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Shoshin Therapies - NLP - Mind Control

Fake healers, charming new age gurus, spiritual scammers, holistic wannabes and their mind control techniques. This is the article that will tell you what you need to know about NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming to protect yourself.

We have all heard the stories before. Charming and charismatic spiritually enlightened types, those oh-so likeable energy workers, Tantric gurus, new age healing practitioners, religious leaders, and holistic wannabes presenting themselves as being empathetic, liberal and open-minded in order to build a sense of friendship and trust with a person, only to scam, deceive or exploit them so as to satisfy their duplicitous desires.

There are many of these types of people in the world and none more so than in the natural and alternative therapies communities. If you enjoy any of these modalities with people, this article will tell you what you need to know about NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming to protect yourself or warn others.

There is no strict area or single modality where deceitful or unscrupulous people attempt to work their mind magic. They could easily be energy or light workers, Reiki therapists, psychics, holistic counsellors, Tantric practitioners, massage therapists and bodyworkers, yoga and pilates teachers, or even good old fashion pick up artists trying to meet and manipulate vulnerable people in new age and spiritual communities in online forums or in Facebook groups.

No matter where they frequent, one thing that is common is how these types of people regularly apply NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming mind control techniques.

NLP isn't a secret science. In fact, NLP is one of the most common methods of human mind control used throughout the world.

Politicians, teachers, media and advertising workers, workplace managers and co-workers, salespeople, real estate agents, and even love rats, gold diggers, sugar babies, and pick-up artists can all use NLP techniques to various degrees.

No matter the angle, NLP can be a nasty thing when combined with bad intentions.

What is NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming?

NLP is a tool that can be used for influencing and controlling a person’s mind. It was created in the USA by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s, a time when the new age movement and interest in the occult were starting to become more mainstream.

NLP is basically an extension, or even evolution, of traditional hypnotherapy. Where established hypnosis applies to certain techniques for placing patients into suggestive relaxation and trance states (even to the point of some people losing total consciousness when commanded), NLP is much less forceful.

One of NLP’s most remarkable characteristics is its technique of layering understated meaning into spoken or written communication so that you can plant suggestions into a person’s unconscious mind without them being aware of what you are doing.

The Evolution of NLP

During the 1980s NLP stepped away from alternative and eccentric worlds and into advertising, marketing and politics. This trend continued all through the 1990s and is still very much active today.

In fact, NLP has grown to be so ‘normal’ that it has virtually become the standard way many people and corporations communicate and market themselves and is mostly invisible unless you are aware of what to look out for.

NLP today is so far-reaching that almost everyone in a business or corporate environment will be using at least some techniques in order to influence clients and peers to a certain degree. Masters of NLP will apply the techniques wholeheartedly in order to influence and trick others in some unbelievable ways.

Once I explain how NLP works, I will share with you some great tips on what to look out for so that you may be able to protect yourself from its use against you. Once you are awake to NLP, you will be seeing it everywhere you go, wherever you interact with people, even when you watch TV or consume social media.

Disclaimer: Before we go any further I would like to state that not all people who use NLP are doing so for bad or unscrupulous purposes. NLP does have a legitimate place in hypnotherapy, counselling and therapy work for things such as trauma recovery and mental health issues, to name but two.

How NLP Works

To keep things simple, try to imagine NLP working like this example. First, the person using NLP will devote much focus to the person they are working on. They will pay attention to your body language and posture, even subtle clues and movements from your eyes, pupil dilation, lips, skin flushes, and even any nervous ticks you might not be consciously aware you have.

Through this attention to detail, the NLP user will start to build a profile about a person.

They will soon be able to determine what side of the brain a person primarily uses. Right-side people are more creative and artistic. Left-side people are more analytical and methodical. This will allow them to learn how your brain stores and retrieves information.

They will know which of the five senses – sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste – are predominantly in use.

They will also learn what movements you make – typically through the eyes and subtle facial tics – which will be the key to knowing when you are lying, making things up or telling the truth.

Techniques Used in NLP

But this is only the very start of the NLP application process. From here they will continue to not only gather more information but also start to do an incredible thing that truly sets NLP apart from all other mind control techniques: they will slowly and shrewdly begin to mirror you.

They will not limit themselves to mimicking your body language or posture, but they will also match your speech patterns and choice of words, quickly picking up on things such as if you use slang or multi-syllable words.

Once speaking patterns have been identified, and they have determined what your primary sense or dominant senses are, they move to the next level.

What an educated user of NLP is essentially doing is faking and mimicking the social cues that resonate with their target in order to cause them to unconsciously drop their guard and enter a state of openness and vulnerability.

Have you ever noticed how some people just seem to have a way with words? How that cute guy or girl at the bar can make you feel like they truly understand you, and you just want to open up and share everything with them? That's the power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a technique that allows people to connect with others on a deep level and influence their behaviour.

NLP works by mirroring body language and linguistic patterns. By speaking in a way that appeals to the listener's dominant sense, whether it be sight or hearing, the NLP user is able to create a sense of rapport, a mental and physiological state where the listener feels like the NLP user is just like them. This creates a feeling of trust and openness, making the listener more susceptible to suggestions.

Once rapport is achieved, the NLP user can start to subtly lead the interaction. By combining leading questions, subtle language patterns, and other techniques, they can steer the conversation in the direction that they desire.

This doesn't mean they can make people act out of character, but they can engineer responses within a person's normal range of behaviour.

For example, they can persuade someone to donate to a cause or make a decision they've been putting off.

The next step is eliciting and anchoring. This is where the NLP user engineers an emotional state, such as hunger, and then anchors it with a physical cue, such as touching your shoulder. Over time, the NLP user can call up the emotional state simply by touching your shoulder in the same way, conditioning your response.

It's important to note that NLP should always be used ethically and with consent. It's not a tool for manipulating people into doing things they don't want to do. Instead, it's a powerful technique for building rapport, connecting with others, and influencing behaviour within a person's normal range.

So, the next time you're in a conversation and someone seems to understand you on a deep level, you might just be experiencing the power of NLP.

Tips on How to Avoid NLP Mind Games

Are you tired of being manipulated and coerced into submission through the use of NLP? Do you want to gain more control over your thoughts and decisions when interacting with others?

Here are some ways to protect yourself from NLP mind games.

1. Be aware of body language copying. If you suspect that someone is attempting to use NLP on you, keep an eye out for body language copying. If they mimic your posture or hand gestures, make a few subtle changes to see if they follow suit. Skilled NLP practitioners may be able to mask this, but less experienced ones will copy your every move. Don't be afraid to call them out on it.

2. Move your eyes randomly. During the initial rapport-building phase, NLP practitioners closely observe your eye movements to see how you store and access information. To throw them off, move your eyes in random and unpredictable patterns. Look up, down, left, and right in a seemingly natural manner. This will make it challenging for them to read your thoughts and emotions.

3. Refuse to be touched. Avoid letting anyone touch you, especially when you're in an emotional state. If someone taps you on the shoulder while you're laughing or angry, they may be trying to anchor that feeling to that touch. Reject any unwanted physical contact.

4. Beware of vague language. NLP experts often use vague language to induce a hypnotic trance. The more ambiguous the language, the more likely you are to enter a trance-like state. On the other hand, specific language can snap you out of it. If someone speaks in vague terms, ask them to clarify their statements.

5. Be cautious of permissive language. Hypnotists never outright command someone to do something; instead, they use permissive language to get permission to do it. Phrases like "Feel free to relax" or "You're welcome to stay behind and we can go over a few things in extra detail if you like" may be used to hypnotize you. Be vigilant and avoid giving consent to any behaviour you're uncomfortable with.

6. Challenge gibberish. NLP experts use gibberish to move you towards where they want you to go emotionally. Don't fall for this trick. Ask them to clarify their meaning and use specific language to break the trance.

7. Read between the lines. NLP practitioners often use language with hidden or layered meanings to manipulate you. Listen closely to what they say and try to discern the true meaning behind their words. Don't be afraid to ask questions and seek clarity.

8. Trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable or uneasy around someone, listen to your instincts. Your gut feeling is often your subconscious trying to tell you something important. Don't ignore it.

Protecting yourself from NLP mind games requires being aware of your surroundings, challenging vague language and gibberish, and trusting your instincts. Don't let anyone manipulate you into doing something you're uncomfortable with. Stay alert and stay in control of your thoughts and decisions.

You can also seek help from licensed and certified practitioners of hypnotherapy, counselling, and therapy who use NLP for legitimate purposes such as mental health treatment and trauma recovery. It is crucial to educate yourself on the tactics of NLP to avoid falling prey to scams and manipulation. By being aware of the signs and techniques of NLP, you can protect yourself and others from being controlled and exploited.


The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and Shoshin Therapies disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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