesses through sheer willpower and 'mind over matter' that remains unexplainable by modern medicine. I am sure there are many of us with our own stories where we have experienced a significant and unexpected improvement in an illness upon receiving some uplifting and positive news or being visited by someone special and dear to us.

When it comes to modern medicine and illnesses, the realm of energy, vibration, and the human energy field is a notably unexplored aspect. In established Quantum physics everything is seen as vibration. Illness is essentially something that occurs when we are stuck in the wrong vibration. One of the beautiful aspects of Reiki is that it is a simple process where we can practice 'tuning up' our bodies and our vibration every day to achieve better stability in our bodies and life.

There is vast anecdotal evidence to show that Reiki energy healing helps people boost their immunity and significantly reduces both the frequency as well as intensity of flu and common colds. Reiki energy healing can also help with breathing problems and has helped people heal from long-term asthma. Regular Reiki treatments can improve health significantly and help the body stay much healthier.

Reiki Energy Healing for Short-term and Long-term Health

Frequent Reiki energy therapy treatments are ideal for boosting the body's immunity. Over the short term, one may ask a Reiki therapist to help a sick or unwell person with Reiki for help with recovery from a disease. Over the longer term, Reiki energy healing may be beneficial for maintaining optional health and positive vibrational levels.

The Power of an Open Mind in Receiving Reiki Energy Healing

If people take on board just one thing about Reiki, I hope it would be that belief is not needed and an open mind is enough to produce magical results. Rusted-on sceptics have benefited from Reiki healings when they have agreed to receive them, and I have also seen improvements in people who have had no idea they were receiving Reiki distance healings.

Sometimes we humans can take our desire to comprehend and understand everything in our world, in our universe, with a theory or a law. There is much out there in the universe that we do not understand, and certainly, the realm of energy healing and recovery is something that is very poorly understood even by medical science.

If there is something that could heal you without any harmful side effects, without any potentially toxic drugs, if something has been healing thousands of people and helping people reduce hospital visits, unnecessary surgery, and medication - would you be better off giving it a crack with an open mind, or would you prefer to just interrogate the intelligence of everyone who benefits? Would that be a logical and intelligent thing to do?


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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