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Shoshin Therapies - Crystal Energy Healing Therapy

A common question that regularly pops up from people interested in healing crystals is about the difference between polished and natural or raw crystals and if a particular type has greater energy or is better to use than another. Is a polished crystal really any different from its natural and untouched version for crystal healing?

What are Polished Crystals?

When I refer to polished crystals, I mean any crystal or gemstone that has had some form of human application or modification performed on it. This can be a crystal that has been smoothed or had its sides or faces chiseled or cut with a machine or tools.

What are Natural Raw Crystals?

A natural crystal has not been altered or changed and remains the same as it was when it was created inside the earth. In some cases, this includes natural chips, dents, cracks, imperfections, and even other rock and pieces of hard dirt.

It is quite common practice for crystals to be polished and smoothed if their surface is chipped or damaged from the mining or extraction process. Many crystals – especially quartz – are fashioned intentionally with terminated or pointed tops and bottoms, as well as wholly polished.

At a minimum, they may simply have a single side or face, or perhaps even the base, beveled or smoothed off with the remainder of the crystal being left in its natural and untouched state. And of course, there are those instances where a crystal is in such a state of damage that do not work on it by cutting, chiseling, and smoothing it (due to broken, brittle, and sharp edges, etc) would render the crystal unusable.

In these cases, it makes logical sense to do what is best for the crystal and make it as useful as can be.

Is There Any Difference With Crystal Energy?

Some people feel there is a notable difference between a polished crystal and a natural one. I have heard many people claim a polished crystal is not as powerful as a natural one.

I don't feel there is an inherent difference between the energetic capacity of a crystal when comparing its polished and natural incarnations side by side. What I believe many people sense is the discrepancy between the altered directional flow of energy with the artificially polished crystal that the natural version does not because its energy flows as nature intended.

By altering the surface through smoothing, polishing, and terminating, a crystal's internal molecular structure is changed to a certain degree. I don't think it is a major influence, but it would at least be a minor one. I think we instinctively feel this variance and notice something is off or different, but we can't put our finger on it.

With my work with crystals, I tend to find the energy from polished stones to be less intense or even subdued, which is why I am always drawn to more natural or untouched crystals. Many times a crystal's beautiful and organic surface features have all been ground away during the manufacturing process. This leads them to look pretty in stores and appealing in photographs, but they have lost something of their quirky and unique charm.

Natural crystals resonate with me far more energetically than polished and smooth ones, but I still work with what crystal feels right to me.

Working with Crystals: Trusting Your Intuition

Regardless if a crystal is polished or natural, what is important to remember is that it remains conscious. The crystal still contains energy, and it will still work for us, even if certain types may feel less natural, less raw, or not as intense. When it comes to using crystals, there is no better or worse, there is no right or wrong.

It remains beneficial to be aware and maintain knowledge about the differences between various types of crystals to help you understand and process what you might be experiencing.

The best thing you can do is work with crystals that speak to you, the ones that resonate with you the most. Before you make any decisions or judgments, pick up a crystal and hold it in your hand for a minute or two. Clear your mind and feel the energy of the crystal. Then decide if it is a match for you or not based on how it makes you feel and how you connect with it, and not focus on whether it is natural or polished.

Depending on where you are on your crystal healing journey, what your needs are at that time, or what your subconscious intentions might be, any type of crystal can be a very valuable friend to have if you don't judge a book (or crystal) by its cover.

Be open to your intuition and make your decision from a place of feeling and non-judgment. This way your decision will never be wrong and what you decide on will be what was always meant to be.

This is a beneficial practice to follow in many areas of life, not just with crystals.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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