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Shoshin Therapies - Chakra Crystal Healing

The chakras deal with the distribution and movement of universal life energy throughout the human body. The human body functions, much like a crystal, to channel this healing energy through the chakra system and to distribute this energy with the body. As long as the physical body is clear and free from tension, this energy flows unimpeded with its own momentum.

However, when the natural expression is blocked, energy contracts and ceases to express and radiate. The energy of the chakras can become impure when the energy system is not expressing and distributing itself in a state of balance.

How do crystals help to clear and balance the chakra system?

Perhaps one of the most significant uses of crystals can be to help clear and balance the energy of the chakra system. To clear and balance the energy of the chakra system, one could place the base of a crystal on the physical body at the site of the chakra and point the tip away from the body. The crystal should be held lightly with both hands and kept in place for around 15 continuous minutes. It is important to use a crystal that resonates with your body's energy.

Using crystals for chakra healing: tips and techniques

This clearing and/or balancing of the chakra system can be done as part of an individual meditation session or relaxation period, or however, you feel drawn to using it. Nothing else needs to be done. You should begin to experience the energy balancing and the chakra's radiating energy fully and openly. You don't need affirmations, visualization, or imaging techniques. Visualization does not make the crystal function any better, but if it does help you will relaxation and ease tension, then by all means feel free to do so. The crystal functions scientifically and naturally and it will go on functioning as such despite whatever mystique or ritual you create around it.

Rather than actively engaging the mind at such times, it would be far more beneficial to relax the mind and allow yourself to attune to the movement of energy happening in the body and the crystal.

The scientific and natural functioning of crystals

The Universe has given people a special tool with which to help us move beyond a mind-focus and into an energy focus. As crystals magnify energy, we can experience another dimension of ourselves and we begin to bring about balance and harmony to energy. Our energies can then become unconsciously directed rather than our energies unconsciously controlling us.

Consciousness and energy are mutually affected. What happens in one dimension affects the other dimension. As more and more people become more in touch with their consciousness, our energy will begin to change and transmute along with our consciousness.

Crystals are a wonderful tool given to us to help in our growth and evolution in a New Age. The New Age is an age of integration. It is now the time in the evolution of humankind when all of our energies will become balanced and integrated. The New Age is an inner space as well as an outer space. It is represented by the integration and balance of the trinity of body-mind, soul, and spirit.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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