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Couples Mindful Sex and Sex Energy

A mindful approach to sexuality is so important because our sexual energy is an expression of the erotic divine that is within us all.

In many of the religious faiths in the world today, our sexuality is something to be afraid of or repulsed by and subsequently hidden away. From very early on in our lives we are given strict instructions and rules around what kind of touch and sex is okay and when, where, with whom, and under what circumstances. We are taught our sexual energy is dangerous and must be carefully contained or avoided altogether if possible.

But let's think about religion and sex for a minute and how they have had a complex relationship for basically forever. What if sex and religion don't get along because sexual energy is an expression of the divine? What is the entire concept of God manifesting in our physical bodies and our intimate connections with ourselves and each other are made possible by erotic joy and sexual energy?

In some branches of the goddess-worshiping ancient Tantric customs, sex symbolizes unification between Shiva and Shakti, male God and female Goddess, and the divine masculine and feminine energy. This merging of consciousness with matter birthed the universe and created us. Sexual desire is the drive that brought these two energies together at the beginning of all time, making our universe feasible, which is also, of course, biologically true. Sex is, literally, the machine of our creation.

Erotic energy and sexual energy don't have to be expressed in solely the physical act of sex. These energies can present themselves at any time we open ourselves to creativity, emotions, and passion. The erotic is something that gives us our power. Only when we are connected with our true erotic selves are we able to plunge into our most authentic selves and embrace our deepest emotions.

However, our modern culture and societal norms tend to cut us off from this energy, making us disempowered and not fully alive, unable to tap into our creative potential or what we truly want.

Our sexual energy is powerful because it brings us closer to realizing our potential. Feelings of being disconnected flee from us when we can experience being fully connected to our bodies, our emotions, and our sense of self-power. When we know how to, we can guide this energy into all facets of our daily lives – our intimate relationships, our creativity, our work, our friendships, our passions, and into the courage and confidence we need to move towards obtaining what we want.

Regrettably, the way our culture usually treats sexuality distorts this empowering, inspiring energy.

Feminist activist and writer Audre Lorde made this stirring comment about sexuality:

"It has been made into the confused, the trivial, the psychotic, and plasticized sensation. For this reason, we have turned away from the exploration and consideration of the erotic as a source of power and information, confusing it with the pornographic. But pornography is a direct denial of the power of the erotic, for it represents the suppression of true feeling. Pornography emphasizes sensation without feeling."

One has to be mindful and not treat being in an act of sex as being the same thing as being connected with your sexual energy. All of this wonderful power, energy, and tenderness inside of ourselves can be suppressed by the wrong kind of sex act.

When sex is done to placate, to please, or to perform, then we are not respecting the divine aspects of our sexuality. When we neglect the experience for mere pleasure, when we fail to follow our sensual energy deeper into our emotional and physical selves, we are not embracing our sexuality as intense and strong but simply pornographic.

This is a disservice to the divine and ourselves.

Our magazines, TV, news, social media messages, and norms have made it a challenge for us to view our sexual selves as divine because of everything we must negotiate with and wade through when it comes to adhering to cultural norms and meeting societal expectations. It is these norms and expectations that perpetuate the same notions about sex being dangerous or sinful, as well as pushing out fears and insecurities about our appearance and bodies not measuring up to the pornographic preferences we have come to accept as normal.

So much of our spiritual potential and sexual connection is locked out to us because we don't think we measure up or are good enough for either ourselves or potential partners. We have lost the ability to ride the flow of erotic energy alongside our most profound and most painful emotions.

What makes erotic energy so powerful is that it is not intellectual. It has the power to propel us, in the right situation, into an almost trance-like state because it is powered by the physical and the emotional. For some people, tapping into erotic energy is as close as near as we can get on to touching the divine on this mortal rock we live on.

Only when we take time to allow our sexual energy to give us the resolution to pursue our sincere desires and emotions, we may find that the divine was within us all along.

How to Easily Meditate with Your Erotic Energy

Take a seat in a cozy and comfortable position for this meditation exercise. Be sure to keep your back straight and don't slouch. Now close your eyes.

Place your open palms on your lower belly around your navel. Allow your inward breath to flow down and move your hands as your belly expands.

Ever so gently let your belly and pelvis and muscles down there relax and go loose. Be sure not to force anything or make it a chore.

Continue to breathe slowly and deeply down into your pelvic region, into your lower organs, and your genitals. Try and do nothing but feel the breaths flowing in and out. Feel any sensations that may come from this area. Or feel nothing at all. There are no expectations.

Repeat this for a few minutes.

Now visualize your erotic energy as a ball of warm orange or yellow light curled up in the bowl of your pelvic region.

Picture its shape, colour, and brightness.

Imagine that with each breath taken this glowing ball of warm energy begins to move and flow.

Open up around the glowing energy so that it has space to move and simply see where it wants to go.

Slowly move your attention to your heart. Feel the energy in this area, the space right in the middle of your chest. Feel the energy pulsing and moving here.

Place one palm on your heart, keeping the other on your lower belly.

Sense these energies that are reaching out to each other and flowing towards each other.

Feel the energy at your pelvis and genitals pushing up towards your heart, and your heart energy spilling down towards your genitals.

Allow these energies to connect and blend.

Relax and appreciate the movement and flow of these vibrant energies with your breaths for as long as you would like.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this Website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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