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Shoshin Therapies - Art of Relaxation

Relaxation has many physical and mental health benefits. Once you learn the art of relaxation, everything happens naturally and smoothly. But the ability to relax doesn't always come easily for many people. A good practitioner will work with a client who is finding it challenging to settle and relax to help them drop into a state that will facilitate optimal healing.

The Importance of Relaxation in Healing

What some people believe when they choose to pursue alternative healing therapies and bodywork modalities is all they need to do is just relax and everything else will fall into place and they will be healed, they will be energised, they will transcend, or will reach whatever outcome they thought they would reach when they booked a session with their practitioner.

Relaxation as an Active Process

Being able to relax is the crucial component to being able to embrace the benefits of any healing or bodywork therapy. Relaxation is the secret behind openness, releasing tension, promoting the flow of energy and promoting the healing process. True, if you are receiving a simple therapeutic massage or physiotherapy treatment and you are feeling unwell or drained in energy to such a point where all you do is lay on the table and do little else, then it might just be sufficient to extract some benefit from the therapy.

Should you wish, however, to attain a better state of health, break down trauma, overcome disorder or dysfunction, or unlock a state of ecstasy and achieve spiritual transformation, there is much you as the receiver can do than just lay back and relax, hoping the therapy is going to transform your body, your existence, and your life.

True relaxation involves the recipient not only being calm and relaxed but also playing an active role in the session and being more engaged and conscious of the entire healing process. When this is realised, the practitioner is better placed to deliver a more profound healing experience.

Being engaged and conscious doesn’t mean you have to be bouncing around or physically active during a session. What I mean is you make the intention to be an actively receptive participant in what you are receiving. Ideally, you want to be present and comfortable in a state where you are aware and attentive to all the emotional, mental, energetic, and physical feelings, sensations, and changes taking place inside and outside of your body, while at the same time abandoning your habits, judgements, limited thought patterns, and acknowledging your important role in your healing process.

Recognizing Your Inner Power

Recognising your inner power is real, which is energised by confidence, courage, and a sense of self-worth is the proverbial first step on your journey towards finding and releasing the obstructions that shackle your full potential.

Inside each of us is the intrinsic ability to heal and function in the most optimal way possible if only we can relax enough to gain access to this state. Healing can only be offered, never imposed, which is why the body needs to maintain the sincere intention to relax, open and permit the healing to flow into it.

Your mind or your spirit may unconsciously desire to be healed, but receiving full healing, embracing energy flow, or regaining health is best done when you relax, drop into your body, and consciously decide this is what you want, what you need, and you give yourself permission to open and manifest your restoration.

The Role of Alternative Healers in Nurturing Intention

Alternative healers and bodyworks who are spiritually orientated can nurture your intention by asking your spirit, even other spirit beings, for permission to work with you and seek their assistance in relieving you of your anxiety and apprehension about the treatment process. In these types of situations, the practitioner is acting as a channel to allow you, as the receiver, to open energetically and make the needed shifts for you to awaken your own dormant abilities.

The Continual Journey of Healing

When you can relax and drop into a true state of relaxation where you are aware, open, willing, active, and engage, then the real healing process will be able to be actualised. Actual healing through energy and bodywork is a continual journey of recognising and releasing habits, stagnant energy, limiting thoughts and filling their vacant spaces with health, love, sensation, and infinite energy.

What emerges from this process can unlock pain, discomfort, and even upsetting memories long thought buried, but from this will comes happiness, joy, and pleasure. But it is what happens within your body, to your energy, and to your spirit that is truly remarkable and has far-reaching effects.

For all this to come about and transpire, you first need to relax and embrace the art of true relaxation.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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