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Shoshin Therapies - Tibetan Reiki Hand in Sand

I remember when I attended my first Reiki class in December 2017 and I received my attunement in Tibetan Reiki Level 1. Each year I like to think back to this time and give my thanks and appreciation for having been gifted such an opportunity to learn such a beautiful and gracious healing practice that is Reiki therapy.

My life back in 2017 was different in so many ways from what it is now. I had always had an interest in holistic therapies and new age alternative practices, even as a young teenager. Reiki was something I had heard about but never gave it any attention. Only now I have come to realise how much Reiki has been an influence on my life as well as an agent of change.

That Sunday afternoon I was attuned to Reiki was the day I stepped away from my old self and started walking a new life path as my true self. This new version of me became confident, capable, focused, and determined like never before. Now I felt comfortable in my skin and I felt like a genuine intuitive energy healer.

I have always been quite perceptive, some would say intuitive, even as a young child, and I have always been able to sense when something is amiss with a person. But these are qualities that are never truly brought out when we are children, often with the rigid structure of modern society taking precedence over what many are keen to label as spiritual hippie mumbo jumbo.

As a result, these inklings I had of being different were buried. It took me many years well into my adulthood to accept myself as an empath to realise that I not only experienced feelings and sympathy for others around me who were suffering, but I also took on their suffering as my own without recognising it.

My Reiki training provided me with the insight and skills I needed to dive into the world of energy and vibration. It exposed me to new ways of being in the world, new ways to perceive and think, and it gifted me a new practice that I could use to help people in need as well as myself.

I used to think about energy, health, and the body in a very different way before being attuned to Reiki. After becoming attuned, I realised how the body, mind, and spirit all work together in harmony to produce what we call health and vitality.

Reiki became one of many energy healing modalities I use daily to balance the body, mind, and spirit.

I can't imagine where my life would be if Reiki had not been introduced to me. It has been a practice that has awakened me to energy and universal love in ways I never imagined before becoming attuned. It has enabled me to share loving energy with so many others. It has allowed me to transmit healing energy to people and the planet. It has changed my life in many positive and almost enigmatic ways.

I am thankful and grateful each day for the chance to connect with and share this wonderful practice with the rest of the world.


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