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Shoshin Therapies - Let Go of Past - Raise Vibration

When it comes to raising your energy and vibration, your emotions, feelings, and thoughts play a big role in what frequency you resonate with the Universe.

The Impact of Emotions on Your Vibrational Frequency

Each time you relive the story from your past, you tune into that specific frequency of energy and vibration from that moment. One of the main reasons why this can be undesirable is if it is an unpleasant memory you keep tapping back into, one that makes you feel sad, unhappy, or in pain, it is going to pull you into negative mind loops that will have you reliving the same thoughts over and over and the negative energy gets stronger and stronger and expands that energy.

The Downside of Dwelling on the Past

What happens at this point is you not only begin to resonate at that same energetic frequency again, but you essentially become a magnet that attracts similar energy to you. This is often why some people tend to repeat unhealthy relationships.

If you keep recycling the same conversations and events that you didn't like in the last relationship over and over in your mind, you will call them back into your life again because you continue to resonate that same vibration every time you talk or think about it.

There is certainly nothing wrong with looking back to your past and wanting to try to fix things and mend old wounds. Our minds attempt to do this for us by sending us back into the past and by bringing up old events and old stores.

But there is no changing what has happened before, you can only look forward and shift the energy of this present moment to make sure you build a better future for yourself.

How to Shift Your Thoughts and Raise Your Energy and Vibration

If you find yourself triggered by something that has you thinking of the past or plunges you into replaying past events, try your best to bring yourself back into the present moment. Acknowledge the past events, but tell them you are in the present now and want to move forward. This will help your mind to bring you back into the here and now and shift your thought pattern into a new direction.

Just achieving this can result in an incredibly powerful reaction as the intensity of the flow of energy you are using to think about the past will shift into the present moment. When you can redirect this energy away from negative and dark thoughts and point it to where you would like it to go, your life will move forward quicker than you knew was even possible.

Often we can dwell in our past because we may be frightened of what may be ahead of us and what might come next. Our past, even if it was an upsetting or crappy past, can appear much safer in comparison to an unknown and uncertain future. For most of us, our anxiety surrounding the future has much to do with us being afraid we may repeat our events from the past.

But our past will only come back to revisit us if we continue to replay it in our minds. When we do so, we are literally bringing it back together and generating the energy of it again and again. And this is how we can be trapped in a cycle.

Attracting Positive Energy: The Power of Visualization

A more constructive way to create a more positive future is to create one.

Reflect on what you want to design and then take the steps to make it transpire. The same applies to any new relationships. Form in your mind's eye what you would like to experience, then go one step further and envision the feelings you would like to embrace in this new relationship. Imagine them every day. Sense them as much as you can. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to have fun or experience delight in this exercise.

In your mind, converse with your future partner, have fun with them, go for walks and share things with them. Imagine what it feels like to be in their presence. This line of thought brings you into the frequency and vibration of what you wish to create.

When you are able to be in this frequency and state of mind for long enough, you will begin to be a magnet for that matching frequency to come into you.

In due course, a new partner can't help but come into your life, and when they do it will feel comfortable, genuine, and natural like they have been with you for a very long time but you never noticed it before. In essence, they have already met with you as you have been in each other's same energy and frequency for as long as you have been consciously channelling it in.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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