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Shoshin Therapies - Tantric Couples Deeper Intimacy

Couples should find time each day to come closer together and restore their relationship so that they maintain their love and deep intimate connection. Tantric exercises are a great way for men and women to build love and enhance their passionate bond. These three simple exercises are some of the best ways couples can awaken their desire and channel more passionate energy using proven Tantra practices.

None of us are strangers to having a bad day, or a day where nothing goes right, and everything feels a little off somehow. These are the days that start with waking up on the wrong side of the bed, work frustrates us no end, nothing goes our way all day long, and we get back home at the end of the day all cranky and tired. And if it is a doozy of a day, the evening will end with getting into an argument with our partner over something incredibly trivial.

Instead of letting this repeat, fester, and spread for years until the couple finally decides to break up, there are some practical and proactive love-building exercises men and women can practice. You can do one of these or all three, the choice is yours. Should you be pressed for time, each one can be completed in as little as 10 minutes.

Love Bonding Meditation

If you are a newcomer to this style of meditation, I have some good news for you. This is essentially what you would call spooning. Choose which one of you most needs the love and healing and they get to play the role of receiver or the "little spoon", and the other person gets to be the "big spoon" or the giver.

The big spoon should snuggle up nice and close to the little spoon, lining up heart to heart, belly to belly, knees with knees, and so on. If you want to place cushions or pillows under your heads, this is fine. The big spoon should slip their arm under the neck of the little spoon and place their hand in a position very softly on the third eye chakra, or forehead, of the little spoon. With their free right arm, the big spoon should cuddle the little spoon with their hands over their heart. The little spoon is welcome to place their hands over their heart as well.

Remain in this position as you both breathe deeply and slowly in unison. Focus on breathing in together, holding your breath for a few seconds, and exhaling together. When the little spoon inhales they should draw their attention to receiving healing energy into their back, sending through their entire body. When the big spoon exhales, their focus should be on transmitting their energy out the front of their body and into the back of the little spoon.

When you both feel you have done this for enough time, please feel free to swap positions and repeat the process.

Hands on Hearts

Find a comfortable seated position facing your partner. Ideally, this should be one where you can sit cross-legged across from each other, but if this is not practical, using chairs will be just as good.

Each partner places their open right palm on the heart of the other. Now place your left hand on top of your partner's right hand, the one touching your own heart. Close your eyes and open yourself to feeling the heart through your hand. Feel the heartbeat. Feel the skin. Feel the heat of the body. What other sensations come to you? Love" Excitement? Frustration? Peace? Just be open to whatever comes through. There is no need for you to solve any problems right now.

If you wish, you may open your eyes and do some eye gazing with your partner as you continue sensing and feeling.

Tantric Yab Yum Position

The yab yum is the full embrace position for couples that is incredibly intimate and intense. It is one of the most beautiful and energetically potent positions a couple can form. A couple can form this position either clothed or naked. Whilst the yab yum does play a part in classical Tantric sex, there is no need for sexual intercourse for the purpose of this exercise.

The man sits with his legs crossed. The woman lowers her body and sits across him, resting on his upper thighs. She then wraps her legs around his back and locks her ankles together.

By being so close and unified, this upright position stimulates awareness and awakens energy like no other. It also brings into line each partner's chakras and supports harmonious breathing. Bonding may be enhanced by touching brows (bringing foreheads together), or by gazing into each other's eyes.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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