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The spiritual foundations of the philosophy of Reiki are what is known as the Five Principles of Reiki. These principles, or precepts, formed part of the original teachings of Reiki and have been a mainstay for many decades. I liken them to be more like spiritual guidelines of Reiki rather than principles, or, heaven forbid, rules. These principles are so simple and so beautiful they are perfect for not only the art of practicing Reiki but also for living a fuller life in general.

The Five Principles of Reiki are:

Just for today, I will not worry.

Just for today, I will not be angry.

Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Just for today, I will be grateful.

Just for today, I will be kind to others.

Taking into consideration these have been interpreted and translated from the original Japanese text over several years, making for many variations of these concepts. Regardless of this, the fundamental philosophy and message remain the same.

It should be noted that these concepts are not limited solely to the practice of Reiki energy healing. I believe most people, whether they are spiritual or not, even if they realise it or not, already attempt to live by these values as their default setting anyway.

The Spiritual Benefits of Incorporating the Five Principles of Reiki

Whether people actively practice Reiki or even believe in it, I have yet to meet anyone who rejects these concepts. These principles are worldly, meaning they transcend all secular faiths and religions. These principles may be adopted by anybody, regardless of their spiritual views. Whether you are an atheist, Hindu, Catholic, or Christian, these principles may be found in every belief system.

When I first read these Reiki principles, I thought to myself, "Really, this is just plain and simple sense. So easy." However, the Reiki principles, like many other teachings in life, might present themselves as plain and simple but this does not automatically make them easy. This is a significant distinction that needs to be made.

How the Five Principles of Reiki Can Improve Your Life

These Reiki principles are instantly relevant to both ordinary life and whatever your greatest spiritual endeavours may be. Many people tend to get bogged down thinking they have to memorise these principles word for word or else their connection with Reiki, energy, or spirituality will not be as pure or as perfect as it ought to be. This is simply not true.

Reflect on how these principles relate to your life and allow yourself to feel whether they speak to you, or if you agree with them. Nothing has any true meaning unless it means anything to you.

Even if it doesn't today, it might do so tomorrow.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this Website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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