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Essential crystals for crystal healing

There are hundreds of different types of crystals out there. It would be unrealistic to expect anyone who shares an interest in crystals and crystal healing to own every one of them. But when we are first starting on your crystal journey, which ones should you look to first? Which crystals are you going to need? What are the essential crystals a beginner needs to get started with crystal healing?

Everyone should begin their journey into the crystal world with a crystal starter kit. Many people feel this kit needs to be super extensive, but this is not the case. With crystals, having less of them is often actually more.

Now I do have to lead with a disclaimer here. Crystals are very personal by nature. Different types of crystals will speak to and resonate in many different ways with each of us. There is no list of crystals you must connect with or indeed work with.

As such, please treat what I am about to write below merely as a useful guide to help you on your way. My list is by no means comprehensive, and many people out there are going to have their preferences, and there is certainly nothing wrong with that at all.

As always, follow your instincts and intuition when choosing your crystals.

What is Crystal Healing?

Crystal healing involves treating a person's energetic or vibrational physical body by placing certain crystals at specific energy centres on the body. These are otherwise known as Chakras.

By using soft and slow movements, hand placement, or crystal wands, the practitioner stimulates and directs the energy of the crystals, which works harmoniously with the client's energy field, to help create balance and healing on all levels: emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical.

When working with crystals, we are even able to take ourselves into deep, trance-like states.

Using our hands, wand, or pendulum, a skilled practitioner can guide and influence the energy around their client's body, clearing blockage, bringing old traumas to the surface, and fostering a sense of peacefulness, alignment, and balance.

Given that crystals have many different properties, thus many varied and unique vibrational energetic properties, some will be better used for healing purposes, others for having around the home or office for harmony and positive vibes, and others for shielding and protection.

Balancing Chakras - What Healing Crystals to Start With for Beginners

Based on work with the Chakras, the following common crystals are great when used in healing and intuitive work. All of these are readily available in all good stores that retail crystals and gemstones.

Root Chakra: Bloodstone, Red jasper, or Tiger's Eye

Sacral Chakra: Carnelian or Orange Aventurine

Solar Plexus: Citrine or Yellow Topaz

Heart Chakra: Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, or Moss Agate

Throat Chakra: Blue Topaz or Sodalite

Third Eye Chakra: Azurite or Lapis Lazuli

Crown Chakra: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, or Selenite

If you already own most or all of the above crystals, then these others would be a sound addition to your collection.

Black Tourmaline: This is an excellent stone for repelling any negative energy. I have this stone on a bracelet on my wrist, as well as on my work desk. If you purchase any additional crystals to add to your collection, the next piece you get should be black tourmaline.

Selenite Wand: I have always been drawn to wands more so than rounded or polished crystals. Given the natural positivity and healing properties of selenite, it is an easy crystal when it comes to having a personal favourite. Lastly, selenite is a gypsum crystal, so please keep it away from water.

Smokey Quartz: This a great stone for grounding higher vibrational energies, making it an excellent helper for those working with astral travel, dream healing, and shamanic journeying. Smokey quartz offers good protection against negative energies that can meddle with healing work or spiritual growth.

A smudging stick: Just a small bundle of dried herbs often bound with string or twine. These can either be bought from a new age store or made at home. Traditionally these are made from white sage, but they can be combined with other herbs such as lavender, mugwort, or rosemary. When burnt, it breaks down negative energy that tends to clump together.

Palo Santo: This is a tree native to South America and Mexico. Palo santo is Spanish for "Holy Wood" and is one of nature's amazing tools for raising vibrations and cleansing and purifying your space. Palo santo can be a great alternative to white sage smudge sticks for those people who find the smell of white sage too overpowering. Palo santo has its own herby smell but is milder than that of white sage.

Do You Prefer Natural / Raw or Polished / Tumbled Crystals?

When it comes to which form of crystal is best, there are many differing opinions. My personal preference has always leaned towards using crystals in their natural unworked state. Of course, many other practitioners feel equally as attracted to working with polished or tumbled stones. That said, I do have both types of finishes in my collection.

At the end of the day what is most important is your connection to the crystal. Whether a crystal has been smoothed out by human machines or is still in its rough and raw form matters little if you feel a unique affinity with it.

The Best Place to Buy Healing Crystals

Even though there are many reputable crystal stores online, I remain one of those people who think it is best to buy your crystals from a physical store as you get to touch, feel, and handle them. Most towns and cities have new-age or alternative stores that sell crystals.

If you find yourself in a place without a physical store – or what is local is not very good – then by all, by all means, do make your purchases online. I have done this in the past with some of my crystals and I don't see any problems with this.

Please do your best to make sure whoever supplies you with your crystals does so from ethical sources.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this Website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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