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Shoshin Therapies - Time is Limited

The title is not mine. Those words are from a quote by American novelist and non-fiction writer Anne Lamott. Isn't this a sobering thought though? Essentially all the people alive today will be gone in 100 years from now, unless, of course, they are newborn babies and end up being one of the select few who survives past 100, assuming ongoing advancements in medical technologies and no world mishaps like wars or natural disasters or the robot dolphins take over.

The Finite Nature of Life: A Humbling Perspective

But it is quite humbling to think that this world will have an entirely new batch of people walking around on it long after you and I have passed over. Every person alive today, all their thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams, desires, dramas, struggles, heartaches, passions, friendships, and relationships, plus everyone playing a part in all this with them, none of them will be on this planet 100 years from now.

There is something distinct about being awake to the finite time you have on this planet. It is having this perception that changes my view of everyone and everything around me and any challenge or obstacle I may be experiencing in my life.

With this understanding at the forefront of my mind, otherwise minor and annoying things lose their power and significance. Instead, the love I have within me grows deeper and more fulfilling than it was before I had this worldview and when I was forever swept up focusing on minor troubles and surrounded by a bubble that kept telling me we will all be around forever, so no need to sweat it.

The Significance of Our Interactions with Others

I often reflect on all the people who have crossed my path throughout my life, the family members, friends and loved ones, those still close to me and those who are no longer here. Each time I think of them I am left with the thought that it is incredibly wonderful that I am sharing this space on this planet, this life-containing rock that is hurtling through space inside a galaxy of stars, with an irreplaceable bunch of souls who only arrived in the last 100 years and will not be here in 100 more.

This is something I feel we all can take time to think about in our own lives.

Embracing Your Unique Time Here on Earth

Given that none of us is a permanent feature of this earth, I ask that you give considerable thought to touching base with a person who has shared their presence in your life – and yours with theirs – and tell them that you are thrilled to be here on this journey and on this planet with them. I know that probably sounds silly, but I guarantee it will be the most astonishing and profound thing they are likely to hear…perhaps ever hear in their lifetime.

And all you are doing to express the truth. We share our time here with an exclusive and distinct group of fellow beings that all have the remarkable privilege of being able to walk, breathe, talk and exist down here with us in this short (on a universal scale) window of time. So you may as well embrace it and take delight in your unique time here and with the special people you share it with.

And whether we like these people or not, no matter what we think of them or what they think of us, nothing you and I say or do today will make any difference to life 100 years from now because there will be all new people around enjoying their turn in this world.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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