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Shoshin Therapies - Spiritual Healing - Self-Healing

Are you ready to stop trying to heal yourself? Are you tired of the endless pursuit of spiritual healing, searching for solutions to physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges? What if there is a profound approach that goes beyond conventional methods? Welcome to the realm of spiritual healing, where the power of the spiritual dimension takes centre stage. Many individuals who have devoted their lives to self-healing come to me seeking a transformative experience. While prolonged illness and complex trauma may require time to change, spiritual healing offers something different, something magical.

The Significance of Spiritual Healing in Personal Transformation

It's not merely an alternative to be explored as a last resort; rather, it encompasses the essence of spirituality itself. As you delve deeper into the spiritual realm, you'll discover that there is more to you than your physical body and mind. This realization sets the stage for a remarkable journey of self-discovery, redirection of energy, and the recognition of your true essence.

In "spiritual healing", the word "spiritual" is paramount.

Many people who come to me tell me they have worked their whole lives to "heal" themselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Prolonged illness and complex trauma can take time to change. But spiritual healing promises something else. It is not an alternative approach that everyone tries in case of failure. Therein lies the power and magical potential.

And that's what you should expect.

Realizing the Spirit Realm is More Than Just a Healing Process

As you begin to notice what is happening on the soul level, you begin to realize there is more to you than the human mind and body. Because you're in the healing room, it's not the mental exercise you read about in a book or heard someone say. It's a very specific feeling. And if you become more aware of this and decide to continue to notice it, you will at least begin to redirect some of your energy and intentions to something other than your pain and sadness.

This does not mean ignoring them or denying their existence. But it means opening up other possibilities, letting some light through the gaps, and giving other parts of you a chance to be recognized and grown.

You start to notice your new self (some might say your real self) or at least a new feeling that's deeper than you can put into words, and it begins to permeate your daily life. Illness (or need to be healed) is no longer your story, but what defines you more, and perhaps less, as you feel and begin to believe you and your life is much more than that.

Many people seek out spirituality thinking they need healing, but give a different story. Healing is not something that can't last forever, be difficult or painful. The spirit realm is filled with joy and light, and it becomes more and more part of their reality. They often embark on a special spiritual journey they never dreamed of. Spiritual healing doesn't force people to become spiritual or follow a particular path. It's about helping them be more open to the people they want and the people who might come into their lives.

Nurturing Your Spiritual Growth: Practices for Daily Life

It takes practice to continue to grow and feel joy. It takes dedication to keep the mind different (and develop new synapses in the brain). The nature of the human mind has a tendency to return to knowledge, especially when it is wounded. It's part of our evolution as a species to survive, but that doesn't mean it should stay that way. You can choose to be different and do it in a way that makes you feel better, happier, and more alive.

Here is a simple way to modify it to your needs. For many, it can be helpful to practice first. In my experience, it's also easier to set up after a spiritual healing session where you've in fact touched your soul. Visualization can also be a good aid so that you can really feel what is happening, not only in your mind but in your whole body.

Pain, whether physical or mental, can awaken a bad memory, allowing it to invade your field of perception. What needs to happen is we need to alter our perception.

Pause and take a few deep breaths, take time to feel your feet on the floor, sit comfortably, and maybe take a few deep breaths with your belly and chest.

Then, keep aware of your breath in the middle of your chest, acknowledging what is, with compassion.

You feel your pain, you don't deny it, you don't say it's not real. Imagine you are hugging it as if you were hugging another loved one, or yourself as a child.

You say you care, not too loud, but really feel like you care.

After a few minutes like that, returning to your breath again and again, you change: you reaffirm the essence of the person you know as your soul, the person you choose to be now and connect with it very specifically. Such as through the touch of an object or feeling in the centre of your heart, a scent, a piece of music or a sound, an image, a poem, or just a word, etc.). The touching of this thing is what is bringing you back from your pain and back to your present moment. You continue to do so for as long as necessary.

The Power of Mind-Body Connection in Spiritual Healing

At first, the relief and release may seem slight or uneasy, but gradually you will feel it increasing each time. I generally recommend doing this regularly, at least twice a day, and coming back whenever you feel distracted during the day.

It will take some discipline at first, but stick to these suggestions and you will quickly start seeing results and win the battle of the spirit. More importantly, you will begin to realize that your journey is no longer about solely healing, but about becoming who you really are.

Let me know how the journey goes for you and, as always, don’t hesitate to leave a message below, ask a question, or email me for more information.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article



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