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Shoshin Therapies - Reiki Healing - Tibetan Prayer Flags

You have just received a wonderful and relaxing Reiki energy treatment. So, what happens now? To make sure the healing energies will continue to work for as long as possible after you have left a therapy session, and to also give you a heads up on what you might expect to happen over the next couple of days, the following are some very simple but very important steps you can take.

Please be sure to remember that energies from a Reiki session work best at their highest vibration, and you will continue to feel the benefits from a session if you can look to follow these easy post-treatment steps.

Rest Up and Take It Easy

Make some time after a session, even if it is only 15 or 20 minutes, to relax and do absolutely nothing. So don't head straight back in a board meeting at work, do an intense cardio workout at the gym, or dive straight back into your phone and scroll through social media apps. Trust that what you need to get done will get done in good time.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water is great for flushing out toxins and spent energy. This will help the restorative energies to continue flowing. Try and pay attention to how much water you drink for the few days after a session. Can you increase it by a few extra glasses a day?

Eat Healthy and Wholesome Foods

Eat healthy by consuming more fresh fruit vegetables and wholesome foods for the rest of the day, and the rest of the week if you can. Meat, chicken, and fish are fine. Try and stay away from refined sugars and energy snacks/drinks and processed and packaged foods (anything in a box or can basically) because they can make us feel heavy and can deplete our energy. Make a note of what you eat for the remainder of the day. How does the food make you feel? Do you feel lighter with more energy, or listless with less energy?

Avoid Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco

Alcohol, drugs, and tobacco deaden our senses and therefore our energies. Please avoid all of these for at least 48 hours. Reiki energy cleanses, balances, and restores so we don't want to dull our senses. As an alternative, try to stay fully present in your moment and to what is going on around you.

Pay Attention to Your Feelings

Recognize that whatever you feel is perfectly fine. Or you may not feel anything at all, and this is fine too. Nothing in this world is everlasting, not even bliss, joy, or happiness. When we can accept that our feelings constantly change, then we will then be better equipped to deal with our whole range of human emotions.

What are you feeling right now? Can you describe it? What emotions does this feeling bring up? Where in your body are you feeling it?

Write Down Some Notes

Takedown some notes in a pad or journal. Do any notable feelings or thoughts emerge or repeat for you? It can be difficult to ignore the messages when we see them in black and white.

Maybe some fresh and exciting ideas are forming in your mind. Take note of these! Is there a common theme or message in what you are writing?

As a Reiki practitioner, I feel my responsibility doesn't end when you leave the treatment room. Reiki is something brilliant that enters our lives, and I am here to share your journey with you.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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