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Shoshin Therapies - Quartz Crystal Healing

So much of the world is in a state of change and flux in recent years. Much of what we used to take for granted has been substituted with uncertainty and the great unknown. In times of great disorder, loss, and upheaval, there comes a need for us to look inwards and begin our healing and transformation process to not only make us better people but also make the world a better place for us all. By using quartz crystals in crystal therapy sessions, one's profound period of personal change can be made more powerful and deliver a greater impact.

The History of Quartz Crystals in Ancient Rituals

Quartz crystal energy has been recognised for its healing properties and diverse potential from ancient times to the present day. Quartz, as well as crystals in general, have long been acknowledged at sacred sites across the world for their ability to act as agents of healing, protection, and change. Even in the modern world, crystals are still used in contemporary technologies. This makes quartz and crystals treasured natural instruments.

So how can quartz crystals, which appear to be lifeless (but pretty) rock-like things that are formed deep below the ground, achieve all of this?

The answer is that we and our surroundings are primarily made up of energy. Everything around you is energy. Everything you can see, touch, taste, think, and smell is all energy. Energy has no bounds. Energy is infinite. Energy is unlimited. When we can resonate with this unlimited energy, we can attract endless possibilities, including long-term serenity and wellbeing.

Understanding Energy and Resonance in Crystal Therapy

But why don't we see ourselves as energy all the time? Don't we resonate with this energy that is everywhere and realise our limitless possibilities right this minute?

The reason is that the human condition has been trained over many centuries to accept our reality as being only what we perceived with our eyes. Our perception of reality is based on what is immediately in front of us and tangible. Because we accept this as our default setting, we resonate with it, attract more of it through repeated manifestation and confirmation, and thus continue to project this version onto ourselves and the world.

Naturally, the more we continue to identify and resonate with this or any type of restricted reality, we will inevitably continue to vibrate and attract that version of reality in the form of pain, rejection, division, undesired recurring experiences, and anything undesirable until such time we acknowledge we need to nullify the source of the limiting thought patterns within us.

In much the same way quartz crystals produce electromagnetic energy fields in modern technology (think computers, LCD monitor panels), in the ancient world quartz crystals were purposefully utilised as the technology of their day in rituals and ceremonies to break restricted resonance, balance and neutralise information, and reach the limitless inside people. When quartz crystals mix with the magnetic field of the body, they create a harmonic resonance that can provide long-term happiness by promoting mental clarity and overall wellbeing.

The Limitless Potential of Quartz Crystals for Wellbeing

Of course, none of us today have the opportunity to jump in a time machine and travel back to visit these ancient places and participate in ancient rituals. However, the way we resonate with quartz crystals and bring their healing frequencies into our lives today is every bit the same as it was thousands of years ago.

The energy of crystals may reach the most unexpected locations and produce the unlikeliest of results through our resonance with them because we are all made of energy. While our personal beliefs and social conditioning may compel us to view crystals as lifeless rocks, the limitless universe encompasses all of us, without exception. Regardless of what we consciously think, crystals have the potential to help us attain the completeness that this present inside each of us just waiting to be discovered and awakened.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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