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Shoshin Therapies - Masculine - Feminine - Energy - Polarity - Balance

Polarities matter. The energy you put out into the world matters. It is also important to intimate relationships. The intensity of the level of attraction, desire, and passion between a couple is influenced by the potency of the differing polarity between them. To produce the best relationship and the most explosive sensual connection, one person must embrace the role of providing feminine energy and the other the role of bringing the masculine. Together these combine to create sex magic.

It Isn't About Gender - It's About Energy

What attracts feminine women to masculine men and masculine men to feminine women is the strength of the polarity between them. Even placing gender aside, feminine energy attracts masculine energy and vice versa. Regardless of how an individual may identify themselves in a couple, one will be the representation of the dynamics of the feminine and the other will be the representation of the dynamics of the masculine. The coming together of these two poles is what creates the burning attraction between two people. This is known as sexual polarity.

The feminine represents movement, vulnerability, and openness to love, whereas the masculine represents structure and stillness. The feminine is present, while the masculine is active and doing.

Sharing is Caring

What fosters and nurtures a healthy relationship are the ways in which the feminine and the masculine are the same. Sameness creates closeness. Shared morals, shared values, shared interests, shared goals, shared hobbies, a shared outlook for the future, all this commonality blends together and makes a great relationship. But it is the difference in energy and polarity that generates and replenishes attraction and desire in a longer-term relationship in couples.

As couples develop their relationship more over time, they end up creating a deep bond with each other, becoming a combination of best friends and lovers that exist on an entirely different level from everyone else. A couple adores all the time they spend together, enjoying all their shared interests, working on shared goals, sleeping in the same bed each night, and opening up each other sexually.

Relationship Storm Clouds on the Horizon

But something is off and not quite right. As time passes, they notice their attraction to each other isn't as strong as it once was. In fact, it feels weaker, almost as if that special spark has gone missing. Is there something wrong? Is love lost? Is the relationship doomed? Luckily, not everything is lost since there are some very practical things we can do to keep attraction and desire thriving.

Human Energy Identification - Feminine or Masculine

One of the wonderful things about polarity in humans is that it is natural. String polarity is like a battery or a magnet, it just needs charging. There isn't much to do except maintain the magnetic attraction between the partners.

These energies exist in all of us and are not gendered or one to be exclusively for the man or woman, nor does it exclude same-sex partnerships. Both elements must be developed for us to be fully integrated adult beings. To determine your dominant energy, consider what is more essential to you: achieving your life's goals or developing and maintaining loving connections. If accomplishing your purpose is more vital to you, you have a masculine essence. If building loving connections is more important to you, you have a feminine essence. If you value both equally, you have a healthy balance of male and feminine energy inside you.

If your mission is to unlock incredible sex and explosive full-body orgasms, then the groundwork will need to be prepared by stimulating a lot of attraction and arousal between the partners by each accentuating one or the other polarities. This is true even for same-sex couples. When it comes to the sexual experience, are you more drawn to a passive and receptive role where you received your lover (feminine energy), or are you more excited by the idea of being active and being able to penetrate energetically (masculine energy)?

It should be noted that even though you may identify outright with either feminine or masculine energy, it is entirely possible for either partner or both, to switch between energy poles and play with the unique energy experiences of the feminine and masculine.

How to Increase Feminine Energy

Bring more nature (plants) into the home, along with more natural light.

Take a relaxing bath alone with scented candles and soothing music.

Create a sacred altar in the bedroom. Decorate this with things such as incense, spices, and crystals.

Free up your schedule to include "do nothing" time where you can do whatever comes to you on the day.

Treat yourself to massage or beauty therapy treatments at a day spa.

Go dancing, you want to get your pelvis moving and shaking.

Honour your body in all its glory and admire it for the temple of femininity that it is.

Shed any desire to control and manipulate things.

Meditate or attend a yoga class.

How to Increase Masculine Energy

Have a direction in life and know your purpose.

Maintain focus and priority on your accountabilities and responsibilities.

Do physical activities, preferably ones that are outdoors.

Do things that improve and grow your abilities, skills, and knowledge.

Have goals and have a plan to reach them.

Don't sweat the small stuff.

Pick up heavy things and put them down again.

Take the lead, make her feel safe, and allow her to relax into her feminine energy.

The more masculine you are, the more she will drop into the feminine.

Recognising and working with masculine and feminine energy does not mean giving men or women a licence to dominate and control the other. Instead, the intention should be on each person - the masculine and the feminine - to become aware and take steps to be rulers of their own realm.

It is natural for women to have the desire to reclaim the freedoms and liberties denied to them by (some) men over the ages, but they must accomplish this by concentrating on their own intrinsic feminine characteristics rather than trying to emulate men's actions, behaviours, or perceptions of the world. To do so would be to show a lack of knowledge of eternal truths, and the consequence would be severe for human relationships.

Life's balance is founded on polarization, or the existence of two opposing poles between which, due to their differences in disposition, there can be reciprocity. If the two poles were identical, there could be no interchange between them, no marvellous mutuality that brings so much delight, inspiration, and pleasure.

When women and men lose all sense of their part in this reciprocity between the two differing poles, they seek help in the form of medication, relationship counsellors, or even psychiatrists, but there is no lasting help for those who do not realise it.

Awareness and understanding are the only way out. When polarity vanishes, it is the end of a generation. There can be no spark, no life, if the two poles, feminine and masculine, are not acknowledged and not made distinct and exclusive.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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