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Shoshin Therapies - Reiki Energy Grounding

As human society has evolved, many of us have forgotten our connection and relationship with the Earth and alternative healing modalities. The more technologically advanced we get as a species, the more separate we see ourselves from nature. We tend to see ourselves as beings that triumph over nature, we conquer it and control it as opposed to being a part of it.

We have forgotten who we are – a part of the Earth and the universe. Reiki seeks to help bridge the connection.

The Importance of Grounding in Reiki Energy Healing

This human memory loss has affected many of us very deeply and very profoundly. We have lost contact with all the support systems the Earth shares with us. Can you imagine your mother or father disappearing from your life, from your memory altogether? What has happened to us is far worse than a family breakdown, because the earth has presented us, and continues to provide us with, something so much more than any mother or father could give.

It is this human memory loss that has robbed us of our support from the earth. Not because the planet rejects us, but because we have turned off our senses and rejected it.

The key features of a well-grounded person are stability, calmness, and noted efficiency with their purpose and responsibilities. When this grounding is lost, the human mind veers into a state of erratic behaviour, restlessness, nervousness, and inability to be calm and still. There is always an immense desire to be doing something, anything, rather than doing nothing.

When you are next out in public pay attention to how many people are quick to whip out and plug into their mobile phones and devices rather than engage with the outside world around them.

Practical Techniques for Grounding in Everyday Life

What can we do?

Slow down. Do everything more slowly. One of the easiest ways to do this right now is to start with your everyday household chores. Start doing your chores slowly and consciously with full awareness of the task at hand. You will find this very deeply grounding. Hand wash your dishes. Sweep your floor with a broom. Peel and cut some fresh vegetables. Do some gardening.

Walk barefoot on the earth. Find a patch of grass or dirt and take your shoes off and go walking. It doesn't have to be up a mystical mountaintop. Even around the backyard or at the local park is great. Even walking along the beach in the sand is fantastic. Walking barefoot reconnects you deeply with the Earth, bringing balance into your body. You don't even need to walk, just the act of sitting and placing your bare feet upon the earth is just as good.

Spend some time with trees. I prefer large, old trees myself because of their knowledge and history, but any trees are good. Trees are grounded very powerfully, and they can transfer some of this to you when you connect with them. Find a tree and sit or stand under its canopy. Place your back up against the bark and hug the tree backward. In your mind say a request for the tree to ground you and heal you. This can bring about very swift changes and is even useful when someone is feeling unwell. If it is possible to spend time in bushland or a forest, there's nothing like it.

However, I have not seen hiking bring the same sort of benefits, probably because it involves so much movement and not enough stillness.

Learn the art of tree meditation. Meditating with trees is a pathway to connect with Mother Earth.

Visualize in your mind that, like a tree, roots are extending from your feet and tailbone, burrowing all the way deep into the heart of the earth. Whenever you breathe out, imagine the roots extending out, growing a little more into the soil, surrendering and submitting to Mother Earth. When you breathe in, allow yourself to open up to receive all the nourishment the planet has to offer.

Anchor yourself. When you are walking barefoot, or are in meditation, and when you are feeling deeply grounded, join the tips of your thumb and ring finger together. Do this for both hands. Set a personal intention with yourself that whenever you hold your fingers in this position, you will instantly come back into yourself and be grounded in the same state as you are now in this moment of calmness. This a great way to quickly ground yourself whenever you feel irritated or stressed.

Avoiding Ungrounding Factors in Modern Society

Of course, when attempting to be more grounded, there are things you should look to avoid as well.

Many modern comforts we love to use in our daily lives can create further ungrounding and it is best if we can work towards reducing them as possible, if not eliminating them if you can.

Lots of traveling in modern vehicles such as cars, trains, boats, and flying can affect connection and energy grounding very adversely. It is imperative you get your bare feet on the ground or hug a tree as soon as possible when you reach your destination to bring yourself back to the earth.

Watching TV, scrolling through social media feeds, and fiddling on mobile phones or other electronic devices such as tablets and laptop computers can have a very immediate effect on your grounding. Wi-Fi signals should be switched off when not using the device. Even though these items are quite difficult to avoid in the modern world, they are best limited to minimal use if you ever feel particularly ungrounded.

Extremely intense and stressful physical exercise can also have a similar ungrounding influence.

If you are athletic and simply must maintain a strict exercise regime, try some slow yoga to mix things up and hold each pose for as long as possible. This may feel unbearable in the beginning, and even more so if you are not grounded, but it is significant. Activities like running, aerobics, and weight training are quite ungrounding, contrary to popular belief.

The practice of Reiki energy healing and the importance of grounding provides profound opportunities for reconnecting with our true nature and the Earth. By acknowledging and addressing the memory loss that has separated us from our support systems, we can restore stability, calmness, and efficiency to our lives. Through simple yet powerful techniques like slowing down, walking barefoot on the earth, spending time with trees, and engaging in tree meditation, we can tap into the healing power of nature and cultivate a deep sense of connection.

Let us embrace the wisdom of Reiki energy and grounding to rediscover our place in the vast tapestry of existence and nurture our wellbeing in body, mind, and spirit.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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