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Shoshin Therapies - Reiki Energy Healing

Time and space are things we humans have created. In the broader sense of energy, vibration, Reiki, and the Universe, time and space have no meaning.

Being grounded in the present or living in the "moment" is a very popular concept when it comes to spirituality these days. It is a commonly accepted belief held by most people that if we are living in the past or worrying about the future, then we are missing out on the life we are living right now.

So what is it about the past and the future that can have us stuck there? It is a question worth asking because if we can come to understand it, then we can explore ways of healing it.

Can we really heal our past?

One of the most common questions people often ask me is whether we can heal the past. Our future, because it is open to our free will and change, yes perhaps we can change that, but the past?

But how can Reiki even possibly change the past? Hasn't the past already happened?

The past and the future do not really exist – they are mental paradigms – but the present moment does exist. For example, the exact moment you read this sentence, that moment exists in time. However, the second you finish reading that same sentence, it is now in the past and you are in a new moment.

But because the past and the future exist in our mind, if you heal the mind you can heal the past and future as well.

We can attempt to heal our past and change through the way we perceive it, and the way we look back upon it.

I will attempt to explain this with a story.

Picture a husband and wife at home having a heated verbal argument. Frustrated and angry, the husband screams out "I hate you!" as he storms out of the house and races off in his car, never to be seen again. Let's assume the wife spends many years living a life of rejection, hurt, and disappointment. Due to some incident, she now finds out that her husband was on his way back home to apologize and make amends after cooling off, but he met with an accident and died and his body could not be identified find his next of kin.

This event doesn't change what happened in the past, but her perception of it has, it is different now. Suddenly her anger, her regret, and her pain are all gone now. True, there is the possibility that her pain has been replaced with a different type now considering this new information.

But this was simply an attempt at showing a very basic example of how it is possible to change our perceptions of the past.

When we learn how to heal, we calmly and softly purge the triggers that bring us pain.

How Reiki Heals the Past

Reiki has the potential to heal the past and the present unconsciously when the Reiki energy is invited in and connected with regularly. It is this frequency of connection that is one of the most important aspects of true healing and cannot be overstressed. If you wish to facilitate healing over the longer term, you do need to learn to embrace healing energy fully.

How to Heal Specific Events in the Past

To heal a specific incident from your past, please follow these steps.

1. Replay the event in your mind. Imagine as best you can by reliving each minute as if it were happening again.

2. Allow yourself to sense this past event in every way. Remember the smells, the sounds, and the voices, and feel the emotions that all come flooding back.

3. Once you feel the emotions have built up as much as they can, begin calling in the Reiki energy. Ask the energy to help heal this past incident, heal the emotions, heal the reactions, and heal the negative with the positive.

Please be mindful that whenever you are calling in healing energy – whether it be by yourself or during a healing session – you should do so without an agenda. We are not attempting to use this energy to heal ourselves and win a victory over another person at the same time.

Just be open and channel in the Reiki energy so that your body has all the energy it needs, to do what it needs to do. As strong as your desire may be to heal the past to rid you of the pain it causes, or to change a particular reaction or reverse what was said and done, is a natural human desire. But doing so will only work to prevent the healing energy from going where it needs to go.

Just let the Reiki energy go where it needs to go and do what it needs to do. The energy knows best.

Healing the past is best done when it comes up in the present moment. A great example would be if you are worried about being made redundant at work and this brings up fears from your childhood and how your parents lost their jobs and fell into poverty. This would be the best and most powerful time to accelerate this healing.

A Few Things to Remember

Try not to worry if you happen to find your mind is blank, that you can't remember the past events in as much detail as you would like, or your emotions are weak when you attempt to use your imagination. This tends to come about when one of two things is present: 1. The situation from the past has healed, and 2. You have a block.

If you are certain there is a problem, but no emotions are coming up in connection with it, you need to dig deeper into the matter. Before you go to sleep each night, ask your subconscious self to bring forward the problem, and its cause, and to show you what needs to be resolved so that you can move forward. After a couple of days, try the removal process again and see if you feel anything different.

Lastly, I would like to stress that if you decide to try the above process, the reliving of past events and the subsequent resurfacing of old emotions can sometimes result in a wave of thoughts and feelings that have the potential to rattle you and make you feel uneasy for the next few days, perhaps even a week or two. Always do your best to attempt this type of healing when you have adequate time to rest and recover should things get intense.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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