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Reiki Energy Therapy - Healing Trauma

Healing our trauma with Reiki energy therapy will allow you to clear those dark clouds, but it may involve some rain before we get there.

Why Reiki is Effective in Healing Trauma

Regular Reiki energy treatments help open our energy up and slowly start the journey of unearthing suppressed events and memories. On many occasions, people will look to visit traditional medical therapists to help draw out these traumas. Often all that traditional medicine and therapy does is raise old fears and bring past memories to the surface, making the present challenge harder, not alleviating it.

And so in many life situations, traditional medicine may not be effective so alternative healing, such as Reiki, is sought.

Why Are Some Things in Our Past Traumatic?

Each of us in our lives will eventually go through something difficult. However, it is those incidents that continue to hurt long after the event is over and passed that tend to cause us lingering trauma.

Our life and our energy are healing potential. When we recoil, pull away, and deny ourselves feeling any type of intense emotions that life throws at us, we take life and energy away from that situation, forming a void. This absence of energy forms a block in our system, resurfacing every once in a while, asking to be healed. It may even manifest as a physical disease, or injury, or cause an accident if the suppression is too extreme.

The Three Types of Trauma

Any event in your past that has caused you pain, physical pain, the pain that burns and stings, is one type of trauma. It can be direct and intense, or it can linger as a dull ache in the background that pops up occasionally. Unless the pain is too severe, or the injury too damaging, it is usually possible to heal this type of trauma by yourself.

The second type of trauma is our holding on to memories that are painful and bring up sadness. While these memories can fade as our lives move on and our circumstances change, making them more or less forgotten, they can still bring up pain when they are remembered from time to time. This pain still exists within the deeper layers of our subconscious.

These types of traumas are usually easy to deal with and often heal much faster than the other types.

The third category of trauma is the incidents that your subconscious has wiped out from your memory because the pain and emotions are just too great to recall. This type of trauma tends to surface when we start healing on our spiritual journey and start to unravel the mind.

When this type of trauma is triggered it can almost cause a type of shock, submerging a person in a wide range of emotions and despair. It can take many weeks or months to heal and may sometimes involve a period when it is hard to function normally and enjoy a normal life. Usually, it is a good idea to try a range of therapies if you are trying to resolve this sort of trauma.

How to Heal Our Pain and Trauma With Reiki

Own your trauma. Before starting the journey of healing, it is most beneficial to bring the focus of your healing back to yourself. Many of us fall into the habit of blaming others for our pain and sadness. The vital step here is to claim ownership of the pain, of the trauma, and understand it is ours to control and fix.

The Healing Journey: How to Heal Our Pain and Trauma

Recreate and relive the traumatic event. Start the healing process by recollecting and reliving the event as if it were replaying again in the present right now. Allow yourself the space to feel all the emotions and feelings once again just as it did in the past. Open yourself up to it.

Now relax into it. True, our likely reaction to any unpleasant emotions is to pull back and go into defence and resistance mode. Try and imagine your pain and suffering as a swimming pool full of water. Imagine you are standing in it. Relax and drop into your pain, little by little. Bring your attention and awareness to your body. Look for any stiffness or tension in any part of your body. If you do, let that part slowly relax and then fade. There is nothing wrong with feeling this pain. Make this a part of daily practice, starting from your feet, and going upwards to the top of your head.

If the emotions get too intense at any time during this process, join your fingertips and breathe slowly and deeply for about 30 seconds.

Repeat this process each day until there is no emotional and physical pain left for you to feel.

Remember to sleep on it. Every night when you are laying in bed ready for sleep, you can mentally request your higher self to make the healing from a particular trauma a top priority and it will work on healing you through the night. Try not to do this type of healing if you have a big or important event the next day as you may feel a little drained and not as well-rested when you wake up in the morning.

Lastly, take your time and don't rush the healing. Healing our trauma can often result in our suppressed pain being resurfaced. Even if this is not immediately evident, your body will still need rest when it is going through the healing process. If possible, please be mindful to choose a suitable time to start the healing, preferably a time that won't see your schedule full of commitments or one likely to cause lots of demands and stress.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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