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Shoshin Therapies - Restrictive Beliefs

A restrictive belief is anything that can interrupt or disturb your capacity to remain focused in the present moment by constricting or limiting the flow and pulse of consciousness and energy through your auric field. No matter how different we like to view ourselves as being, most people and that includes myself, probably have (or have had) several restrictive beliefs that have played an influence on our auric fields and have, as a consequence, stopped us from remaining centred and grounded.

One of the key characteristics of restrictive beliefs is that they don't reflect an accurate image of the truth. This is because these types of beliefs arise from non-physical essences and warped fields of consciousness and energy. When a person comes into contact or finds themselves attached to a non-physical essence or warped fields of consciousness and energy, they have the power to cast self-limiting impulses into their auric field.

In other words, restrictive beliefs can be projected upon a person by their associates, friends, family members, intimate partners, and even influencers on social media.

In addition to this, emotions and feelings that aid and feed restrictive beliefs can be projected into your auric field in much the same way.

Luckily, if you are aware and can keep yourself disconnected from these projections, they will ultimately dissolve and no longer hold any influence. Although, if you continue to shelter them within your mind, as well as hold the belief they are always with you in your subconscious, you run this risk of growing attached to them and having them take up space in the karmic baggage you are already weighed down by in your auric field.

Three Main Restrictive Beliefs You Need to Overcome

Even in the modern age we now live in, three main restrictive beliefs sit high above all others and are almost universally accepted the world over. The first restrictive belief is you are a unique and special individual who is different from other people and who the Universe has singled out as being separate from the highs, lows, and rules set for others in humanity.

The second restrictive belief is that if you go through the process of self-realization, spiritual growth, and connect with your consciousness, you will reach perfection when it comes to self-improvement and you will become a better person as a result.

Lastly, the third restrictive belief is that enlightenment and spirituality are something that can only happen to other people.

You The Individual and Your Individuality

Both Taoism and Tantra hold principles that intimacy (affection, closeness, tenderness, love) is the natural state for you. To separate yourself from intimacy, to see yourself as different or special that it does not apply to you, is to show ignorance and unawareness of your potential. Our minds and ego play a major role in pushing the selfish 'I' agenda upon us by feeding us the idea we are all individuals, separate from the universe and universal truths. Our ego wants us to believe there is only 'I' and there is only right now, right here.

There are two reasons why there is more to existence than what the ego or the 'I' has us believe. First, you are a multi-dimensional energetic being who is currently having a physical 3D experience in this dimension. Second, on the highest level of universal consciousness, everything exists within itself – you, your loved ones both alive here and those who have crossed over, and everything you see around you – are a part of the Universe.

Luckily enough, the unhealthy effects of the ego and 'I' and the resulting sense of being separated from self and the world can be overcome by distinguishing the difference between what is real and what is imagined. Thoughts in the individual mind, the ego, and things associated with 'I' are not real.

By learning to take the proverbial step back and observe your mind at work, you will be on a path to developing detachment from the 'I' and the individual mind and the ego. At this stage, you will start to understand how you call control discernment

Discernment, much like discrimination, judgement, or selectivity, is one's capacity to recognize the difference between what is real in the physical sense and what is only seemingly real because of emotion, thought, and anxiety. The consciousness of the universe is real because it never changes and it exists outside our perception of space and time and into eternity.

Your auric field is real and not imaginary because it is the collective union of your consciousness and energy merged with the Universe. Your awareness is just as real because it stems from the greater Universal Consciousness.

In opposition to this are your mind and ego. Both of these are only seemingly real because they change, develop and grow with us in the here and now, and they never remain the same for long before altering to suit themselves and their current circumstance.

When someone can focus their skills on discernment and telling the difference between what is real and what is seemingly real, they will then be able to remain grounded in the present moment and connect with the Universe and with loved ones through intimate energetic relationships.

Self-Improvement and Perfection

There are dozens of self-improvement manuals, programs, and techniques out there that come with the promise of improving who you are. Relationships, in whatever forms and shapes they may come in, have been tried and tested by people for hundreds of years. It is probably safe to say that ever since the first humans came into being, people have attempted to discover various ways to be more caring, more conscious, more loving, more respectful, and more sensitive in an effort to transform themselves, their relationships with others and success in self-realization.

However, the notion of human self-improvement is supported by the deceptive theory that there is something fundamentally damaged, flawed, or wrong with you that through effort or hard work or both can be transformed.

If it isn't a flaw or mistake with your physical features or health, then it must be something with your mindset, values, or personality that is defective and needs to change.

It is always important to expose the fairytale of self-improvement because, just like any other restrictive belief, striving to improve yourself will block you from receiving the benefits to the state of enlightenment you were already given everything you need to connect with.

When we can look upon ourselves as energetic beings that emerged from Universal Consciousness or Spirit, beings who can engage in interactions and relationships in both physical and non-physical dimensions within the universe, then we will reach our truth. So who you are in your body, your condition, or in your role in life is irrelevant. You are by default a multidimensional energetic being with immense sources of consciousness and energy humming through you.

Even though in this 3D dimension you have a physical hard-bodied form, you remain an energetic being created by the Universe. This makes you perfect the way you are. The Universe does not make mistakes.

When you can overcome this limiting belief structure and understand that no amount of mending and repairing can alter how you interact with consciousness, energy, and the Universe, you will begin to see yourself as a being where there is nothing left to perfect or enhance.

The best thing you can do from this point onwards is to learn to connect with your energy and auric field and learn what you can with it and learn how to keep it in a healthy and optimal condition so that it may serve you as a channel for intimate learnings, relationships and true fulfilment of your potential.

Enlightenment Only Happens to Other People

Both Taoism and Tantra hold beliefs about states of wholeness, divine existence, and transcendence to higher spiritual states of otherworldliness. The historical word for this is Samadhi, which is an ancient Sanskrit term for what is 'with or together'.

To most people in the modern world, the term will have little to no meaning at all. However, many of us will probably have experienced Samadhi many times during our lives without evening knowing what it was. If you have ever discovered the true meaning of something, connected with the knowledge of something, discovered a great secret that brought you closer to something, experienced sexual bliss, or formed a part in an intimate relationship with someone truly special, then you have experienced Samadhi.

So on the surface, Samadhi looks to be quite common, and it is. However, it is a challenge to maintain and prolong.

One's ability to maintain it and hold on to it over a longer period takes much time, focus, and commitment. Each of us has the natural ability but tapping into the drive and motivation is a whole other story. It is all in our minds and how we focus on ourselves. It has nothing to do with our consciousness, energy, or level of spirituality.

To appreciate and understand Samadhi one needs to view it as important and make it a high priority in this life. We all have priorities in life and we all arrange them into levels of importance to us. Samadhi needs to be a priority for us. One doesn't have to be all philosophical or deeply spiritual about it, and you don't need to become a cosmic guru to learn it. By letting go of attachment and expectation, you will be well on your way to freeing yourself of interference and finding Samadhi

One doesn't need energy work, Reiki, Taoism, or Tantra to free themselves of conflict and distraction from our attachments. Anyone can start this process today, no matter who they are. However, if you are seeking to transcend beyond the ordinary person and experience more than only a temporary experience with Samadhi, then you will need to commit to greater learning and greater change on a much bigger journey. But just starting that journey is in itself a beautiful experience.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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