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Shoshin Therapies - Tantra - Embrace Future

Tantra teaches us to live in the present moment. Our past and our future exist solely in the realm of imagination. Living in the present moment is our natural state of consciousness. There is a very simple Tantric exercise anyone can do to help better let go of the past, and its trauma, and embrace the future with a greater sense of positivity and optimism.

A newborn baby, even a young child, knows nothing of the world apart from the delight of being in each new moment they experience. Nonetheless, our parents and culture try their best from a young age to move us out of being present in the now. While babies lay there and are happy just being present in their moment, it isn't long before we are being ordered what to eat, when to eat (if we weren't hungry then arguments would soon follow), forced to sleep when we weren't sleepy, pushed to wake up early for school, and instructed to stop playing and come inside so a relative could question us about what we wanted to be when we grew up.

It is no strange fact that we live in a world that is fascinated with the past and the future.

Our various social media platforms remind us what happened in the past and media and advertising tell us what we should be happy about in the future. Reclaiming that ancient delight of living in the now sure does feel difficult at times.

So how does Tantra help us rediscover the delight of being completely present in the here and now?

Tantra Asks That You Witness Where You Are

Be aware when you are not in the present moment. The act of being conscious of where we are is the part of us that observes what is going on objectively.

When I am lost in events from my past or dreaming of what be in the future, I become nervous, concerned, and even discontent. When things aren't going exactly as planned, the past or future are wonderful places to hide out and play it safe. It is simple to tell if I am lost in my past or the future when I engage my attention. Then I return to being aware of the current moment.

Tantra Asks That You Be More Present

Presence is achieved when your inner essence and consciousness, wake to themselves in each instant and every moment. Awareness extends beyond space and time, as well as life and death.

When you are in the present moment, you release the past and the future. You give in to the moment that is taking place. There is no opposition to what is. Being present involves more than just being aware of what is occurring on the level of form; it also entails being aware of the space in which everything exists.

Even if people don't give it a name, most of us have had moments of presence at different times in our lives. Have you ever sat and watched a sunrise or sunset? As you sat in amazement at the natural beauty unfolding before you, the world came to a halt and all your thoughts vanished. Perhaps you competed in an athletic event, played a team sport, or rode a bike and found yourself in "The Zone," when you were at one with everything and your actions and movements were automatic and effortless. Have you ever found yourself melting into the eyes of a newborn baby or your sweetheart till all feelings of separation disappeared and you experienced oneness?

In all these circumstances, presence developed as you submitted to the direct experience of being in your now and being present in the moment. You became free from attachment to the thinking mind.

Tantra Asks That You Accept Your Now. Accept Your Moment

Living in your now and accepting your moment implies accepting everything that is going on around you and inside you precisely as it is at the time it happens. Acceptance is letting go of the outcome and not having a set goal. Acceptance doesn't infer you are weak or are a victim. Through your deeds and intentions, you may make a purposeful choice to change what is happening. When you accept each moment exactly as it is, a greater sense of being becomes apparent and tension dissolves.

Through Tantra you will discover that can learn to let go of living in the past or worrying about the future by increasing awareness, living in the present moment, and accepting what is as being what is. Spiritual awakening occurs naturally purely by connecting with your basic essence.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.




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