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Shoshin Therapies - Spiritual Sex - Lovers Statue

Chances are if you are reading this article, you are interested in finding out a little more about Taoism, Tantra, and New Age Sex. Or perhaps you are curious about what is spiritual sex and sexual energy. So, if you are wanting to journey beyond mere physical sex, please do read on.

Sex Essence and Sex Energy

If the question you have been searching for an answer to is "Is there more to sex than just physical pleasure alone?", then your answer is yes, there certainly is.

What is the key to all of this is the connection. Connection to not only the body but to Spirit as well. Connection with your partner, with yourself, and with the universe as a whole.

There are three main reasons any person can have sex (I'm sure others could include more, but I'll stick with the three likely ones) which are all perfectly fine and good: fun, reproduction, and spiritual.

This article will focus solely on the latter.

A Quick History Lesson – The Origins of Spiritual Sex

You wouldn't believe it, but sex has been around, literally, forever. It is a way to make babies, have lots of fun, and create a deeper bond between lovers. That said, in more modern times – especially the Victorian era and early decades of the 1900s – people seemed to focus more on sex being a mechanical almost robotic function you did for the sole purpose of procreation. If anything, many people saw (or were taught) sex as a chore but at least it was a fairly short-lived experience.

Over time, the deeper soul connection between two people in a committed, loving relationship became lost. Fortunately, in more modern times it is now possible to rediscover it. Whilst trends come and go over the years, there does seem to be a deeper trend, at least in terms of the spiritual, to let sex last longer, make the bond stronger, and, essentially, just to feel embraced and feel more. It is probably the desire and yearning for that connection and that feeling that has many couples and singles turning to spiritual sex as their great hope.

Ancient philosophies and teachings stemming mostly from the Chinese, Hinduism, and even Buddhism appear to be the most likely originating source of all things spiritual and sex. The exact dates and places have long since faded away into ancient history. Luckily, spiritual theories and methods are still with us today in the modern world. Given that so many centuries have passed, one has to always remember that some Western ingredients are likely to have been added on top of the traditional concepts of spiritual sex, some for the better, some for the not-so-better.

But if we are looking back at ancient times and the origins of spiritual sex, the two main disciplines would be Taoism and Tantra.


Taoism (say it like "Dow" in "Dow Jones"; Dow-ism) is a religion and a philosophy originating from ancient China that has influenced people and national principles. Taoism has been connected to the philosopher Lao Tzu, who around 500 B.C.E. wrote the main book of Taoism, the Tao Te Ching. Taoism holds that humans and animals should live in balance with the Tao of the universe. Taoists believe in spiritual immortality, where the spirit of the body joins the universe after death. With regards to Taoist sex, it is about the joining together of energy or the joining of the essence between two people.


Tantric sex comes from the ancient Sanskrit (Indian) word meaning "woven together." It explores the ideas of couples interlacing the physical and spiritual of lovemaking. It follows a slow rhythm where the focus is more on spiritual merging and journeying towards a pathway of enlightenment. It is much more than just the attainment of physical orgasm. Tantric sex research came from a collection of ancient Sanskrit religious texts where sex was not the focus but a way to release sexual and spiritual energy, the deities that dwell within us all.

Mindfulness and connecting is the main point, and once they establish that, the couple would be able to prolong the orgasmic sensations. Many couples that have experienced the techniques of Tantra would describe it as "dissolving" into each other.

Taoism and Tantra

Both Taoism and Tantra appear to focus more on the soulful side of sex, which seems to be a bit lacking in today's rush-to-orgasm age. Sex is viewed more as a bonding activity that aids in reaching enlightenment before one's physical pleasure

This all changed when Aleister Crowley came into the picture in the early 20th century. Aleister interpreted Tantric sex (in particular) as a form of sex magic (or sex magick) and wrote about it in this context only.

Little actual research exists on the methodology and traditions of human lovemaking. Ever since Crowley's writing became popular after his death in 1947, added with the fuel of misunderstanding from European Christian missionaries who exaggerated much, many original writings about Tantra have been lost, misinterpreted, or overshadowed.

Taoist Sex

Taoism is characterized by two unique features: the Qi and the Jing

The Qi is the life force, and it is a part of everything. Jing is the essence. They relate to each other, and once they are gone, the body essentially dies. The Jing can be lost by the male through ejaculation of semen as it is believed that the most amount of Jing is found in semen. This is why one of the main practices of Taoist sex is to limit male ejaculation or abstain from it altogether. The purpose of this is to retain semen within the body. Taoists believe the Jing energy in the semen would make its way to the brain and nourish it.

Jing can also be created with the connection of lovers while performing intercourse. This would allow the man to turn his Jing into Qi, which could fill up his life force. The best way to do this is by simply having more sex so that their body can get used to this experience and have more control over their ejaculation. That way, Taoist men can build a greater level of Jing.

Another interesting thing about Taoist sex is men can learn not to use their Jing (semen), which could take more practice as well as a change of mindset. This is done by separating the connection of ejaculation from the orgasm. This method would help the man to stop ejaculation but keep his erection as well as have an orgasm. This type of orgasm is not the release of sperm but of energy with the help of Taoist meditation known as "intention."

Tantric Sex

Tantric sex is more about the spiritual connection, which can be reached through the physical connection. One of the easiest ways to create a connection between you and your partner is by doing breathing exercises while maintaining eye contact. One can do this by facing their partner and breathing together with them. Inhale at the same time, and exhale at the same time, but keep your eyes on one of their eyes and avoid swapping between the two. The cliché saying is true when they say the eyes are the windows to the soul. So it stands to reason that keeping eye contact while syncing breaths is the beginning of creating (or re-establishing) a deeper loving connection.

Once you have the rhythm of the breathing exercise worked out, you both then should move into the exchange of it. This is done by literally breathing each other in. Your partner would exhale, and then you would inhale, and vice versa. It is as if you are sharing energy and breath. You can even practise it with your clothes on.

The big point of Tantra is to create a bond with your partner, inside and out. From their spirit to their body, their space, personality, and aura.

Much like the famous Karma Sutra, there are also several different types of Tantric sex positions that can be enjoyed and explored while you two discover each other in a more profound sense.

Nonetheless, regardless of which position you go with, always keep in mind to take physical movements slowly and breathe slowly. This is also done to explore the sensual ranges of the body and mind as well as to share the space and sexual energy of your partner with yourself.

New Age Sex / Spiritual Sex

Spiritual sex, or New Age sex, has gradually become more and more common in the modern West. Given a subconscious yearning for something more, there is a trend to encourage people to view sex as something deeper than it currently is or less porn-focused. It has been given the modern term "New Age Sex" because it borrows some of the concepts of Taoism and Tantra and blends them to make something that is lighter and a lot easier to get into for most people.

If you have ever heard or read the word Neotantra, then this is also the modern Western interpretation of Tantra, but it still is very closely related to ancient teachings.

A few of the notable differences between the new Neotantra and the older Tantra are worth mentioning.

The main one being is Neotantra focuses more on sexual acts and sexual activities, unlike the former which is more about bonding and connecting. In ancient times true Tantric sex would only take place after a lot of teaching and learning.

Another difference between the new Neotantra and older Tantra is the use of Gurus. With regards to Tantra, the guru was seen as being tremendously important, and they used to help attain liberation within one human lifetime. They were said to have the power to break down the karmic barriers, as well as keep lovers on the right path to spiritual enlightenment. They did not charge money for their work.

What is different in Neotantra is that gurus are now not necessary (you can teach yourself via the Internet), and the ones that do use gurus have to pay for them. Plus, they are often self-made, mostly likely using New Age teaching methods. This is quite common with most teachers these days.

Does Spiritual Sex Work?

In short, yes, spiritual sex can work. But it all boils down to how open you and your partner are and how much work you both are willing to put in. Old habits die hard and some couples aren't interested (or excited) about venturing away from what they already know.

The point of it all is to go deeper into each other's desires and sensations and to last for as long as you are both willing to. It is not solely about the physical and the goal of reaching orgasm, but the emotional, the spiritual, your partner, yourself, and the aura of the universe. Every couple is different and getting to sexual enlightenment may take longer for some than for others, which is perfectly fine. There is no agenda, no goal, no time limit, nor is there any rush. That would go against Tantric sex and Taoist sex.

Some couples may even find it tricky just to breathe at the same time without nervous giggling or feeling embarrassed. Others may find it challenging to get their panther fully on board and supportive about trying new things. They may be having a bad, distracting day, or just have too many other things going on in life at the time. It happens, but the point is not to give up if this is something you both want to do for the long haul. Remember slow and steady reaches enlightenment.

Making love should not be a complicated or stressful event, but it should be soulful and touching. We have moved away from the spiritual world and too far into the chamber of the raw physical.

Transforming our mindset would be the most challenging part of any effort at spiritual sex. Breaking away from not only the social taboos, but even the mental one of "speed is king; got to finish," which most likely will not be done in a day. But if just getting it in and getting it done is for you, congratulations. However, not everyone shares those same ideas.

Yes, spiritual sex can work, and it has worked for many people. Breathwork, meditation, sharing sexual energy, feeling spiritual merging, connecting, and going slow are the keys to reaching many things. Simply making a mental connection with a partner can improve not only your sex life but also your health as well.

After all, you are putting your partner's needs and wants first, and they are putting your desires first at the same time. How can that not improve the art of human lovemaking?


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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