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Shoshin Therapies - Breathing - Breathwork

If you find yourself feeling anxious or stressed out, here is some good advice on how to best remember the act of breathing through conscious breathwork. Anyone can do this; you don't have to be an expert in Reiki or a Tantric yoga guru.

Often when we are faced with stressful situations and things we cannot control, it is our natural reaction to pause, take in as much of what is unfolding as we can, and then take a deep breath before we make our next move. How many times in a movie have you heard a character say, "Take a deep breath and let's go"?

There is a very sound reason why breathing in deeply has become common advice to anyone dealing with stress. The art of deep breathing, and breathing properly and effectively, is one of the best ways of reducing anxiety, promoting calmness, lowering tension, and activating the body's natural relaxation response.

The following are some of the benefits of breathing and how breathing deeply can give us the respite we need during chaotic and crazy life events.

Deep Breathing is a Type of Relaxation

Stop what you are doing and take a full breath in, now breathe out. Did you notice how easy that was to do? Did you notice a slight change in how you feel from just one breath?

When stress has up weighed down with bad vibes, it is so easy to dream of an escape to the country, sailing away on a boat on an ocean getaway, or jumping online to do a bit of retail therapy on eBay. But we all have available to us a super-effective stress buster that is free–breathing.

Deep and slow breathing helps to lower our stress levels by sending a signal to our brain to calm down.

You may have even heard about how the act of breathing is referred to as "healing for the soul". Breathing – proper breathing – is sometimes also called focused breathing. By breathing deeply and slowly you can lower your heart rate, regulate breathing, and improve blood pressure, all of which can get erratic when you are stressed.

Benefits From Proper Breathing

Simple breathing exercises can be viewed as nothing more than basic relaxation techniques, but the benefits produced go much further than slowing us down and calming our nerves. Deep breaths in and out are of great benefit to both the mind and the body.

Your Heart Will be Protected

Optimal heart health is reached when deep breathing becomes a regular activity. By performing deep, slow, and filling breathing, your heart nerves are stimulated, and these send signals to the brain to reduce tension felt by your body and heart. Through regular breathing exercises, you can learn to calm your body and remove stress and tension, which will reduce pressure on your heart.

By developing a good breathing routine, you can readily calm yourself down and prevent straining your heart in just a few quick minutes.

Breathing Will Help You Find Peace

When the body finds itself in a stressful state, its default position is to either stay and fight or run and flee. That common feeling of uneasiness and waves of overwhelming anxiety has a great impact on how we view and deal with a stressful event. By taking the time to block out the noise and focus on proper, healthy breathing we can bring peace to our bothered hearts and minds,

Breathing Helps You Become Mindful

When we are in a stressed-out state it is quite easy to feel all over the place because so much is going on inside our minds. We just can't seem to stop thinking about what happened in the past and about what might happen in the unknown future. And the more we think of how bad things could get, the worse our perception of the perceived problem gets for us.

When we get to that point where things can't possibly get any worse, we should take a few deep and slow breaths to clear the mind of worry. By breathing deeply we are allowing ourselves to be mindful, which sets the stage for us to be capable of facing the problem realistically.

Breathing Increases Energy

When we are stressed or tense our breathing becomes short and shallow. This is one of the main reasons why anxiety and stress can sometimes make us feel tired, drained, and worn out. In difficult situations, breathing deeply can give us a natural boost of energy to kick-start us again.

One of the optimal ways to retain energy and not tire when faced with demanding situations is to regularly practice proper breathing. Slower, deeper, regular breaths transport more oxygen to the cells in the body, thus, providing the body with the energy it needs.

Try This Deep Breathing Exercise to Help Keep Your Focus

Had a stressful day? Feeling anxious and bothered about something? Are you at the point where one more little thing could tip you over the edge?

To help you best face your daily challenges head-on, feel free to keep the following deep breathing exercise in mind for next time.

Get yourself into a comfortable position. This can be sitting or laying down.

Take a breath in through your nose, making sure your belly gets filled with air, as deep as you can go.

Breathe out using your nose, releasing all the air out again.

As you breathe in and out, in and out, take the time to feel your chest and body rise and fall.

Repeat the above at least three times, or more if necessary.

Breathing is Free Stress and Anxiety Management Tool

The best thing about breathing is that it is free and is available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You don't need to hire any special consultants or pay for a weekend retreat with a mystical guru. When stress and anxiety overcome you, remember you don't need to book a flight and escape to an island resort. A breathing session on your own can help you tap into its amazing benefits and can make the world of difference.

If You Have Difficulty Breathing

Even after you have tried the above and still you find that you have difficulties with deep breathing, you might have in a spiritual sense what is called "energetic clutter".

Energetic clutter is the accumulation of energetic or emotional stuff that is no longer needed or that we have outgrown. This clutter can fill up and block our internal energetic passageways.

If this should be the case, then you may wish to consider an energy healing session such as Tibetan Reiki for a deep cleansing first and you may find it a lot easier to do breathwork again on your own in good time.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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