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Shoshin Therapies - Australian Soldier- ANZAC Day

As someone who appreciates and maintains a keen interest in history, I always remember that it is ANZAC Day on April 25.

Ever since that fateful morning when troops from Australia and New Zealand landed on the beach at Gallipoli, on the northwest coast of Turkey, on the 25th of April 1915 as part of a World War I offensive, the date has become one of the most important days in Australia’s history. It was the beginning of the ANZAC legend. And ever since it has grown to be a part of our national culture and spirit.

ANZAC Day is now seen as a day that all Australians recognise and give thanks for the service and sacrifices of all Australians who have served in all wars.

It is incredible when you think about how this small offensive in the early part of the war would go on to become a campaign of national significance that remains poignant over 100 years later.

Remarkable when we today, with the luxury of history and hindsight behind us, know all too well how the Gallipoli campaign was ultimately, in a military sense, a failure that left more than 8,000 Australian soldiers dead and many more wounded.

I am at a loss to find any words that describe ANZAC Day better than those of Sir William Deane, Governor-General of Australia, on ANZAC Day 1999:

"ANZAC is not merely about loss. It is about courage, and endurance, and duty, and love of country, and mateship, and good humour and the survival of a sense of self-worth and decency in the face of dreadful odds."

During the day on April 25 spare some time to stop and think about those Australians who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in war and are no longer with us today.

Should you feel like getting up extra early and attending a ceremony, ANZAC Day dawn services are held in just about every city and town across Australia.

For further information and reading, please check out the following links:



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