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You are never alone. You are never the only one. We all share universal feelings, thoughts, and desires. This is the reason why we can find connection and meaning in the pages of books, works of art, and song lyrics.

Embracing the Universal Nature of Human Experiences

Even though we may appear to be plain and ordinary to others, we are still one of a kind. Our experiences and stories are unique to each of us and they will never occur in the same way ever again. History may continue to be repeated from generation to generation, but each of us is a one-time-only occurrence in this infinite cosmos.

Even when you have moments where you feel isolated and stranded, adrift from everyone, and your sorrows, thoughts, and angst become too much, you are never alone. We all have those moments when no matter how hard we try to have our voice heard or to be noticed, everything inevitably spins and churns in a commotion of disorder and torment.

The Power of Connection and Universal Experiences

We always feel that we need to seek out the great meaning and philosophy of life, something nobody truly understands. This confusion from not understanding turns into worry and worry turns into stress and stress into anxiety. Soon all we have is fear, fear of the unknown, and fear of what we feel we should know. We forget how to dream. We forget how to be optimistic and open. We become unconscious of the world and all that is around us. We close ourselves off to the sun that gives us light every single day, to the beauty of nature all around us, to the energy that is all living things.

We lose connection with our inner selves and with the inherent knowledge that we have the power within each of us to achieve so much, yet we buckle and crumble under the weight, the criticisms, the accusations, and the expectations of others. We feel shackled and bound to the words that are spoken or written about us, to follow the paths of others, to echo the words of the herd. But no matter how strong these might appear to be, we are stronger than them by far.

Unique Experiences in an Infinite Cosmos

Your life does not have to be like everybody else's. Your dreams, your journey, who you choose to follow, and what you believe in, are entirely up to you. You have to realize criticism and failure are a part of life and are not worth the energy to try and avoid. There are always going to be people out there who will complain, who will have something to say, and who will attempt to cut you down.

If you take that step and follow your heart and do you happen to fail or mess up, at least you know you did it on your own and that it was your decision. Your hand was never forced. The struggle only makes the journey more precious and satisfying. The journey is worth the struggle.

Coping with Anxiety, Anger, and Fear: Empowering Yourself Through Control

Anxiety, anger, and fear are real and they will be unavoidable throughout life. All you can do when they come is be in steadfast control of your reaction and what you do about them.

There will be others along the way who will lend a hand to support you and fight your battles with you. Sometimes you will have to stand and fight alone. You will find it disheartening and lonesome, but also beautiful and satisfying.

Your Unique Stage: Seizing the Opportunity to Create Something Remarkable

You will be there and you will feel like you are the only one like you are on your own, but the universe has given you a stage to achieve something remarkable. It wants you to make your one and only occurrence something incredible.

The information contained above is provided for entertainment purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice on your personal situation and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. The Writer and this website disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.



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