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Shoshin Therapies - Tantric Orgasms - Fountain of Youth

The practices used in Tantra, as well as Taoist sex, apply much attention to sexual energy as well as developing techniques that build a constant flow of life force energy to unlock secrets around longevity and vitality in the body. Tantric work is not simply about discovering the secret fountain of youth by adding a few more years to your life clock so you can stay young, it is about boosting the levels of your life fire today, repairing your energy to a level of quality and quantity that you can enjoy no matter what your age, as well as cultivating a deeper sacred connection to the immortal part of your being.

You have probably heard plenty of stories about how the party lifestyle with its booze, smoking, drugs, and clubbing until dawn can age a person. Well, both Tantric and Taoist principles would agree that this type of lifestyle will deplete your life force energy battery supply. This position is derived from the notion that the more stimulating something is, the more it requires us to exert ourselves, and the more life force energy it consumes.

That is, of course, if you neglect to learn the secrets of inner transformation. If you can learn and master Tantric or Taoist practices, you have the potential to partake in stimulating activity without endangering your energy reserves. Those will skill and commitment can even learn to use the energy from these stimulating experiences to recharge themselves and pump themselves up with more vitality and more life force.

What Is Inner Transformation and How Do We Master It?

This transformation is centred around the law of masculine and feminine, or yin and yang, and the merging of opposites. In the context of stimulation, the key is to draw out the opposite quality to meet it: relaxation. Most people generally contract and seize up around stimulation, which has the potential to heighten the feeling but also plunges you into stress and tension.

These laws around energy apply to all facets of everyday life, not solely sex. There is no difference between riding a bicycle, giving business presentations at work, executing the perfect play in sport, or experiencing an orgasm. Given this article is about Tantra and Tantric orgasms, I am going to keep my example to this specific context.

One of the most common things people do when they are sexually stimulated is contract their muscles in response. When the pleasure feels so good, we often subconsciously lock up, squeeze our muscles tight, and even jam our legs together. While this act does indeed create a localised build-up of sexual pleasure sensations, the body will eventually reach a point where it cannot contain it anymore and the resulting explosion will be an orgasm. This is what is known as a tension-release orgasm,

And this event will feel like a wonderful relief, but it will be at the cost of your energy reserves and life vitality. This is especially true for men who ejaculate with their release because there is a physical loss (semen) as well as an energetic loss.

When we were teenagers and pumping with hormones, we could have multiple hits of this type of orgasm and hot notice any effects of fatigue as the body at this stage of life has large battery reserves it can draw upon. But as people get older, they start to notice when they have sex or masturbate, they are left feeling drained and empty afterwards.

The Piece Of The Mystery Puzzle Is Sexual Energy

Tantric sacred knowledge holds the belief that sexual energy when channelled correctly, has the power to build and assist us with fulfilling our life purpose and promoting our creativity to the world. Remember, sexual energy is creative energy. If you can create new human life with it, you can channel it towards your creative endeavours.

With Tantric practices, you can be taught how to channel and experience full-body orgasms. The basic concept of reaching this state is through a union of sexual energy with a meditative relaxation state and presence. Instead of contracting and going stiff like people normally do, one learns how to expand to meet this energy openly.

When you start trying this initially, it can feel quite counter-intuitive if you have based your sex life up until this time on contracting. Should you stick with it, you will soon begin to experience massive flows of remarkable pleasure energy throughout your entire body. This is when orgasm gifts you with energy instead of draining you.

It should be stressed that this change is not something that will happen after a few attempts or after a handful of weekend workshops. Those people wishing to commit fully to embracing Tantric exercises will discover it offers a complete range of practices to be performed so that the body may be adequately prepared, its energy channels open, the correct mental state attuned, and old stuck energy purified or released. All this needs to occur before we even get to truly experiencing full-body orgasms.

In all honesty, sexual training in Tantra and Taoism should come with an advisory message letting each person know they can sometimes be harmful or produce overwhelming sensations - physically, emotionally, and mentally – from the raising of such powerful energy if a recipient's body is not sufficiently prepared first.

Orgasm – The Fountain Of Youth and Immortality

Learning how to connect with your body and experience a true full-body orgasm is but one key to obtaining renewed vitality and youthful qualities. Another is that is closely linked to longevity is somewhat of a more spiritual and esoteric aspect that is related to finding your immortal self, and this is known as the unlocking of kundalini.

In Tantra, kundalini energy is drawn through a channel that exists within the spine that starts in the perineum and goes all the way to the top of the head. It has been said this channel is what connects us to the divine, to our true nature, and to the light that is the course of existence and spirit itself. It is, for want of a better word, the embodiment of pure presence and it is immortal.

When a person can draw their energy up and down this channel in their spine, they exist in a state of drawing energy inwards and recycling it, instead of simply ejecting it outwards on their external life. It is for this reason that meditation is highly encouraged after a lovemaking session, self-pleasure, or any other peak energy experience, to allow for the assimilation of energy into the channel. With this act, we do not exhaust life energy in external experiences but instead, start to exploit this energy to foster a nucleus of pure presence.

Over time, this nucleus of pure presence develops and begins to provide followers with a new identity.

The follower begins to experience a profound sense of eternal serenity rather than being simply identified with exterior events and personality. This is the true nature of a person.

As it grows stronger, we become less reactive to external events and more thoroughly rooted in an unbreakable peace.

The ultimate nature of immortality is immortality itself. It is this aspect of ourselves that is true to all living things. It is a pure transpersonal experience. It is the origin, the origin of all life. It frequently feels like there is a light within, yet it is also beyond the dualism of light and dark.

We can choose to create from the source of this experience rather than from our reactive energy once we have aroused it. Many spiritual arts are built on how to dance, speak, sing, move, or act from this true source, which is known as source creation. When we can achieve that orientation, the action becomes effortless, and our creativity is in sync with the divine. In Taoism, this state is known as "the art of effortless unfolding".

From here, you will no longer burn up your life force energy if you can produce from the source of all there is, and you will find yourself living in serenity, tenderness, and effortless creation.

Almost as if life's pure energy flows directly through you and into the planet. You will come to sense that you have an infinite supply of energy. It is the end of all tension in its perfection.

And all this comes about from Tantric orgasm.

As you will witness, it is not solely about having more fun; it is also about enabling a significant spiritual transfer that can transform the way you live. Of course, this does not mean that your body will never die, and you will live in this physical body for eternity; rather, it means that by the time you have reached the end of your natural life, you will have grown so connected with your fundamental true self that letting go of the transient personal self will be as simple as breathing and dropping into a peaceful surrender.

The opportunity now rests with you and your determination to change your life (and perhaps even your death too) by discovering Tantric wisdom and Tantric orgasms.

You never know, it could lead to your immortality.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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