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Shoshin Therapies - Auras - Chakras - Meridians

The human energy system, also known as the subtle energy system, comprises three systems of vibrating energy that make up a human being beyond the obvious physical flesh layer. These are auras, chakras, and meridians.

What is an Aura

Auras are like an image of yourself that is projected outside of your physical body. An aura is a multilayered light that encircles all beings, with the light being an individual's vibrational field expressing itself. In turn, the chakras open up into each layer of the aura outside the body. When our chakras are blocked or not spinning fully, our aura may appear dim or less vibrant…and sometimes even dark.

An aura displays itself as more than one colour, but typically there is one predominant colour. Many people can see auras, but sometimes the word "see" is a general term for an intuitive feeling. Even though this can come naturally for some people, anyone can train their eyes to see auras. Sometimes, the auric field can contain debris which can be cleared by meditating or receiving an energy healing.

What is a Chakra

A chakra is an energy centre inside the body. In a perfectly healthy person, each of the seven chakras works in harmony to provide the right balance of energy for every part of the body, mind, and spirit. They each have their own symbol, colour, and meaning.

The term 'Chakra' is an ancient Sanskrit dialect for wheel or disc, referring to the spinning, the spherical energy centre that makes up a chakra. That energy is ancestrally known as 'prana' - which you may recognize from practices such as yoga and meditation (pranayama: breath control).

Each chakra corresponds to a very specific area of the body.

What is a Meridian

Meridians are conduits in which energy travels within our body tissues that run along each side of the body. There are 12 major meridians, and one side mirrors the other. Each meridian is connected to an internal organ. Each internal organ has its functions which may be physiological or invisible energy functions and highly depend on other organ systems working at optimal levels.

Blood and energy are continually flowing through the meridians. The meridians converse with your internal organs on things such as the need for temperature control, emotional adjustments, and other changing daily functions. When your meridians and organs are in perfect synchronization, your body is more likely to be in a healthy state. When you are suffering from anxiety or stress, the meridians can become blocked or obstructed. This can have a negative effect on the mind-body-spirit relationship.

Men and Women and Masculine and Feminine Energy Coming Together

Now when a man responds to a woman or something with feminine energy or gender orientation entering his auric field, he is normally driven to react by an action coming from his second or sacral chakra.

When a woman reacts to a man or something with masculine energy or gender orientation coming into her auric field, she is driven to make a decision or take action by her fourth or heart chakra. This is because men are the most masculine in the sacral chakra. On the other hand, women are most feminine in the heart chakra.

When a man and woman interact and come together, the flow of energy between them will still activate their other chakras, ultimately flowing down into the first, or root, chakras of each at the base of the spine.

A man's energy will typically flow up to his heart chakra first before heading down into his root chakra. Men are already grounded in their sexual energy but need to connect fully in their hearts as well to be truly energized. So male energy will flow up before it flows down again.

In contrast, a woman must allow her energy to flow from her heart chakra, where she is based, and downwards into her root chakra to ground her. Thus, female energy will flow down first.

If her energy continues to flow back up again, the woman will begin to feel assured and safe. And as long as there are no blockages or obstacles, this continued energy flow will then activate the heart chakra of the man through her, making him more open and responsive to her needs.

Once the heart chakra of the man is fully activated, more energy will begin to flow down through his root chakra, thus completing the energy cycle between male and female polarities.

Because all relationships between men and women are affected by this up-and-down circular movement of energy and polarity, it soon becomes obvious how men and women can view and manage their worldviews, relationships – both personal and intimate – and spirituality differently.

Many women yearn to be totally engrossed in a relationship with the masculine, and they fully expect their personal and spiritual needs to be met by the man she is engaged with. Often when women feel disappointed, unsatisfied, and unfulfilled, it is because these things are not being supplied. In turn, this will often lead to their anger, frustration, and resentment towards the masculine energy.

Men as well are shaped and guided by the up-and-down movement of feminine energy through them. Men can become more gentle, kind, and thoughtful in their personal and spiritual relationships, and they can really open up and readily absorb female energy. That said, men do have to work on maintaining their individuality and masculinity because they may get lost in their female partners. Female energy really is powerful.

Regardless of the dynamic play between male and female and masculine and feminine energies, the universe and consciousness still exist outside of the confines of duality. Many people will be most happy and satisfied when engaged with someone who is their intimate energetic opposite who offers the fulfilment of their relationship needs and brings balance to their energy and gender alignment.

However, in our modern world with many other facets of attraction and desire (not to mention cultural norms as well) getting in the way of masculine and feminine energies, it makes the task of experiencing genuine intimacy with others as intended by the universe and consciousness very challenging.

But when the chakras become fully active, their energy will glow in all directions in the form of intimacy, joy, love, and pleasure like rays of the sun. When a man and woman can circulate their shared energy in this way, intimacy will become enduring, their joy will shine, and they will delight in the benefits of a relationship without sacrificing their personal identity or integrity.

Men and women who accomplish this recognize that oneness with universal consciousness is the greatest desire their hearts will ever know. They will long for the pleasure, love, intimacy, and joy that emerges from universal consciousness with other people and to share in divine and inspirational relationships with them.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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